

Almost Natural
Hi guys, maybe it's not the right section, but more people here...
My knees and shoulders are killing me, and I want to give a try to glucosamine.
I have a supplement with glucosamine 750mg, L-arginine 750mg, boron 1,5mg, C-vitamin 500mg, Niacin 10mg, B12 10mcg.
How much would you use?
Any experience in glucosamine use?
To tell you the truth, glucosamine did nothing for me. I use capsacum cream under my wraps to keep joints nicely hot when I am pounding the weight. Ice afterwards and occasional use of ibuprofen to keep excess inflamation in check. Actually, at first try some ibuprofen prior to workouts (but use sparingly)
This protocol has worked well for me and no; the use of NSAIDS has not diminished protein synthesis judging by my progress.

I am currently looking into papain/bromelain as antiinflamatory enzymes and so far it looks very promissing
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I am currently looking into papain/bromelain as antiinflamatory enzymes and so far it looks very promissing

Would you mind telling us what you have learned so far? I've heard little bits and pieces about this, but haven't found much useful information on the subject. Sounds interesting.
Mr. Nobody said:
To tell you the truth, glucosamine did nothing for me. I use capsacum cream under my wraps to keep joints nicely hot when I am pounding the weight. Ice afterwards and occasional use of ibuprofen to keep excess inflamation in check. Actually, at first try some ibuprofen prior to workouts (but use sparingly)
This protocol has worked well for me and no; the use of NSAIDS has not diminished protein synthesis judging by my progress.

I am currently looking into papain/bromelain as antiinflamatory enzymes and so far it looks very promissing

Well, concerns about protein synthesis problems is what kept me away from NSAIDS, and I'm trying to stay away from them (till I can...).
It's interesting the use of enzymes, are you experiencing any benefit from them?

And, by the way, anione else with some glucosamine experience?
I bought a glucosamine and chondroitin supplement and found something out the hard way. If you are allergic to shellfish do NOT take this supplement. I'm closer to intolerant (nausea, vomiting) rather than allergic but I still have to steer clear of lobster, crab, clams,etc. I spent some time bent over the toilet because of this stuff.
well all I know about bromelain and papain is that they are digestive enzymes when taken with meals, but act as antiinflamatories when taken on an empty stomach. Europeans have more experience wit this than we do. I have not nor do I know anybody who has done them for rehab purposes....still looking into some european studies. MSM also did nothing for me. The above protocol is the only one that worked and so far I am still pain free (except for minor anoyances) after some serious elbow, shoulder and knee pain
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Thanks everybody, guys!
And thefantom, I know quite well about MSM and heard it used for other and different purposes with good results.
i have bad knees from my sport and religiously take glucosomine
I take it with a multi
also on its own i find it's not so good but if it's taken with Chondriotin it's potent... oh and since adding a fish oil cap or two to the mix i find my knee problems are not bad as they used to be
Glucosimine did nothing for me, but MSM essentially rid me of my wirst tendonitus
it's awsome I recommend it to anyone/everyone
During my bulking cycle I started getting really bad pains in my shoulders/joints. Started taking msm/glucosomine/chondrotine daily and it seemed to help REDUCE these pains. Also take ibuprofen as needed.