Gear is bad for your health..check this!!


Yea well all this talk how gear is bad for you well i just went to the doctor and had blood work done..ive been on cycle and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for over two years not counting past cycle since 29 now check this....

triglycerideds--185 little high not bad
total cholestrerol 119 NICE
LDL--------------49 real nice..DR was impressed
HDL--------------33 low but was 10 last year
chol/hdlc ratio......3.6 right in the middle

oh ya and i fasted over ten hours
BP 117 / 75
all other test perfect no kidney,liver, blood, or any worries in tests ALL NORMAL....well except test levels under 250 but im on hrt.

Now i have been using the following supplements daily for long time:
fish oil
flush free niacin
multi vitamin.

i hardly do cardio but i eat 80% healthy daily. i workout 3 days a week and weigh 260lbs

NOW What.. you think it be crap but it its been in over 4 years..
Only thing I was off all gear for 2 months before blood tests.not that long HUH

So either the supplements i took worked great during cycle or its just luck..

Oh ya all i took was test cyp 800 mgs for few months then 200mgs few months this year no break until the 2 months for blood work.
29 yeo and on hrt?? damn. Can you still have kids on hrt?? that would be my biggest worry. (am 28)
Well, my LH FSH and pituitary gland is functioning, as for kids why not pros have Kids and they taken lot more than I ever have. I do come off after while to clean out. I'm sure I'll have to stop for like a year when I decide to have kids.
I'm very concerned bout my health i want to look good but live good . As for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) I'll do it tip doc says stop or health goes bad
FilipH said:
29 yeo and on hrt?? damn. Can you still have kids on hrt?? that would be my biggest worry. (am 28)
Why dont you do your girlfriend while on cycle and dont use the rubber. Then see what she says 4 weeks later lol
jpflex66 said:
true that guys get the girls pregnant on cycles all the time

true, but there is a difference between being on a cycle and going on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) at such a young age. For many, even the natural way is difficult to get a girl pregnant; let alone after several years off non-stop test injections.

But, i'm no expert on it. Just saying that you should think about it. It would be a shame to have regrets after many years of use.
Well im not that young be 30 soon yes i am at the age for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and i do come off Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for few months i refuse to live like crap iv not read any post yet that anyone complained of not getting ther wife pregnant from gear or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) there clomid HCG for these issues
pineapple said:
Why dont you do your girlfriend while on cycle and dont use the rubber. Then see what she says 4 weeks later lol

I have never done any type of AS cycle but I am currently on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for legitemately low testosterone (Androgel). Over time it does lower sperm count so effectively that it is currently under review as a male contraceptive.

If I needed or wanted children, my doctor says that I would have to switch from the topical testosterone over to LH in order to keep my testosterone in the normal range AND maintain my swimmers. Otherwise, simply coming off Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) would gradually reverse the low sperm count over time.

So, the short answer is yes, some Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can make you almost sterile but it is reversible.
12claws said:
I have never done any type of AS cycle but I am currently on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for legitemately low testosterone (Androgel). Over time it does lower sperm count so effectively that it is currently under review as a male contraceptive.

If I needed or wanted children, my doctor says that I would have to switch from the topical testosterone over to LH in order to keep my testosterone in the normal range AND maintain my swimmers. Otherwise, simply coming off Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) would gradually reverse the low sperm count over time.

So, the short answer is yes, some Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can make you almost sterile but it is reversible.
You say that Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) (overtime) lowers sperm count. So what; so does drinking mountain dew and smoking cigarettes lowers sperm count. Some guys cant get their girls pregnant and they are not even on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or AAS, its more likely genetic or diet wise than anything else.
on a serious note anyone doing gear long term should get routine blood work and check ups. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) doses may not cause problems with everyone but higher doses definitely can, so its wise as you did to get the numbers checked out once in awhile