New member
Hey Savage!
This is awsome man! Great job! U really have dedication. Gratz man!
I also started on a 3J diet 3 weeks ago, but damn i sure hope to get that kind of results... i do cheat a meal or 2 each week...oh well, im happy that way and thats what mathers hehe!
Gratz again and keep going bud! Its nice to see great transformations like yours!
Oh and btw, have you done a lot of cardio since u started your diet?
Cheers, Trust! Thanks for the support and best of luck on your own transformation! Keep-up with the measurements and pics: they'll be your conscience and others will likely notice your progress even before you do

On my plan, I really don't do the whole "cheat meal" thing as part of my schedule, but as such when a special occasion hits (such as this weekend: going home to see the family) then 3Js has given me a "grace day" of sorts when I can relax my standards and enjoy some otherwise verbotten treats (like homemade cake & steaks on the grill with a glass of bourbon

On cardio: GAWD I HATE CARDIO!!!!!!!! (sorry...had to get that out

Here's the fun part: No! I've actually replaced the 15 minutes at the end of my workout which I previously used for LSD-style carido (and hated...) with more volume-based training! So short-answer: I do zero cardio but I train like a madman in terms of volume, time-under-tension and failure sets. I'd far prefer to spend an extra 15 minutes under the bar doing squats than on that d#mn recumbent bike

Good luck and post your results for us here!
- Savage