GenHeal HGH feed back wanted


Community Veteran
What do you guys know about this brand?

I'm researching them, any info is appreciated.

Seems to be real HG by the advertising and I do remember hearing something about them 4-5 years ago. They claim FDA approval.

I'm wondering if they are legit like gensci,ankebio and hygene? as in true pharm grade even if chinese.
ZEEK im looking at this as well but I can't seem to get a response from them. I havent found anyone who has used them yet.

What about Glotropin? And are these made by Jintropin?
Keep me posted and I'll do the same on these User. It is strange there is such little feed back considering they have been around at least 5 years and possibly much longer.

Glotropin is a branded generic not made by gensci/Jintropin. Just a run of the mill generic with some labels tossed on them.

So many claim to be made by gensci when in the end gensci only makes Jintropin. I remember kigs having gensci stamped on the bottom of the boxes about 6 months ago. That was comedy!

In light of recent events don't be one of the first to order User :) let a good 3 months go by and then just maybe

Glotropin put $$ into the packaging to even look like a gensci product but in the end just generic stuff in the vials

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Thanks for the info ZEEK. Always helpful. Yeah I will continue to check into it but will wait a while. There should be some igf test results floating around from the kigs everyone is currently using so I'll check for some of those tonight.

Also a trusted source I use for pre recorded products has the glotropin, hyges(but out of stock) and some black,blue,red tops and claims all made by Jintropin. It's funny that they even make claims like this. His raw products have all been very good and the gh does not really come directly from him(just a different shipping location) but why not just list them as generics if that's what they are.

At this point, I'm not sure what direction to go. I'm close to running out of blues, but am not ready to jump into something else and I really don't want to pick up 1 kit here and 1 there, so I may just go off of them again and stick to the peptides and hopefully get some bloods to ensure they are working the same or I can stick to what I'm using until we figure out a better option.

I'll keep you posted if I find anything.
I've got 3 ankebio kits coming. I just wanted to see their packing techniques before ordering more.

If these genheal prove to be a legit pharmaceutical that will be two HG options available for HGH. I'm skeptical for now

Thank you User! Would love to see some IGF-1 results from those new kigs.
User, make any progress with this brand? They seem so damn shady after a few emails.
Not really. I'm hearing mixed things on this. As long as it's the actual product it should be good but I have yet to find anyone who has used it and specifically from this supplier.

I have a friend in Thialand, anything worth while there?
Hey guys I'm currently working some thing out on these also! I was expectiong to here some thing today! We have been in contact on a daily basis. I may be the one to go ahead and pull the trigger here. Getting kinda impatient waiting on that feed back lol.
Thanks Phat, def keep us posted !

i'm a broke ass so when someone steps up to test run a new product i'm OVER THE MOON !
Thanks Phat, def keep us posted !

i'm a broke ass so when someone steps up to test run a new product i'm OVER THE MOON !

Yeah Bro who wants to put out this kinda money for shit! I did get a reply today. I see some bouncing around going on. Sais one thing then replied with another!

I don't know just yet if this is a language barrier or what? I replied back AGAIN. They have been good about replying by the next day so far.

Will update as this unfolds
I'd be willing to take the plunge if it wasn't so damn expensive. I just went with another i've had good luck with. I think it's best to wait a bit.
I'd be willing to take the plunge if it wasn't so damn expensive. I just went with another i've had good luck with. I think it's best to wait a bit.

Not to exspensive for Pharma in my opinion! You know some thing better i'm all ears pm me!