gains stop about 8 weeks into a cycle


New member
Is this true that your gains stop at about 8 weeks into a cycle? I was reading md mag. And it has a article about pianas last crazy cycle. The guy reviewing pianas cycle said since you reach max gains at about 8 weeks rich changed the from one test to another to help his gains continue.
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Is this true that your gains stop at about 8 weeks into a cycle? I was reading md mag. And it has a article about pianas last crazy cycle. The guy reviewing pianas cycle said since you reach max gains at about 8 weeks rich changed the from one test to another to help his gains continue.

that's complete bullshit.

- need to eat more as your TDEE increases
- test is test either way, one doesn't change potency to another
- sure, you may have to up your doses over time to gain more, but most people never reach that point.
- 8 weeks is no where near where your body fatigues and you need to periodtise your training.
Just to add to Onk's perfect assessment, you can pretty much disregard anything regarding Rich Piana.
She does have her moments...face down with a pillow in her teeth is my favorite view so I d thought I d share. M O M ...milf o the month.
Is this true that your gains stop at about 8 weeks into a cycle? I was reading md mag. And it has a article about pianas last crazy cycle. The guy reviewing pianas cycle said since you reach max gains at about 8 weeks rich changed the from one test to another to help his gains continue.

Myostatin limits growth around day 56 of a cycle. You can "push" gains by adding anabolics or upping the dose or both.

Since you have little to no limiting growth factors the first 7-8 weeks there is no need to increase the dose however we must account for ester length when timing the increased dose. Timing your steroids is commonly overlooked .
w t h ? ^^^^^

Food dictates growth w training and rest. Ur constantly regenerating steroid receptor sites so do not up ur dose I m o.
Myostatin limits growth around day 56 of a cycle. You can "push" gains by adding anabolics or upping the dose or both.

Since you have little to no limiting growth factors the first 7-8 weeks there is no need to increase the dose however we must account for ester length when timing the increased dose. Timing your steroids is commonly overlooked .

Myostatin is real. However, there haven't been any concrete studies indicating exactly how or when the limiting effects are imposed on us. As someone that has gone much longer than 56 days, I assure you that gains in both size and strength continue as long as dietary needs are met. ;)
if you haven't realized, rich piana is a bit off.. the guy has some screws loose

but gains stopping after 8 weeks? LOL!