Getting on a Test E cycle soon, can I still make good cains without pressing movement


New member
Ill be getting on a Test E cycle soon and inevitably my strength will be going up.

However I have a bad right shoulder with cartilage wear, doctor advised staying away from bench pressing and shoulder pressing, 2 exercises i love and use regularly.

I was wondering if my gains will be impacted in terms of lean muscle mass, if I switch my shoulder pressing movements for various raises and isolation movement and switch my chest related presses to pec dec and cables?
I don't see the point of starting a cycle with an injury. Get rehab and healed up before starting a cycle.
Depending how fucked your shoulder is, u might be able to do reverse grip bench presses as they're not taxing on the shoulders. Maybe light assisted dips. Flyes can put a lot of stress on the shoulders. Limiting range of motion might be your only option.
Hey, I have a labrum tear as well. I never got surgery - just rehab. I can bench press insolong as I don't go too far past parallel.

Bro, just keep your PT up; do it everyday. Stay away from any overhead presses. If something bothers your shoulder, stop doing it.

I know plenty of people with torn labrums that bodybuild. You just have to be smart about it. Find what works for you and start light.
Hey, I have a labrum tear as well. I never got surgery - just rehab. I can bench press insolong as I don't go too far past parallel.

Bro, just keep your PT up; do it everyday. Stay away from any overhead presses. If something bothers your shoulder, stop doing it.

I know plenty of people with torn labrums that bodybuild. You just have to be smart about it. Find what works for you and start light.

thanks bro... good advice.