Getting my foot in the door


New member
Hi Guys,

Been reading the forums for awhile, but this is my first post.

I've searched around and found some threads that relate to what I want to ask but it never really feels spot on unless I just straight up ask myself so here it goes.


3 years hard lifting (5-6 x week)
21 years old
5'8, 174 lbs about 11-12% BF

will post a pic when I figure out how to lol

Alright on to the post! So I've never cycled before, have wanted to for awhile but I've held off and held off. Have gotten fairly good gains so far and can push rather heavy doing it natty but I'm just looking for that extra boost, plus I'm finding I cant increase my weight and believe me, I eat ALOT.

I definitely want to do injects down the road but before I commit to that I thought it might be wise to try out a D-bol only cycle, yes I said it, D-bol only, just to see how my body reacts to roids and all all that. Heres what I'm thinking:

5 weeks - 20mg's/day
PCT: nolva at 40/40/20/20

I already have the stuff on hand right now so its a bish not to dab in to it but I thought I'd post on here before I do. Hoping to start on Monday (Jan. 17, 2011)

Alright let me know what you think!
I thought it might be wise to try out a D-bol only cycle, yes I said it, D-bol only, just to see how my body reacts to roids and all all that.

Ok I'll let other people handle the rest of this post since I'm tired of answering these questions.

Out of curiosity though - do you honestly think that taking dbol will tell you how you would react to other steroids? That's like saying you'll try eating an almond to see if you're allergic to peanuts. :wtf:
if you want to load pics, you have to go to reply thread, click the paperclip icon on top, and attach the pic. Or you could save your pics into Photobucket and copy the IMG link into your post.

Now about your cycle, Not a good idea to run Dbol for your first cycle, most of your gains will be water and the sides,
but your 21 years old your test is through the roof abd you don´t really need AAS or any orals, if you continue eating right and training hard, you can acomplish your goals.

C´mon post some pics and let us help you.
I will say he is fit, likely knows his diet and routines. But as to the dbol only cycle, it sure as well will let him know what kinda estro sides his body experiences. I have seen guys who cant run test because tits instantly shoot out lol. But thats only an issue with longer esters.

Another forum had a thread created by a very intelligent man on how to use a Dbol only cycle and get benefits. But if your doing that, might as well grab a PH/DS and stay legal for now.
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I would say considering you already have a good base built, with your age still young that if you finely tuned your diet and training you could add quite a bit more mass naturally and no your not gonna do it in 90 days like juice will but it would be all your to keep and not get it for 3 months then lose it. Be smart and think long term my man, wisdom is looking a year to five years ahead not looking at a month or 3 ahead.
welcome to ology..
dbol not a good idea all ur gain will be water..... 174 thats too skkiny man hows ur diet.....
Thanks for the info guys, sort of what I expected to get!

As for the info on just gaining water weight and then losing it and being back at square one I find hard to understand... d-bol is a highly anabolic compound so it will most definitely increase nitrogen retention and therefore, induce muscle hypertrophy am I correct? I'm not looking to gain like 25 lbs + here all I'm looking for is a little boost and an introduction to the anabolic world...

What your all saying though makes sense, I am young and my test levels are probably already quite high but do you think by doing a 5 week cycle followed by a month of post cycle therapy (pct) is really going to be detrimental in the long run? Btw I'm not against pins at all it just seems like I should hold off on that for a bit because a) I have no idea how my body will react and b) I'm 21.

Thanks guys, appreciate your input!
dbol is just gonna make you bloat like shit then loose it all after.
Your better off to change up your diet. If your not gonna just do that, I would go with a few PH's over the dbol
If u r set on running something don't do dbol for your first. Your young and should wait but if your set on runnin something go with test enanthate. Run it for 12 weeks and that will let you know how your body will react to aas. Fuck dbol.