Getting Ripped with 3Js

Hey Savage!
This is awsome man! Great job! U really have dedication. Gratz man!

I also started on a 3J diet 3 weeks ago, but damn i sure hope to get that kind of results... i do cheat a meal or 2 each week...oh well, im happy that way and thats what mathers hehe!

Gratz again and keep going bud! Its nice to see great transformations like yours!

Oh and btw, have you done a lot of cardio since u started your diet?

Cheers, Trust! Thanks for the support and best of luck on your own transformation! Keep-up with the measurements and pics: they'll be your conscience and others will likely notice your progress even before you do :)

On my plan, I really don't do the whole "cheat meal" thing as part of my schedule, but as such when a special occasion hits (such as this weekend: going home to see the family) then 3Js has given me a "grace day" of sorts when I can relax my standards and enjoy some otherwise verbotten treats (like homemade cake & steaks on the grill with a glass of bourbon ;) ) Each person is different however and for some I've seen that a cheat meal actually HELPS them to stay disciplined during the rest of their week. Find a plan that works for you & keep 3Js informed / get his input. You'll be amazed at how quickly your body responds.

On cardio: GAWD I HATE CARDIO!!!!!!!! (sorry...had to get that out :) )

Here's the fun part: No! I've actually replaced the 15 minutes at the end of my workout which I previously used for LSD-style carido (and hated...) with more volume-based training! So short-answer: I do zero cardio but I train like a madman in terms of volume, time-under-tension and failure sets. I'd far prefer to spend an extra 15 minutes under the bar doing squats than on that d#mn recumbent bike :)

Good luck and post your results for us here!

- Savage
Here's the current progress pics. Psyched to see how I react to the timing changes on my carb cycling!


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Keeps getting better bro! What a massive change! Don't me to bash your thread but stained my intercostal! Nooooooooo! :rant:

No, Bro!!! :(

Training through injuries is tough - mentally and obviously physically. You've got to work around it (that's a tough muscle group to work around unfortunately) but you've got to have the mental fortitude to recognize that trying to "gut it out" in the gym even though you're injured will only exacerbate the situation.

Can you focus on lower body for a while & perhaps try to do some arm & shoulder work for your upper? (again only if this doesn't further aggravate the muscle strain).

Hope you get back to 'Good' soon, Mate!!

- Savage
No, Bro!!! :(

Training through injuries is tough - mentally and obviously physically. You've got to work around it (that's a tough muscle group to work around unfortunately) but you've got to have the mental fortitude to recognize that trying to "gut it out" in the gym even though you're injured will only exacerbate the situation.

Can you focus on lower body for a while & perhaps try to do some arm & shoulder work for your upper? (again only if this doesn't further aggravate the muscle strain).

Hope you get back to 'Good' soon, Mate!!

- Savage
Thanks bro, that's some sound advice. I rested it for four days, felt a little better. Did some heavy deads and it's hurtin again, so will train around it now. Bummer but it's part of the game. Keep us updated bro. I can only dream of getting to your shape!
Noticed you said mate just above :) you from Australia also ??

Good to see im not the only aussie on the 3j experience :)

tried to PM but for some reason its not letting me ;/
Cheers, all!

Here's a motivational post for you using myself as a human guinea pig :)

I'm back from visiting my family over the long holiday weekend. For kicks (ok, for enjoyment also :) I relaxed the diet standards on Sat and Sun and basically just ate what the family ate. I also considered it part of an experiment just to see how the "typical" diet might effect my body after being basically in a hyperbaric dieting chamber (work apartment) for the past nine weeks.

I didn't go out of my way to binge, and didn't consume intentionally large portions. In fact, I actually skipped a few of the more ominous side dishes that I simply KNEW wouldn't sit well with me (eg. deep-dried 'hush puppies').

Things ended-up pretty much with me sticking to the diet on Friday (a 'Car Day' basically), diet approved food for the morning & early afternoon of Saturday, then off to a BBQ restaurant for dinner & back home to eat homemade 'cake balls' for dessert. I also had a glass of wine Sat night.

Sun was diet-friendly again in the morning & early afternoon, followed by a pizza restaurant for dinner and more cake balls at the house for dessert & another glass of wine.

Monday was a 'Car Day' but I did eat the 'Care Package' of candy corn and almonds (my salty & sweet vice) which my daughter sent home with me on Mon night while watching fights.

My training was never interrupted, mind you. I got both of my high intensity workouts in (legs on Sat, chest / back on Sun).

The results?


I weighed-in like I always do this morning, treating today as if it were an actual weigh-in day. I'm up FIVE POUNDS and 1.5 inches at my waistline :)


I'm smiling as I type this, only because I know there's a good chance that by the time I have to weigh-in "for real" this coming Thurs morning that most of those five pounds will be gone (I'm back on the diet this morning) but it was downright shocking to me how basically a weekend of "typical" eating can absolutely destroy a physique. I also noticed I had severe headaches Sat night and Sun night (after eating the non-diet approved meals) and this morning (Tues morning) an feeling sluggish - not at all like myself on "Leg Day" as I'm usually raring to go.

Overall, the experience validates what we all pretty much knew to be true all along: Diet is King. You can train your #ss off but you can undermine most / all of those results EASILY unless you plan your intake and stay disciplined.

Off to the gym to sweat-out some junk :)

- Savage
LOL - 3Js cracked-up at my alarm over the 5Lb gain and quickly pointed out how it was all water weight and would vanish as rapidly as it had accumulated :)

He was right. Unofficial weigh-in this morning put me right back to where I was pre-family vist / pre-diet splurge ;)

Off to the gym to celebrate!

- Savage
It felt great to get back in the gym this past weekend. Long story short, I was forced into a week-long training furlough due to a medical reason (life happens) but am back now with a vengeance. Legs Sat, Chest / back on Sun. My scale weight is up a touch, I suspect due to the reduced caloric expenditures of being away from the iron, but I'm feeling really good. Legs are "back" (interesting that my thighs tend to want to vacillate within a +/- 1 inch range - possible that I've reached my genetic potential?) and chest is full. Ab workout was great (thus slightly inflated waist and stomach measurements I suppose). Loving feeling the pump once again :)

Hope you all had a great weekend!

- Savage
Scale-weight right back to where I needed it to be after a full week of training. Staying out of the gym is impossible and I'm too old for making such changes to my lifestyle. Waistline is back down and legs & chest have 'held' which is amazingly encouraging!

Some love to 3Js for his on-the-spot advice in terms of how to turn my upcoming travel (driving) days into successful low-carb days!! The Man is in fact an evil genius.

Great weekend, all! Train hard!!

- Savage
Great training this past weekend, which I needed after a particularly stressful week on the job site and in dealing with some personal issues. Legs back up that annoying half-inch I'd lost but d#mmit if I can't get the bloody things to grow beyond that - bad genetics I blame (my Father was a stork). Intensity in the gym is definitely high but I've been doing volume-style training with peak contractions for a couple of months now - adaptation perhaps?

Still feeling good at where I am and still very pleased with the results in the mirror. Scale weight seems to have settled at around 180Lbs which I'm ok with. Always can be leaner (who doesn't say that :) ) and always can add lean mass (same as who doesn't say that :) ) but I'm feeling good at these levels and the 3J diet and weigh-ins & progress pics keeps me focused & disciplined.


- Savage
Hey bro! I'm still with ya! Been a way for a while. Hella busy with work. My injuries have all healed up now but have not started 3j diet yet as I have been living in a hotel for the last 2 months or work :/. Looking good
Hey bro! I'm still with ya! Been a way for a while. Hella busy with work. My injuries have all healed up now but have not started 3j diet yet as I have been living in a hotel for the last 2 months or work :/. Looking good

Cheers, Carrerarich!!

Good to know you're back to healthy! The hotel life is a rough one, been there and done that. Traveling to a work site always presents diet and training challenges. Do you have any access to a gym or training equipment? Perhaps even some dumbbells in the hotel "fitness room" (I know thats a bit of a joke in most cases but if its all you have then lets use it). Perhaps even some bodyweight work in the hotel room (think 'P90X' style but minus the dumbbell and pull-up work).

On the diet, tough one but 3Js solved a tough problem for me (been driving back and forth from the work site to visit family and seeking to figure out how to keep the diet on-point during those travel days) and I'd be willing to bet he can figure something out for you.

Stay strong! Now that you're healthy, its time to get creative with the training until you can get to a proper gym!

- Savage