Gen-shi labs


New member
Hey everyone,

Was wondering if anyone has used products from this lab and if so what you thought of they're products? I was thinking of using some of there product. ?
I just got a letter from customs because they got my Gen Shi sustanon 500. I think had Gen Shi been scammers customs would have sent the sus w/ my letter as a warning
dadyroids has gen si whatever it is my friend tryed there stuff and he put on some good size fast with the tren and test
they use the recipe of brew used for susatonon and deca. they have to be smooth.
Gen-Shi labs

hi guys, just wanna tell you that I've been used Gen-Shi labs's products in my last cycle and I have to tell you that it was giving me the best results. I've had few cycles before from other labs like Galenika labs, Dimond labs and qiute few others, but none of them gave it to me the same results as Gen-Shi labs, that's why I already prepared my next cycle most of it from them.
I am ordering sciroxx 10ml trenbalone enanthate 200mg online its called trenadex 200 they go through western union wired payment is this lab still up and running and/or is it a legit source online? I have been having trouble finding people I really feel I can trust and I'm about to cross the border with a friend who knows his stuff but the risk is huge and I have to much on the line family, job, etc- Please let me know whats up!
That isn't the website!! that is a source website. You need to remove that right away Steve.

I realize you are new here so not trying to be hard on you but that is a big no- no here
does anyone know if genshis main site is legit ive seen a couple of reveiws that say they did not supply directly but i know their products are great..just looking for a dependable source yaknow?