Giving Up


New member
We have all been here at least once before in our lifting careers. You look in the mirror or get out the measuring tape and dont have the results you'd have hoped for. That is just a slap in the face and some of us either give up or wish we would give up. You are sick and tired of eating the same crappy food out of Tupperware. You are tired of training so hard to the point where it feels as if your body is never not sore. You are tired of doing the same boring cardio day in and day out. There are those days we just dont feel like working out but we drag our asses to the gym and do some half ass workout just to say we worked out that day. We will all sometimes want to give up and there are so many reasons why we should give up but there is just one reason why we should keep going. What is your reason?
I remind myself that's what separates champions from normal people. :D

that what i tell myself before every workout!! lol

i really just felt like giving up for a whole year when i slipped that disc in my back. working out like that was agonizing but i made it through and now im hitting it harder than ever. i could barely get out of the bed in the morning but somehow i never missed a single workout.
-because I can
-because I am in control of my destiny
-because I refuse to give up
-because I refuse to go back to being a fat 250#
-because someday I will meet a wonderful woman and I want to give her the gift of a beautiful body to satisfy her needs
-because I am the baddest motherfucker I know (I tell myself this everyday on my way to the gym to give my ego a boost!)
-because I want to be healthy for my children
-because I want to make my ex-wives (yeah you read that right) regret treating me like shit
-because someone told me I can't
-because I want to prove to my mom that I won't turn into a fat-ass like she was at my age

and most importantly... because I love and respect myself
-because I can
-because I am in control of my destiny
-because I refuse to give up
-because I refuse to go back to being a fat 250#
-because someday I will meet a wonderful woman and I want to give her the gift of a beautiful body to satisfy her needs
-because I am the baddest motherfucker I know (I tell myself this everyday on my way to the gym to give my ego a boost!)
-because I want to be healthy for my children
-because I want to make my ex-wives (yeah you read that right) regret treating me like shit
-because someone told me I can't
-because I want to prove to my mom that I won't turn into a fat-ass like she was at my age

and most importantly... because I love and respect myself

that is what im talking about brother!! never give up
We have all been here at least once before in our lifting careers. You look in the mirror or get out the measuring tape and dont have the results you'd have hoped for. That is just a slap in the face and some of us either give up or wish we would give up. You are sick and tired of eating the same crappy food out of Tupperware. You are tired of training so hard to the point where it feels as if your body is never not sore. You are tired of doing the same boring cardio day in and day out. There are those days we just dont feel like working out but we drag our asses to the gym and do some half ass workout just to say we worked out that day. We will all sometimes want to give up and there are so many reasons why we should give up but there is just one reason why we should keep going. What is your reason?

overtraining is a myth!!
I push through it day in and day out, my body is mine to mold, I determine how it will look by what I place in my mouth and what I decide or not decide to do physically, I am only as strong as my Mind, Body, and Soul will let me be, I am a survivor who once was so lost she didn't know who she was when standing face to face with the mirror, the choices I make now define me as a person, I don't give up or call it quits, bc I am in control of my destiny, my body is like a blank canvas, it takes time, trial and error, every little movement and every morsel of good clean food, to create the masterpiece of a beautiful nicely defined body, every day I choose to give it my all, even when in pain, BC I believe I am worth all the hard work and sweat. To live a long healthy life, accomplishing all the goals i have always seen in my dreams. This is why I will never give up on me, BC I love me.
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Because I promised myself that I would never let myself slip back into being a heavy un athletic 300 lb's, to be the best I can be, and to always push the limits of my body........Oh and for the GURLLLLLSSS, SUNS OUT GUNS OUT BABY!! Hahaha..
We probably have different goals, but mine is that I just want to look good, without REALLY getting big, so my reason is always in the mirror. Building muscles is like building confidence in everything else you do, including my work, which is purely ass-all-day-in-a-chair.
Because I want to be healthy and live a long life for my son. I also know that for women, if we don't keep our bodies in shape from a young age and live a healthy lifestyle, we lose it at a younger age. We all know men get riper with age and women just get old, haha. As Clint Eastwood says "When a woman has wrinkles it means she's old, when a man gets wrinkles it adds character." I plan on being that woman that no one can believe my age because I have taken care of my body. Totally vain and self serving but that's my incentive.
I train hard for my daughters and my marriage. We have three girls. My wish for them is to have a strong role model in me. I want them to grow realizing that being strong is important. Not just being able to lift heavy weights, but having a strong sense of self and who they are and who they are becoming. I want to be able to keep up with them, not be the overweight mom on the sidelines eating a twinkie.

I train hard because I believe in my marriage and having the confidence that my husband is my best friend and partner. He works very hard to stay strong and healthy. Marriage is a partnership and I work equally as hard to stay attractive and always keep that spark alive.

I've been heavy after my pregnancies and I remeber feeling tired, run down, and sexually unappealing. I don't want to feel that way ever again. I train hard every day to be the best me I can be for myself, my husband, and my beautiful daughters.
Think about it, our body is all we have got in life. Even if you have no friends or family and you are feeling depressed you will always have your body. My body is my best friend, I take care of it and it takes care of me. If you think about it nothing in life is more important to you than your body. So if you aren't motivated enough to keep your OWN body in good shape than what can you be motivated about?

Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts have a drive to succeed that no other people have. People who work out are more successful in their careers because of this.
I ve given up....

I m never gonna be 215 shredded again after my multiple injuries, needing a knee replaced, rotator....

Going for the fitness gay porn star look..

195 it is....hate being more cycles...trt for life keeps lead in pencil..

Train 4-5 day s a week..less volume and mild weights...but then I m a feeble old man now....:redhot:
Everybody hits that point someday or another. You gotta say fuck it and keep on keeping on. Do you wanna be muscular and strong as an ox or you wanna be a big fat load of shit. The thing is considering you see yourself everyday in the mirror It's hard to really see big changes. So when that person you haven't seen in a while that says man your getting big. That's what gives me that extra push to keep going. Stay positive bro. You'll be just fine.
Because I set my goal to compete and gain up to 220lbs. And I know if I quit now, I'll quit on other goals I have for later on. I don't wanna have that quitter habit. I know if I push through I'll develop patience.