GH waste of money with a mild cycle?


New member
I was thinking of getting GH, but was gonna use it with 600mg of EQ a week and 200 mg of primobolan a week, and 50mg Winstrol (winny) ED. Would I be wasting my money, I am trying to stay clear of the harder tests: like dbol, anadrol, enanthate. But might consider taking sustanon. I've taken the harder stuff before but am just trying to keep lean and sides low now.
I would take GH for 6-9 months at a low dose. Cycle as you normally would. Take 2ius 5 on 2 off and you will see amazing results. Your body will be transformed! GH works so much better when taken for extended periods of time.

I think if I had the choice of taking 6ius Ed for 12 weeks or taking 2ius ED for 9 months...I would take the lower dose and let the results come over time, especially the fat loss.
DangerousGrounds said:
IMO it is overrated unless you are an elite bodybuilder and need that slight edge. never used it yet so really can't comment though..

Your comment has no backing then bro...I have used GH in the past and have gained nice effects from the usage. I think most individuals would stay it's overrated because the price is high compared to results. If your looking for quick size ...then NO gh is not your answer.
looking forward to when i can run gh. want to run it for a year. low dose.

powerhouse9, i would run the gh with test bro.
Slin is not needed, but it will really help with muscle growth. GH can lower insulin sensitivity, so the addition will help. Slin, even with GH, can cause you to gain fat. Diet is still important when using slin, even with GH.

Using small doses of GH for extended periods of time will have amazing results. Take the GH and treat it like a vitamin. Cycle as if you arent taking it. If you really want to try and bulk while on a cycle, use slin to create the synergy you want.

Since you dont want to take test all year around, use proviron at 50+mg ED to create a androgen rich environment. Make sure your HPTA is kicking before you add it, but GH with an androgen will work better than just GH alone!
DangerousGrounds said:
IMO it is overrated unless you are an elite bodybuilder and need that slight edge. never used it yet so really can't comment though..

Please no proff source, many many medical publications to disagree with your statement. If your experiences reflect your Hgh usage, then the Hgh must have been fake or compramised. Let me guess, you used Serostim or Jinoptropin to make these claims. Get some real Hgh and see what happens. Good Luck.
medical doctor said:
Please no proff source, many many medical publications to disagree with your statement. If your experiences reflect your Hgh usage, then the Hgh must have been fake or compramised. Let me guess, you used Serostim or Jinoptropin to make these claims. Get some real Hgh and see what happens. Good Luck.

His statement may have been a little off, but what is wrong with serostim? Its the most widely prescribed GH out there. It worked wonders for my body composition at 2ius ed.
medical doctor said:
Please no proff source, many many medical publications to disagree with your statement. If your experiences reflect your Hgh usage, then the Hgh must have been fake or compramised. Let me guess, you used Serostim or Jinoptropin to make these claims. Get some real Hgh and see what happens. Good Luck.

Jintropin is no good in your opinion also? If I'm not mistaken your on the Nutropin Depot, correct? How long have you been on, results?
MD besides nutropin depot,what type of hgh do you suggesst? I personally am begining week 2 of the depot and i'm begining to feel some sides from it.Let us know on your top choice for other hgh.thanks.