getting help with first injection?

Yeah I think. I thought the first test was messed up so I did another. The first one would have been at a trough. The second one was 1 day after test injection. Neither showed a measurable E2 level.

I guess I should add that I have never in my life taken an AI.
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I thought about it for a while and decided to try the glute where the nurse gets me. It was not really a problem and I couldn't even feel the needle. I am really relieved. A cheek a weak should keep me going.

I'm still wondering if I'm the only guy on TRT who has low E2. I've searched everywhere and found no accounts of this.
Dont sweat the shots bro. Ive done them on and off for 10 years. We all remember are first. Its easy and nothing like you think.Once you do one you will be like "wth was i worried about " After a while it takes 60 secs to draw and shoot. If you really wanted to you could just go to your primary for a "check up " bring your vial and pull a "while im here" Im sure he would help you that is if your doing perscribed stuff lol. He really should be in the loop anyway for blood work . Good luck to you
You need HCG. I had the exact same problem and after Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) my release became "other worldly!" I would almost pass out when I relaesed after HCG. I was told it was because the boys shut down after T is introduced and that makes them go to sleep in other ways as well. Once you have the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), it wakes the boys up big time!! Hope that helps.

Pass out from ejaculation?
With TRT?
Doesn't sound right. I don't remember feeling that, I was on TRT for 2.5 yrs no HCG.
I know this post was from way back...But this is the funniest thing ever....Love it..

i inject in my penis..,first get your buddy to get your dick hard, then see where the veins are, and use a 2 in needle 22 gauge and just close your eyes and stick that mother fucker in:chainsaw:
This is quite easy, as you can do such injection almost an any part of your body. The first time you may feel pain, so better if someone shows you how to do it. How often are you planning on having injection?**** Do not post non-sponsor web links***
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I do the same thing. Been alternating quads for 2 years. pin it quick and you won't even feel it. I use 1 inch 20 gauge, works great.
Ha, must have looked at the needle for a minute before my first pin. Only 2.5ml (50) Test Cyn and injected into left deltoid. Really was a very easy, simple and pain free process. Instead of the 200 ever other week I am going to do 50 every 3.5 days.

25ga 5/8 I think works fine for my delts. Not sure I need to goto 1". I can see the benefit of a larger needle to draw and only needing to inject 50 (2.5ml) I am going to keep the 25ga for now at least. I need to buy additional needle/syringe combos. Any recommendations based on my dosage? Would 1mL syringe 25ga be best?

Also going to call my endo and see if he will add more panels to my usual bloodwork. Figure that way it'll be covered by insurance. If not I'll be following the advice on this forum and ordering my own labs.

Thanks again for everything!
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Ha, must have looked at the needle for a minute before my first pin. Only 2.5ml (50) Test Cyn and injected into left deltoid. Really was a very easy, simple and pain free process. Instead of the 200 ever other week I am going to do 50 every 3.5 days.

25ga 5/8 I think works fine for my delts. Not sure I need to goto 1". I can see the benefit of a larger needle to draw and only needing to inject 50 (2.5ml) I am going to keep the 25ga for now at least. I need to buy additional needle/syringe combos. Any recommendations based on my dosage? Would 1mL syringe 25ga be best?

Also going to call my endo and see if he will add more panels to my usual bloodwork. Figure that way it'll be covered by insurance. If not I'll be following the advice on this forum and ordering my own labs.

Thanks again for everything!

2.5ml is quite a bit more than 50mg if your test cyp is dosed normally. What is your test cyp dosed at?
2.5ml is quite a bit more than 50mg if your test cyp is dosed normally. What is your test cyp dosed at?

You are correct my mistake in typing. It's 1ml (200mg/mL) every other week for a total of 200 per every other week. That would work out to .25ml (50mg) every 3.5 days.
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My new doc showed me how to pin. Pinned my fat on my lower abdomen. Didn't hurt at all. Very easy. Will continue to use that location unless there is something wrong with that...?
My new doc showed me how to pin. Pinned my fat on my lower abdomen. Didn't hurt at all. Very easy. Will continue to use that location unless there is something wrong with that...?

Most guys prefer IM, but subq is fine. Just keep the volumes low so you don't gain painful lumps/nodules. You might have to pin more frequently to achieve the smaller volumes needed for subq if you ever increase your dose.
Stupid question #2. Can I use the same syringe (not needle) for the HCG and test or should I use a different new syringe every single shot?
You can mix them together in the same syringe and inject them together.

Wow really? Doc said to inject the test slow because it is much more thick. And said HCG was quick and easy. Made me think I prob shouldn't do them at same time. But if people actually do that, and it's safe, I would save from poking myself so much.
Ah well. Just as I thought, thinking about it was way worse than doing it.

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Hi everyone, i am about to start my first cycle of Test ethnanate 500 mg wk for 8 weeks with dbol and anavar for first 4 wk using arimidex ed for anti e.
Any suggestions on cycle please advise.

i was wondering for my post cycle therapy (pct) I'm using hcg when should i begin using it? after my last shot? and how long should i use for and how much..?
HCG should be used during your cycle not pct, you should consider Test only though for your first cycle.
Ive been reading forum for a long time on here finally decided to join after i started my first cycle. Doin ts400 blend its 100mg/ml test D and the rest are 50mg how long should it take to kick in???