Girlfriend doing P90x to lose fat but is gaining muscle


Stickboy - not for long
She has her diet under control and is sticking to the program religiously. Her weight keeps fluctuating which is depressing to her but i guess fluctuations are expected at this point.

The problem is that she has fat under her arms - in the triceps area and instead of losing the fat she is starting to put on significant muscle. Even when driving her bis bulge out and now she is getting demotivated because she doesn't wanna look like a muscular man.

I am telling her to keep the weight up and to not worry about the muscle gains as they can be managed later by either discontinuing arm exercises completely or by training with light weights and upping the cardio. Moreover, the muscle gained from heavy weights would help burn the fat quicker.

Is this a good suggestion or would she be better off just doing lighter weights with high reps?
She has her diet under control and is sticking to the program religiously. Her weight keeps fluctuating which is depressing to her but i guess fluctuations are expected at this point.

The problem is that she has fat under her arms - in the triceps area and instead of losing the fat she is starting to put on significant muscle. Even when driving her bis bulge out and now she is getting demotivated because she doesn't wanna look like a muscular man.

I am telling her to keep the weight up and to not worry about the muscle gains as they can be managed later by either discontinuing arm exercises completely or by training with light weights and upping the cardio. Moreover, the muscle gained from heavy weights would help burn the fat quicker.

Is this a good suggestion or would she be better off just doing lighter weights with high reps?

What are her stats ? Is she doing the complete regimen, does she have to follow their diet plan ?
If she's doing Cardio & her diet is where it should be she should be loosing weight.
Fat does not turn into muscle, As she gains muscle, she will loose fat.
I hear P90X is intense, and continually challenges the body’s muscles.
I think it would really depend where she is right now, her body fat, etc

Post of her stats/ diet so we could better help her :)
Thanks for the reply Mrs. P.

She is 5'6", 170 and after a lifetime of delicious hispanic food, a lot of the 170 is fat. She by no means weak though and easily knocks off 10 reps with 135 lbs on the bench press. I think she is not able to do the entire program as they say but she does most exercises and has to cut reps on others.

Diet wise she is doing about 1300 calories a day. I am afraid I can not give you a complete break down of her meals but she is always complaining about how she misses tortillas, bread and rice so I am guessing te only carbs she is getting are from the veggies she eats and from the recovery drink from the P90x folks.

When we go out for meals, she makes it a point to ask that they trim most of the fat off the meat. I also know that she is eating turkey jerky as snack and usually takes chicken beast and a salad with her for lunch that she eats with a zero carb isopure drink. Dinners are usually 5oz tripled trimmed steak from omaha steak along with more veggies.

She takes a shake in the morning and is also taking Amino Energy from Optimum Nutrition, Glutamine powder and Oxyelite Pro by USP labs.

EDIT: She is not doing any cardio besides the P90X... THe program is so intense that it really leaves you with no energy to do any additional cardio.
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Thanks for the reply Mrs. P.

She is 5'6", 170 and after a lifetime of delicious hispanic food, a lot of the 170 is fat. She by no means weak though and easily knocks off 10 reps with 135 lbs on the bench press. I think she is not able to do the entire program as they say but she does most exercises and has to cut reps on others.

Diet wise she is doing about 1300 calories a day. I am afraid I can not give you a complete break down of her meals but she is always complaining about how she misses tortillas, bread and rice so I am guessing te only carbs she is getting are from the veggies she eats and from the recovery drink from the P90x folks.

When we go out for meals, she makes it a point to ask that they trim most of the fat off the meat. I also know that she is eating turkey jerky as snack and usually takes chicken beast and a salad with her for lunch that she eats with a zero carb isopure drink. Dinners are usually 5oz tripled trimmed steak from omaha steak along with more veggies.

She takes a shake in the morning and is also taking Amino Energy from Optimum Nutrition, Glutamine powder and Oxyelite Pro by USP labs.

EDIT: She is not doing any cardio besides the P90X... THe program is so intense that it really leaves you with no energy to do any additional cardio.

I hear you on the yummy hispanic food, I miss rice & beans :(...
She's not eating enough, 1,300 for a women with her stats is not enough,
She wouldn't want her body to go into starvation mode... which slows down metabolic rate and therefore stops or reduces weight loss.

Have her open an account, 3j can really help her tweek her diet,

I haven't done the P90X program, have only read about it, but I really think she can acomplish her goals without following a program,
Ex: In order for her to loose 5 lbs in 4 weeks, she would need to eliminate 625 calories from her diet.

I'm not sure what kind of workout is involved in the P90X, I know is very intense & it's different excersices...
She won't get too muscular by lifitng, But at her weigtht, she really need to focus on Cardio, drinking enough water is a must, at least a gallon.

Have her join !!!!! We need more ladies !!
Best of luck to her :)
Although with the calorie issue you're right, it also depends what makes up those calories. I know this example is a different scenario but when prepping for my fitness show last year I was on 1,300 kcal. All from fruit, veg, lean meat, nuts, udo's oil, minimal grains and I had tonnes of energy with no supps except protein powder just once a day. Went down to 1,200 in the last week, I'm 5'8.5 and started out at around 145lbs. Also with the weights, cardio and gymnastics training and routine practice I was using up a lot of energy. I did a zig zag type diet upping calories every 3 days. That's an option if she doesn't want to have more food in general. But 3j would at least make sure you're eating the right food.

She could also be the type of lady who builds muscle easier than burning fat so cardio is mandatory in that case.

I hear you on the yummy hispanic food, I miss rice & beans :(...
She's not eating enough, 1,300 for a women with her stats is not enough,
She wouldn't want her body to go into starvation mode... which slows down metabolic rate and therefore stops or reduces weight loss.

Have her open an account, 3j can really help her tweek her diet,

I haven't done the P90X program, have only read about it, but I really think she can acomplish her goals without following a program,
Ex: In order for her to loose 5 lbs in 4 weeks, she would need to eliminate 625 calories from her diet.

I'm not sure what kind of workout is involved in the P90X, I know is very intense & it's different excersices...
She won't get too muscular by lifitng, But at her weigtht, she really need to focus on Cardio, drinking enough water is a must, at least a gallon.

Have her join !!!!! We need more ladies !!
Best of luck to her :)
My wife and I did P90x about a year and a half ago and it is a tough workout but it is also a great jumpstart to get you back into shape. My wife was also worried that she would get too muscular and lose her femininity by lifting weights, but she stayed with it and is reaping the rewards now. The muscle that she puts on will help her burn fat faster and she will be leaner and happier overall. I know that it really helped my wife's sense of well being after having our kids. She is now in the best shape of her life and enjoys the fact that other women come to her for advice..
Although with the calorie issue you're right, it also depends what makes up those calories. I know this example is a different scenario but when prepping for my fitness show last year I was on 1,300 kcal. All from fruit, veg, lean meat, nuts, udo's oil, minimal grains and I had tonnes of energy with no supps except protein powder just once a day. Went down to 1,200 in the last week, I'm 5'8.5 and started out at around 145lbs. Also with the weights, cardio and gymnastics training and routine practice I was using up a lot of energy. I did a zig zag type diet upping calories every 3 days. That's an option if she doesn't want to have more food in general. But 3j would at least make sure you're eating the right food.

She could also be the type of lady who builds muscle easier than burning fat so cardio is mandatory in that case.

I agree, she's got to be eating the right foods... and yoru right some ladies tend o build muscle easier than others.. I think she posts her diet, we can get a better picture of what she's eating & go from there :)
My wife and I did P90x about a year and a half ago and it is a tough workout but it is also a great jumpstart to get you back into shape. My wife was also worried that she would get too muscular and lose her femininity by lifting weights, but she stayed with it and is reaping the rewards now. The muscle that she puts on will help her burn fat faster and she will be leaner and happier overall. I know that it really helped my wife's sense of well being after having our kids. She is now in the best shape of her life and enjoys the fact that other women come to her for advice..

I've heard many good reviews about P90X,
it's becoming quite popular.