Glad PB is here.


New member
I was just visiting some other boards and thier respective chem forums. Just about every mod/admin/self proclaimed guru/vet advocate just about everything PB has dispelled in the last few months. I couldn't believe the crap I was reading. I wont mention any names but I will say that there is a lot of bad bad info being copy/pasted on a lot of boards. Glad PB is a solid installment here. :D
Doug has a good point guys can't deny that...PB adds a certian brutalistic point of view to our chem forum that no one else can quite duplicate...LOL...

I'm just glad he don't beat up on the posts I make...if so I'd probably have to tuck my tail and run away....LOL

But then I'd go find his cat and fuck it in the ass...that'd make me feel a lot better....

PB do you have a fan club or web site yet?? lolol

Maybe even T-shirts or better still Cooking Aprons ... Lolololol

Just a thought......

Taurus50 said:
Doug has a good point guys can't deny that...PB adds a certian brutalistic point of view to our chem forum that no one else can quite duplicate...LOL...

I'm just glad he don't beat up on the posts I make...if so I'd probably have to tuck my tail and run away....LOL

But then I'd go find his cat and fuck it in the ass...that'd make me feel a lot better....


you must have a very small dick. he got sharp claws too. seek professional help quickly.
Mini Me said:
PB do you have a fan club or web site yet?? lolol

Maybe even T-shirts or better still Cooking Aprons ... Lolololol

Just a thought......


you know....... i try to remain humble. i try to be a servant rather than the master. for it is in giving that one receives. it is in caring that one receives compassion. and my favorite, it is in bitch slapping some moron that i receive complete happiness. that sall i seek is peace and contentment. I am not a violent man but at times one must lay aside the tools of peace and harmony to straighten some fuck wad out and to help ease his pain. i fee it is my duty as a gentle soul to spread the message of unity. princicipals before personalities is my moto. to sacrifise one for the good of the whole. I am the one to eliminate the waste that drags us from our happy place. not i job that i chose but rather a job that chose me. at first i was hesitant, buit finally i was made to understand that someone must step up to be that one standing in the gap. it is lonely at times, sure. but just knowig that i have sacrifised so that this can be a better place for all to post makes me have swollen nuggets. thanks for all the encouragment and if i when i slap you around vervbally (mainly cause i cant get my hands on ya) its for the good of the whole and ultimately you will grow or whither. the choice is yours you morons. peace and be still and know that i lurk in dark and unseen places. sleep tight, night night
i jes do what i can to be helpfull. PB inc. also sells zanax as that is the only way i found to sleep of 200+mg/d of tren. complimemtary tabs with every kit. what a deal.
pullinbig said:
i jes do what i can to be helpfull. PB inc. also sells zanax as that is the only way i found to sleep of 200+mg/d of tren. complimemtary tabs with every kit. what a deal.

xanax with kits, you should definatly open up a store
On a serious note, I am VERY glad pb is here. He knows his stuff and has a great sense of humor.

I look forward to seeing what else he's said/written next.
grafix-gnc said:
the dude is gayer than Fantom...
but yea i guess i like the guy :D

bet you do like me after the rodeo sex we had the other night. the cadaber role playing was a nice touch too. good idea on you part. i cant for the life of me understand how you didnt move though. it must have been grueling
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were the restraints too tight or should they have been tighter? my sole mission is to spread your joy wide open. aint life good?
ahhhh...... another satified hombre'. wanna buy a kit? PBs magic solvent on sale now also. buy two and pay for three. what a deal!!!!!!