Generic Labs??


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Generic Labs??

Am looking at some enthanate and EQ from them and I am wondering if anyone has tried it?? I have used all QV up till now. Thanks
way too many UG labs out there... be sure that you have trust in who it is that is actually making the gear.. Some are not real labs at all.. Some are
GL is an UG UK bases lab,has been around for around 2 years now,well before all of these so called labs started popping up out of nowhere.All of thier injectables come boxed and hologramed.I have some pics and lab reports of there stuff ( and i few other things ) just dont know how to resize them to post them up.Im sure i saw a post by Karius with lab results of thier stuff.I will be using thier Primo product in my upcoming cycle.It tested at 98.9mg/ml of Methenolone Enanthate.I had that test done myself,i wouldnt use ANY Primo right now without having it tested first.I have a scan of the hardcopy on my PC.Hope that helps
i haven't heard about this lab in some time now, but i do remember hering alot of good things about them in the past. Sorry if i cannot be of more help but you will not find many guys from the us ordering underground gear overseas.
Thanks bro's for the help. I have tried the deca before and it seemed to work rather well. I think I am going to give the enthanate a shot. I will keep you posted on how things come out with these guys.
They no longer do Enanthate,only Cyp,so i hope you bought it a while ago or your source has old stock.Make sure it has the GL hologram
Yeah, their test400 is spot-on so besides their viagra capsules and dbols which are both shit i think.
As for the hologram, some of their oldest products like injectable Oxymetholone didn't have any but that doesn't mean they're not legit.
what did your cycle look like with the Test 400. 1 or 2 shots a week??? also did you through in a oral like a-bombs or D-bol???
thanks, B
They heve been around for a while, I don't think I know of any US source that carry it. The only ones I knew about were for the UK.
