Killing Shit
After feeling like shit for almost two weeks, I've finally drug my ass to my local physician. He's a pretty cool older guy, but still he's a dr. And I'll be honest, I'm just leary of hospitals and shit. It's a phobia, I know. Anyway he swabs my nose and says I've got "had" the flu, but also checks blood and says white blood count is low side of normal, (which I'm thinking ok, I've got the flu??) To make a long story short conversation leads to how much I lift. I told him lately not near as much, but usually 6 days a week I'll kill it. He said that could be a reason my immune system is down so much along with the AAS I've been on. I was up front with him when he asked. Always been told NEVER lie to your priest, lawyer, or dr. I also went on to tell him I've tried working out last couple days while stil recovering, and he absolutely said NOT to do that, it will hinder my immune system even more. Look I'm old school guys, if you can walk I believe you should be killing it. But some of you more health oriented guys please chime in. Is he right about immune system? I've been taking off from gym, but what's enough time? another week or three days, what's enough time. I felt like going today and he said absolutely not. He said give it a week from your last day you felt bad? I'm not even fucked being in the middle of a 20 week blast, I'm just wanting to get back to killing it. So listen to the old goat and give it another week?? Fuck I've been slacking for almost two now..