Girlfriend of 4 years cheated again...

Yeah, HW it still boggles my mind to this day. She was such a sweet girl, young , wild and fun and she did have a dark side but so do I. But her dark side went waaayyyy deeper than mine LOL!
In retrospect Im sure she was a typical sociopath. Able to lie and deceive expertly. Putting up a believable front and living a second life. She was in college and was getting A's. Said that her dad was paying for it but he didnt look like he had the money to me. Then she buys a brand new car and she is disapearing a lot. The dummy used here last 4 of her social to access her voice mail so I started spying.... lots of messages from old men...holy shit!
She was smoking hot so I like to think she was a high end escort , helps me sleep better LOL!
Shes gone brother. Start screwing her sister or best friend. The sisterhood is a joke. Men will through a punch over a woman, but women will cut each others brake lines over a man.
Yeah, HW it still boggles my mind to this day. She was such a sweet girl, young , wild and fun and she did have a dark side but so do I. But her dark side went waaayyyy deeper than mine LOL!
In retrospect Im sure she was a typical sociopath. Able to lie and deceive expertly. Putting up a believable front and living a second life. She was in college and was getting A's. Said that her dad was paying for it but he didnt look like he had the money to me. Then she buys a brand new car and she is disapearing a lot. The dummy used here last 4 of her social to access her voice mail so I started spying.... lots of messages from old men...holy shit!
She was smoking hot so I like to think she was a high end escort , helps me sleep better LOL!

at least she was a self-motivated-go-getter type of girl ! Straight A's in school, working another job, and making bank doing her own thing.. better then a lazy ass slut that sits on her ass, uses your money and then cheats on you.
She sounded like a winner to me ;)
at least she was a self-motivated-go-getter type of girl ! Straight A's in school, working another job, and making bank doing her own thing.. better then a lazy ass slut that sits on her ass, uses your money and then cheats on you.
She sounded like a winner to me ;)

Lol! You know how to make lemonade!!
This thread is a bit old but it caught my attention as it did hit home.
I too dated a girl for 4yrs in my late teens until I turned 20, she was my world, she was a freak. But in the 4 yrs we dated she cheated on me twice with 2 different guys, but "minor cheating" like BJ (not at the same time but I am sure she would do that, she was a freak) The 3rd time was the final nail, I had proposed to her (how stupid was I?) & she said yes, I was ecstatic. The next day I set out to buy her a ring. I tried calling her a few times but no answer. around 8-9pm she called me up in tears, she had sex with the same guy as the last time, keep in mind up until that point she was a virgin, very strict Christian upbringing. So she fucked him meanwhile we never fucked. I was through with her but me being weak willed & kind I let her convince me she would never do anything like that again, I had no respect for her & despised her but I said ok. Long story short, she ends up hooking up with a black guy that knocked her up. Dumb fucking whore thought he loved her.

The reason I posted my story was because she fucking ruined my life, I did not trust any other female & to this day, I have such a terrible fear of both commitment & intimacy because I could not stop myself from comparing those new girlfriends to the Original girl. To this day, the moment I get into a relationship, I start to subconsciously sabotage the relationship. It really sucks when you want to have a family.
So please dude, do yourself the favor & abandon all & any hope or thoughts about her, it will ruin your life. Women are evil when they hurt others, men are blunt objects when they hurt others. The most important rule is this; "If they cheat once, they WILL do it again to you, over & over."
One Q I always ask a girl early on in the relationship is how the last one ended, if she says that she cheated, I am out the door. (Well, I am out the door eventually with any circumstance)
Mend & move on, she no longer exists.
All the best.
Being hurt like that is so evil, but you aren't fact it probably happens way way more than most people think in today's world. The advice here is great..focus on YOU...i still think about the girl "i loved" but when you take a step back and look at the facts, you know they aren't worth shit and have severe issues if they would repeatedly hurt someone like that. Its sociopath behavior and needs to be cut loose.
I only read your first two posts.
1. There is 1,000 of them there is only one of you.
2. There is 1,000 of them there is only one of you
Old thread. But wanted to mention...

I went through the same thing. Dated a girl for a few years. She cheated. I forgave her. She did it again about 7months later.
It sucks man. Trust me. A lot of us have been there. But all you can do is cut her from your life. People dont change. Real change takes real time...

I NEVER thought id get over it. But i did. And now im dating someone who treats me and appreciates me 50X better than she ever did.