Getting Ripped with 3Js

"Cheat Day" didn't turn out to be as damning as I thought it might be - actually down a pound of scale weight (no idea how that is possible but I'll take it :) I suspect I wasn't as 'high' on my caloric intake as I'd thought I might be that day, plus I went 'Epic' in my leg and chest workouts this past weekend to compensate.

Picked-up only a half-inch at my navel & waistline which could be attributed to a massive ab workout just yesterday afternoon I suppose. Also gained a half-inch gain on my thighs (which is a welcome site :) )

- Savage
Savage, I love your enthusiasm and motivation bro! You're going to be a fucking machine by the time this is over! Maybe its time for me to start with mr 3J, i've been thinking about it, I just kind of enjoy learning and tinkering with my diet on my own. But i'm sure he could make me a gorilla.

Anyway just wanted to give props and say keep it up brotha!!
Savage, I love your enthusiasm and motivation bro! You're going to be a fucking machine by the time this is over! Maybe its time for me to start with mr 3J, i've been thinking about it, I just kind of enjoy learning and tinkering with my diet on my own. But i'm sure he could make me a gorilla.

Anyway just wanted to give props and say keep it up brotha!!

Thanks Mate!! I really appreciate the support!! It's truly invigorating to really feel and see the impact of such a good diet plan
in the mirror and in the gym! It's not easy - hell, I like beer and pizza as much as the next guy :) - but the results are something no one can do for you and no one can take away except yourself. It becomes a personal pride thing.

I'll say this much, once more at the risk of sounding like I work for 3Js (which I don't): I tinkered with my diet for years. I eventually found some success with Keto, but the lack of energy I experienced made it tough to achieve "Beast Mode" in the gym and my meal frequency was messed-up (lead to stomach bloat). All of that said, I was still in better shape and eating healthier than probably 90% of the people in North America.

3Js on the other hand is a Pro. His program took me to the next level & FAST. Might I have gotten there on my own via research, trial and error? Sure, maybe. Partnering with him however to customize a program which met my individual needs was the spark I'd been searching for in my years of tinkering. I've not regretted it for a single minute.


- Savage
its time to do a show bro.. look at those abs.. those abs alone will give you first place.. lmao
its time to do a show bro.. look at those abs.. those abs alone will give you first place.. lmao

LOL! :) You've actually got me thinking about it. I'm hyper competitive, and I HATE to lose so if anything I'd be the type who would spend 20 years in the gym before he was convinced that he was ready to make his amateur debut ;)

I'm doing some research on local shows - can't even believe that this is a possibility for me as I look back at the 'Before' shots :)

Thanks again for the vote of confidence, Coach!
Savage awesome bro! Keep up the good work! I just got my 3j carb cycling diet today!!!! Gonna start in a few weeks after my nights shifts are done forever. You been doing much cardio as well as weights? Thanks.
Savage awesome bro! Keep up the good work! I just got my 3j carb cycling diet today!!!! Gonna start in a few weeks after my nights shifts are done forever. You been doing much cardio as well as weights? Thanks.

Cheers, Carrerarich!

That's a great question. Answer: NO! I actually dropped a 15 min LSD (long slow duration) cardio period from my weight sessions in favor of more reps / more time under tension. I train 5 days a week and I do train hard, but no separate cardio days (I hate cardio :) )

Best of luck with the 3Js program! Log your progress!
Weigh-ins and progress pics today. Down another pound on the scale and lost another 3/4 of an inch at my navel & a full inch at my waistline :) Chest meanwhile is actually up an inch after last measurement (going in the right direction on all fronts!).

Energy level is good, I've actually incorporated a 2nd rest day into my training program which puts me in the gym only 5 days a week but leverages my increased available weekend times for some epic leg, chest & back workouts (which I love as I don't have to train with one eye on the clock worrying about being late for work :) )

Great stuff!! Current progress pics attached:


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Damnnnn bro, Wicked progress! I can only dream to look like that one day. I have never seen my abs before but this gives me hope :) do you mind me asking what your training and cycle consists of. Pm me if you wish. Thanks Savage. Keep it up.
Damnnnn bro, Wicked progress! I can only dream to look like that one day. I have never seen my abs before but this gives me hope :) do you mind me asking what your training and cycle consists of. Pm me if you wish. Thanks Savage. Keep it up.

Thanks Bro! I sent you a PM with some detailed info.

Keep up with the diet and training! Believe me, this is the best shape I've ever been in and if you'd shown me these pics of myself a year ago I'd have laughed at you & said "there's no way I'll ever get there" :)
Hey Savage, tried pm back but it won't let me? Anyways,

Thanks for getting back to me so quick mate. Appreciate it. You seem like a good respectable guy. I've been training on an off for 7 years or so. Up and down. At my worst shape I have ever been since I got married ;) 29 @5'5 and 92kg of fat!!! O well. Started training again serious March 2012 and I was 97kg then and got down to 88kg until I started hdrol ph cycle. Currently in day 29 out of 42 and so far so good.

I signed up with 3j now, got my diet carb cycling but am waiting to finish my night shifts forever as suggested by 3j. So will start diet beginning of pct.

I'm looking to train natural and solid for one year and do my first Test E only cycle April 2013. I really hope this diet works. When I look in the mirror I feel like giving up because I don't really see a physical change. Although I must say I've been smashing all my PBS. Today was back day and manage to lift a tiny bit more if not the same and was disappointed in myself. I guess unjust have to keep pushing on. Thanks for listening.

All the best,

Hey Savage, tried pm back but it won't let me? Anyways,

Thanks for getting back to me so quick mate. Appreciate it. You seem like a good respectable guy. I've been training on an off for 7 years or so. Up and down. At my worst shape I have ever been since I got married ;) 29 @5'5 and 92kg of fat!!! O well. Started training again serious March 2012 and I was 97kg then and got down to 88kg until I started hdrol ph cycle. Currently in day 29 out of 42 and so far so good.

I signed up with 3j now, got my diet carb cycling but am waiting to finish my night shifts forever as suggested by 3j. So will start diet beginning of pct.

I'm looking to train natural and solid for one year and do my first Test E only cycle April 2013. I really hope this diet works. When I look in the mirror I feel like giving up because I don't really see a physical change. Although I must say I've been smashing all my PBS. Today was back day and manage to lift a tiny bit more if not the same and was disappointed in myself. I guess unjust have to keep pushing on. Thanks for listening.

All the best,



Good on ya' for getting started on a program!! As per needing to get off nights before starting, well life happens & you've got to make your way. I totally understand. Great looking plan as per natty training / maxing-out your natural potential before introducing your first cycle. You'll be glad you did.

On the slow progress, we're ALL our own toughest critics. I look in the mirror and *CONSTANTLY* obliterate myself!! (eg. need to bring-up my hammies, need to gain more symetry in my back / lats, need to lose that last bit of fat around my obliques, etc...). That's why forums such as this one are such valuable support structures: Mates here SEE your progress even when you don't! (got to keep in mind, you see yourself in the mirror every day - changes are bound to be less noticeable to you :) )

The progress pics help, I know 3Js mandated that for me and I'm really glad he did. I use it as motivation when I'm tempted to cheat or when I'm feeling lazy in the gym ;)

Best of luck with the new program and training!!

- Savage
Back-to-Back epic workouts this past weekend (that's one advantage to being away from home on work: not much to do on the weekends besides train & get in trouble, and since good training precludes most of the 'getting in trouble' activities, we're solid :)

Destroyed legs on Sat (and yet still can't get those b#stards to gain as much mass as I'd like ;) ) and crushed chest & back & abs on Sunday.

Down another THREE POUNDS of scale weight :) I did drink a ton of water this past weekend, and I'm sure the heavy / lengthy training sessions had something to due with it but man - three pounds since my last weigh-in (just four days ago) is three pounds!

Overall feeling amazing, energetic and motivated! The progress pics are still my "Jury" and keep me honest & on the straight and narrow when the bourbon bottle clinks at me on the weekends ;)

Current progress pics follow.


- Savage


Bloody hell savage! Looking good. How many days in is this? Inspirational for me.

I'm doing a trail run of the foods 3j hooked me up with. I'm having trouble eating all of it hahaha especially chicken which is so fukin boring and bland. Any tips?
Bloody hell savage! Looking good. How many days in is this? Inspirational for me.

I'm doing a trail run of the foods 3j hooked me up with. I'm having trouble eating all of it hahaha especially chicken which is so fukin boring and bland. Any tips?

Cheers, Mate! I appreciate the compliment! The feedback on this thread is inspiring for me as well!

I'm now just over 8 weeks into my 3Js plan. All total am down 15 lbs of scale weight (body fat) and have maintained *ALL* of my muscle mass :)

On the chicken, I use a touch of low sodium hickory marinade (no carbs) and cook in a pressure cooker. I've also found a super-low card spicy mustard that I'll occasionally apply (very small quantities ;) ) when I'm feeling the need for some added flavor. These plus hot sauces (Siriacha - aka 'Rooster Sauce' - is your friend :) )

- Savage