GEEEZ I hate going to Dr.s office here's today's discussion


Killing Shit
After feeling like shit for almost two weeks, I've finally drug my ass to my local physician. He's a pretty cool older guy, but still he's a dr. And I'll be honest, I'm just leary of hospitals and shit. It's a phobia, I know. Anyway he swabs my nose and says I've got "had" the flu, but also checks blood and says white blood count is low side of normal, (which I'm thinking ok, I've got the flu??) To make a long story short conversation leads to how much I lift. I told him lately not near as much, but usually 6 days a week I'll kill it. He said that could be a reason my immune system is down so much along with the AAS I've been on. I was up front with him when he asked. Always been told NEVER lie to your priest, lawyer, or dr. I also went on to tell him I've tried working out last couple days while stil recovering, and he absolutely said NOT to do that, it will hinder my immune system even more. Look I'm old school guys, if you can walk I believe you should be killing it. But some of you more health oriented guys please chime in. Is he right about immune system? I've been taking off from gym, but what's enough time? another week or three days, what's enough time. I felt like going today and he said absolutely not. He said give it a week from your last day you felt bad? I'm not even fucked being in the middle of a 20 week blast, I'm just wanting to get back to killing it. So listen to the old goat and give it another week?? Fuck I've been slacking for almost two now..
I had surgery Monday and am not allowed to even do cardio this week, so I totally feel your pain as I'm in the gym 7 days a week myself. Even though we don't want to sit and feel lazy, there's always the fact that it's lame to make others sick.

I'd just tough it out at home and heal up. Gives you more time to surf the forums and regenerate - so you can kill that shit when you're better. FYI: He's right AND wrong; some illness can be "pushed or sweat" out, but I hate it when other guys come in and make me sick.

My .02c :)
After feeling like shit for almost two weeks, I've finally drug my ass to my local physician. He's a pretty cool older guy, but still he's a dr. And I'll be honest, I'm just leary of hospitals and shit. It's a phobia, I know. Anyway he swabs my nose and says I've got "had" the flu, but also checks blood and says white blood count is low side of normal, (which I'm thinking ok, I've got the flu??) To make a long story short conversation leads to how much I lift. I told him lately not near as much, but usually 6 days a week I'll kill it. He said that could be a reason my immune system is down so much along with the AAS I've been on. I was up front with him when he asked. Always been told NEVER lie to your priest, lawyer, or dr. I also went on to tell him I've tried working out last couple days while stil recovering, and he absolutely said NOT to do that, it will hinder my immune system even more. Look I'm old school guys, if you can walk I believe you should be killing it. But some of you more health oriented guys please chime in. Is he right about immune system? I've been taking off from gym, but what's enough time? another week or three days, what's enough time. I felt like going today and he said absolutely not. He said give it a week from your last day you felt bad? I'm not even fucked being in the middle of a 20 week blast, I'm just wanting to get back to killing it. So listen to the old goat and give it another week?? Fuck I've been slacking for almost two now..

Does not sound like the flu. You may have contracted the Ebola virus my friend. You got like two weeks to live at best, enjoy your time. No, but seriously I keep going after resting for like four days if I have the flu. You are most infectious during the first couple of days that you show symptoms. I don't think you will get people sick. Just try to listen to your body and if you feel like being in the gym is hurting you then it probably is. I have trained through flu's and cold's and all it did was make me feel shittier after leaving the gym. If the old man said to sit out then keep his advice in mind as he has probably seen it all by now. Maybe not a full week off, but a few days won't kill you. If you must just turn this shit into a 21 week blast!
Yeah I agree, I'd give it another week man. Like it or not intense lifting is stressing the body... probably not the best thing when your trying to fight off illness. Whenever I get sick I generally try to rest as much as possible, but as soon as I'm on the road to recovery (symptoms start becoming less intense, don't feel AS shit as yesterday) I'll jump back in and start things off light. Maybe a deload style week of training once your actually recovering.

But IMO yes, you should rest up for now.
^^^^^That sounds really good OP try what he said. You are lucky you can tell your Dr. about AAS. Mine would accuse me of using even when I was natural, and he said that if I ever start I can get cancer at a young age lol. Probably just lying to keep me off drugs.
A good rule I like to use is the above the neck/below the neck rule. If the cold/sickness is above the neck I'm good to train, anything thing below the neck like flu, chest cold, gut rot and I rest.
It seems it is always s something huh ? a bit more and eat and hydrate..and watch vid s on here, surf, giveinput etc.

HW..I mean DR> HW s right..lifting s a bodies nightmare the way we do it ( or I used too ) some cardio just to be there but cover up and wear DRY clothes or risk a relapse perhaps.

I tell my gp as he has to know if I stroke I school him on trt so...
Good feed back guys. My ole dr is cool as shit, but not ever sure how educated they are when it comes to our world. I'm not concerned about losing a little strength or size, it will come back in a few weeks. I feel fine, but he was talking white blood count and immune system being low and working out being determintal to my getting better. Just needing some feed back from some hard hitters
Rest it up BUZZ. If youre continuing to be sick and not get better, or worsen, you gotta rest. There are FEW times where working out while sick has actually improved me.

Ive taken week breaks, two week breaks brother hell I take 3-4 days off often and Ill tell you this. At the time its hard but every single time I go back stronger, more focused and the pumps are 10x better and you grow better.

Your body telling you to chill. Dont stress man, nothing you can do about it. Rest up, and when its time smash it again.
The two main reason to take a break is

1. Higher chance of injury, your form and focus will not be on point.

2. Intense training wears out your body and diverts more resources to recovery and less is left to combat infection and sickness. Training puts more stress on your body and can temporarily dampen the immune system.

If you want, you can keep going to the gym and do light/pump training. Just get the blood flowing and work the muscles a little bit. This way you can keep up the habit of training and not get bored either. It will also help maintain strength/volume. There's a study out there that shows extremely high rep training can actually preserve muscle size and strength as long as the intensity is high enough, but that's not what you're going for. Just go and do some light volume and get a pump the muscle groups you would train that day if you really want to go to the gym.
One of the toughest things to do is take a break on so done else's word. Listen to YUR body Buzz. If it feels like training hard , then go for it! I can tell when I need a day or 2 rest. The focus isn't there, body's sore.
I really like what BB said about neck up, neck down. Neck down, I'm sleeping it off with. Humidifier. Neck up and I'm prolly doing a deload day at least, maybe just a steam room, hot tub day. Most likely NOT a leg day or back day when I need all can muster to get through it.

Good rule of thumb for me at least is if I feel as good or better the day after I work out a Little sick then I'm still recovering. If I feel worse the day after its better to take at least 2 more days off.
Sometimes I plan on a workout @ X:00 and then when it gets time to go I assess wether or not I still feelin it. Hell, I've been known to drive the 10 minutes to the gym and then drive home after sitting in the car for 5 minutes deciding if I feel like going in.
Even elite athletes training for the Olympics have days off. Just listen to yur body bro. It rarely lies to you!

I feel your work ethic from your log. Another few days ain't gonna matter 2 shits in the grand scheme of things. You'll be 'killin it' soon enough I'm sure of that!!
One of the toughest things to do is take a break on so done else's word. Listen to YUR body Buzz. If it feels like training hard , then go for it! I can tell when I need a day or 2 rest. The focus isn't there, body's sore.
I really like what BB said about neck up, neck down. Neck down, I'm sleeping it off with. Humidifier. Neck up and I'm prolly doing a deload day at least, maybe just a steam room, hot tub day. Most likely NOT a leg day or back day when I need all can muster to get through it.

Good rule of thumb for me at least is if I feel as good or better the day after I work out a Little sick then I'm still recovering. If I feel worse the day after its better to take at least 2 more days off.
Sometimes I plan on a workout @ X:00 and then when it gets time to go I assess wether or not I still feelin it. Hell, I've been known to drive the 10 minutes to the gym and then drive home after sitting in the car for 5 minutes deciding if I feel like going in.
Even elite athletes training for the Olympics have days off. Just listen to yur body bro. It rarely lies to you!

I feel your work ethic from your log. Another few days ain't gonna matter 2 shits in the grand scheme of things. You'll be 'killin it' soon enough I'm sure of that!!
Bad ASS advice. True vet. Much respect, thx to a true fucking warrior
Yeah, I can only reiterate the comments above... you've had some solid advice there...

Trust me, I feel your pain - I detached a triceps 3 months ago. I fought my urges to get back to training really well, got 8 weeks great rehab under my belt, and then I slipped 3 weeks ago and ruptured the repaired muscle - on Wednesday I have another op and have to repeat the process all over again! :(

Personally, I would take the time you are resting to work out why your ran yourself down... have a look at diet, were you training too much, were you depleted, could have you have taken any tonics etc that boost immune system, there's lots of mitigating factors to consider.

I've learnt one thing in my 26yrs training though - you won't shrink taking a week off - if anything the time away from the gym will not only boost your system - it will rejuvenate your joints and skeletal system, and reinvigour your appetite to come back and smash it!

Enjoy the break buddy :)
Yeah, I can only reiterate the comments above... you've had some solid advice there...

Trust me, I feel your pain - I detached a triceps 3 months ago. I fought my urges to get back to training really well, got 8 weeks great rehab under my belt, and then I slipped 3 weeks ago and ruptured the repaired muscle - on Wednesday I have another op and have to repeat the process all over again! :(

Personally, I would take the time you are resting to work out why your ran yourself down... have a look at diet, were you training too much, were you depleted, could have you have taken any tonics etc that boost immune system, there's lots of mitigating factors to consider.

I've learnt one thing in my 26yrs training though - you won't shrink taking a week off - if anything the time away from the gym will not only boost your system - it will rejuvenate your joints and skeletal system, and reinvigour your appetite to come back and smash it!

Enjoy the break buddy :)

Your cns needs a break once in awhile as well my friend
Even if you take a few months off, you have muscle memory as well and it comes back. Take it easy buddy. You will come back stronger.
Guys seriously thanks for all feed back. I guess I just needed some of y'all to say it's ok to take off for a minute. All suggestions I'm extremely thankful for.