getting help with first injection?

I think you know why you need Test... No balls.

Just kidding, the fear of the first shot is greater than the actual shot itself. If you want, get 27 gaugers at 1/2" and find the outer Quad (quad tends to be very superficial and reachable). Start with the larger gauge (thinner needle) and start pinning that. Then after awhile move to shoulders. If you have considerable fat on those areas then youll have to use a 25g @ 1" needle. After awhile you'll get used to the feeling and
Switch to a 1" permanently. I now pin chest, quads, shoulders, and glutes without even thinking but I was in your place once and just said "fukc it".

Is it a big deal that I inject quickly? I don't like doing it slowly but everyone else says to do it that way. I get a little adrenaline when I stab. lol I must be a freak. But honestly I don't feel any pain at all. Well maybe a little pulling it out but my instincts say to pull it out so I don't care if that hurts I am going to pull it out. My instinct says not to stab myself so I do appreciate that it doesn't hurt. I am actually a little surprised when I pin that I don't feel anything.

My needle is like 4 inches long too so seriously bro: Just do it.
My girlfriend majors in nursing and she knows how to pin some mofos... she doesnt know im gonna get on the gear... i asked her before how good she is with pinning... she said "so i can inject you with juice? f**k out of here, sike". Definitely not asking her to assist me. im gonna man up and do it myself.
The first one is the worse. Only because your scared and don't know what to expect. It gets easier every time.
Good information in this thread, will definitely read again before my first injection.
Thanks to all that answered!
Can never be overstated: keep it clean, know your landmarks, aspirate to prevent intravenous delivery, use moderately quick and firm pressure. Nobody likes a timid injection. Hurts way more!
I'd run enanthate 12 weeks if you can source another bottle. Takes 4-6 weeks to kick in. Run db first 4 anavar last 4. Start pct 2 weeks after last injection. I'd run clomid or nolvadex alongside hcg.
I'd run enanthate 12 weeks if you can source another bottle. Takes 4-6 weeks to kick in. Run db first 4 anavar last 4. Start pct 2 weeks after last injection. I'd run clomid or nolvadex alongside hcg.

This is the TRT forum. Seems you failed to notice that.
If your getting TRT more than likely the your dr or chirorpractor offer injection usually $20. But either way you need to learn it's very easy so just man up and do it
Bro you are over analyzing everything. Use a alcohol swab to clean the area your going to inject and another to clean the top of your test bottle. Take a 18g pin and stick it in and pull out the amount you need, then swap it with a smaller 23g pin. Split you ass cheek into four sections and pin the top outter section, aspirate and inject slowly. It's simple you can do it. If you screw up or even forget a step your not going to die.. We've all done it before.

Quick question, what are the sides to injecting T into a vein? Also, I've heard people talk of 30g, is that too small for injecting T? Thank you!
Quick question, what are the sides to injecting T into a vein? Also, I've heard people talk of 30g, is that too small for injecting T? Thank you!

Do not inject into vein or artery. Do not inject into any blood vessel. You should inject intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
Do not inject into vein or artery. Do not inject into any blood vessel. You should inject intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

I haven't started yet, but I definitely have never had any plans to do that and WILL NOT ever. I was just wondering about the sides? Any idea about the pin size? Lol, usin' the lingo... haha. I replied to you about my results, Mega.

Thanks for the feedback!
I haven't started yet, but I definitely have never had any plans to do that and WILL NOT ever. I was just wondering about the sides? Any idea about the pin size? Lol, usin' the lingo... haha. I replied to you about my results, Mega.

Thanks for the feedback!

It hasn't happened to me, but I think you may get a spike in estrogen as well as testosterone, and when the oil circulates through the lungs the alcohol preservative can cause coughing fits.
It hasn't happened to me, but I think you may get a spike in estrogen as well as testosterone, and when the oil circulates through the lungs the alcohol preservative can cause coughing fits.

Thanks for the insight! I thought it would cause a coughing fit, but the E spike is also a good thing to know about. Again, not planning on injecting into a vessel or vein, I was simply interested in the sides. Thank you!
I need to stop reading this forum. Is getting an artery or vein really likely when doing an IM injection?

I have never hit one in the dozen or so times I have injected and I always inject into the large muscle on my thighs. Just make sure you pull the plunger back a little to get an air bubble into the syringe. If you see blood instead or air, you are in a vein and you need to move to somewhere else to inject. It really is nothing to fear.

I was also the biggest baby when it came to needles - even my daughter was better about needles when she was only five years old! Now, it is no big deal.
I don't aspirate anymore. Reasoning: the places I inject have no major blood vessels. Remaining blood vessels are so small that if I were to aspirate, small movements of the needle tip will render it moot anyway.

I think I'd do more damage with extra needle movement through aspirating that it's worth.
I was going to ask about just that. I'm leaving town for a while so I'm going to give self injections try. I was showed where to put it in my quad, and given some technique advise, but nothing on aspirating. The nurse just told me to find the highest part of the muscle belly, squeeze it, relax and jamb the thing in.

I didn't think I would have any issues at the time but I think staring at the syringes for the last week has taken a toll. I know I'm probably over-thinking it...all of my previous injections at the office were completely pain-free. I didn't really even feel the first 2cc's, so this can't be that bad.