getting impatient.


The 'Ology Man Whore
was hoping to start my cycle this upcoming monday. which i believe is the 18th. but i havent gotten my gear yet. waiting to see what kind of gains i get this time around. i kept on 24lbs and pretty excited.

one thing im having trouble with, is starting of gyno, i bought some letro to help. going to start that when on the cycle to help. another issue is i gained a little bit of a stomach. ive been working hard on trying to lose it, but for some reason its not giving. ive had stubborn calves and a stomach. was hoping someone could point me into a direction for some kind of supplement i could use to get rid of my stomach. i havent been around the full scene. so any advice would be helpful. i dont mind having a pudgy stomach cause it is solid... but would like to make it a little flatter
Trying incorporating abs into your workouts.

i do lol my stomach is solid. but its the popped out kind. how would i describe it... like some of the HUGE stockier power lifters. they have the massive stomachs that are just solid... thats kind of what im starting to get. i want to flatten it out tho... if thats possible
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Well a clean diet, cardio and a EC (ephedrine, caffeine) stack works well for me. It's cheap and works great. I use a very strict (no cheat meals) pro\veg diet with calories down at about 2200 for 6-8 weeks.

EC stack is anti-catabolic I always retain most my muscle while losing fat on those stubborn areas.
yeah. im working on a new diet reg this next time around. want to experiment a little bit. im trying to bulk my ass up a little more, but still keep the leanness for boxing. want to be able to stay quicker than the other people who are the stockier/bulked framed people.

ive been reading more on dbol, that it bloats out your stomach a little... is this true? also with further reading "supposedly" i fall into the category where dbol is extremely effective with my body. i kept on 24lbs after coming off the cycle an losing the retention... so idk

im doing another dbol cycle, but running it with test right off the bat. finally made up my mind on this next run. im hoping it fills me out just a tad bit more this time around.
The only thing thats gonna bring your abs in is diet and cardio. Your lean as it is, you just need to tweak your meals and timing and I think it would take care of its self.
dude ur fine u gotta build muscle. you're lean enough to where definition would start showing. just bust ur ass in the gym and eat like a beast. don't worry about a little fat gain. i believe u when u say ur solid but u gotta build that shit up..dont worry about leaning out now
dude ur fine u gotta build muscle. you're lean enough to where definition would start showing. just bust ur ass in the gym and eat like a beast. don't worry about a little fat gain. i believe u when u say ur solid but u gotta build that shit up..dont worry about leaning out now


forgot your stomach, mine is bigger.. focus on your mass. .get more muscle.. remember every 1lb of muscle burns 50 calories a day in maintenance (i know this figure is arguable)
dude ur fine u gotta build muscle. you're lean enough to where definition would start showing. just bust ur ass in the gym and eat like a beast. don't worry about a little fat gain. i believe u when u say ur solid but u gotta build that shit up..dont worry about leaning out now

yeah im working on bulking up, alot of people are shocked in the gym when im put up against them after weigh in. cause they all look to be 2x my size. but i want to keep it at the barrier where my bulk doesnt slow me down much, need to keep that extra edge in the ring. main focus would be that i suppose, since i do compete with swimming as well.
Tony your around 200 lbs, what is your height? and what is your macro like?

not sure what the full macro is, but as of now im on 3500-4000 calories a day with roughly 270g protein a day off cycle, its been keeping me stable i havent dropped below 199 yet. its always 199-200. and last time getting checked i was 6ft.

i could figure out for you the carbs an fat a little later when i plan out my meals. never really monitored the fats or carbs (if im going to be honest)
core work and hold gut in when lifting/under load. when deep breathing have lungs expand by pushing out on your ribs not your gut.
i do lol my stomach is solid. but its the popped out kind. how would i describe it... like some of the HUGE stockier power lifters. they have the massive stomachs that are just solid... thats kind of what im starting to get. i want to flatten it out tho... if thats possible

I know what you mean..when you say popped out stomach!..Some people have bad it makes it stick out a little more..even if it's lean!...

Working on your back...and getting into a habit of walking sitting straight helps..not sure if posture is your issue either though!...

Back extentions and there's another good one, not sure what it's called, using dumbells...raise them from hips to 180 degree bend in elbows and move them into belly, than out...sure there's a name for this but not coming to mind...will find it for you though..peace!