Glutamine & Creatine, SOmeone tell me wtf

DADAWG said:
glutamine works period , that being said it is not the fountain of youth or a miracle drug , however it has its purpose , if your on a bulker eating children and farm animals whole then glutamine supplementation probably wont make a big diff , but if you are cutting especially extreme low calories or using t3 or dnp then glutamine is a lifesaver , also it is a big help in recovery for us dumbasses who overtrain , i dont have eleventeen studies to post and back this up but this is based on real world experience of myself and those i have advised , if you never believe anything else i say believe this , it is fact peace

It works and we're supposed to take your word for it? I used it for 3 months and pissed away $70, so for me it doesnt work. Then I stumbled upon several abstracts, data and studies that backed up why it doesnt work. Uping your protein is a life saver, not glutamine. World world opinions will never touch science.
You know Yellow Jacket, I kinda feel you on where you are coming from. I always buy the L-Glutamine subconsciously like buying milk at the store. I think that the L-Glutamine is a case by case basis with most users. I would like to see the liks you got if you can access them for me. I am not condoning the use of L-Glutamine or saying not to use it. IMO I have used about 3 diffrent kinds and I really don't feel anything diiferent. I wish there was a Glutamine out there that was a more noticable Glutamine. I guess its wishful thinking. It is probobly safe to say that Glutamine does some behind the scenes thing for some peeps and others it doesn't, I don't know. I wish I could say what it does for me. I am playing the middle of the road right now as you can tell, when I get hard evidence I will probably change my mind.
Edhead said:
I wish there was a Glutamine out there that was a more noticable Glutamine. I guess its wishful thinking. I

There is Bro, it called glutamine peptides
the differnece is night and day.

you no longer have to wish , its a reality........=)

the only challenge is that it tastes mildley earthy, natural, but earthy, so you must mix it with a flavored drink......if you get get past that then your set

here is some more info if you have time
Thanks bro it s fine line btween truly wanting to share something wonderfull, and sounding like a self interested manipulative car sales man.

Its for real, again as long as you mix it with something falvored you will be set.

I like to put

3 scoops of chocolate protien powder and 1 scoop on our glutamine peptides

1 scoop twice a day keeps catabolism away =)
Or you could drink a glass of orange juice or vitamin C powder and increase your protein intake.........

It looks like its just me and you!

Glutamine does NOT make it through the digestive system into the blood stream in any useable amounts to benefit "trained human athletes " for muscle growth or increased volume.

The study I read was not for burn victims or sick people or gerbils on a fucking treadmill.

It was done on healthy weight training athletes. It was a double blind study( which means the subjects and researchers do not who gets the glutamine and who gets the placebo.) and blood analysis determined the findings.

I used glutamine for years and quit after researching on my own. It's expensive at 20 grams/ per day. There are better anti ox's out there.

Just because Glutamine is the most abundant amino in muscle doesn't mean that glutaine supplements can beeffective when the molecule doesn't make it into the bloodstream where it can be used.

This is not theoretical science it is applied science. There's a big difference. Applied science means the theory works in the real world or in glutamines case...doesn't work.
Paulie R said:

It looks like its just me and you!

Glutamine does NOT make it through the digestive system into the blood stream in any useable amounts to benefit "trained human athletes " for muscle growth or increased volume.

I respectfully agree and disagree with you at the same time bro.

traditional L-glutamine does have immunological benifits, but it is so refined, and mostly synthetic that it does not survive the pass through the stomachs acids. also being refined so highly does not give people the other ancillary benifts associated with a good glutamine.

Glutamine peptides however are stable, thus they give humans the benifits touted by "studies" throught out the whole process of digestion from stomach to colon.....:)

consequently its so stable that you can cook it and expose it to acids such as in fruit juices and it survives for the glutamine is bonded in an inherantley stable amino acid matrix..............that matrix is broken down slowly throught the body own methods, slowly, gradually and naturally :)
Im not saying peptides are worthless, but my qualm with any glutamine is.....why? Ive reasearched dozens of protein powders, all have good sized amounts of glutamine per scoop (ie. Optimum 100% whey has 2 grams per scoop), I see no reason in extra supplementation with it. Its not valuable in itself. If anything, get a solid BCAA supplement.

And Paulie- I have at least 2 dozen anti-glutamine peer review abstracts, dont on weight training athletes and resistive training athletes, they're convincing enough, but then I was nieve enough to spend money on it and gave it a fair chance and nothing, but an empty wallet.
YellowJacket said:
Im not saying peptides are worthless, but my qualm with any glutamine is.....why? Ive reasearched dozens of protein powders, all have good sized amounts of glutamine per scoop (ie. Optimum 100% whey has 2 grams per scoop), I see no reason in extra supplementation with it. Its not valuable in itself. If anything, get a solid BCAA supplement.


hey bro its not my intent to try to prove you wrong, coming form the my end , my bias becomes kinda one sided since I have a vested interest all be it not that much:)

I just want to share some ideas is all....

any way about your point on the "glutmine peptides" already present in your powders...

a note...........

Peptides are amino acids broken down into their smaller more digestible form using the hydrolyzation process. Only hydrolyzation can produce the smaller peptides, superior to free form amino acids and larger peptides currently found in your whey proteins that are produced NOT using the hydrolyzation method. The supplement companies make it sound difficult because there is a small amount of peptides that occur naturally, regularly commercially produced whole-protein supplements. Unfortunately, what the don't tell you is that these are the larger peptides with a high molecular weight, which is different from smaller di and tri peptides that are produced using the hydrolyzation method.
Several studies have shown that smaller peptides are better absorbed than larger peptides and regularly manufactured protein.
1. Amino acids from peptides are more readily absorbed than free-form amino acids, thus producing a greater insulin reaction.
2. Humans fed smaller peptides compared to whole-protein foods had a greater increase in amino acid levels.
3. Hydrolysated products produce greater pharmacological effects (increasing GH and insulin response).
4. OLIGOPEPTIDES are LARGER PEPTIDES, which are absorbed much SLOWER than small tri and di peptides. Supplement companies try to use the word "oligopeptides" to fool the customer

I believe the study (which was published a 2 part articel in TMag) was refering to l-glutamine. I like the post on peptides and will possibly throw them into my post training shake!!

Thanks for the info.
OMEGA said:
hey bro its not my intent to try to prove you wrong, coming form the my end , my bias becomes kinda one sided since I have a vested interest all be it not that much:) /
Hey brother, Im not close minded in the least, I'll read and learn if you have something to offer, I dont mind at all..........

1. Amino acids from peptides are more readily absorbed than free-form amino acids, thus producing a greater insulin reaction.

A fast acting protein (ie. whey) also spikes insulin. Vitamin C is shown in numerus studies to suppress cortisol levels after high intensity exercise also, so the insulin spiking feature of glutamine isnt too appealing to me.

2. Humans fed smaller peptides compared to whole-protein foods had a greater increase in amino acid levels.

Ok, thats cool.

3. Hydrolysated products produce greater pharmacological effects (increasing GH and insulin response).

Not to fond of the GH producing effects, there's too many studies that prove otherwise.

4. OLIGOPEPTIDES are LARGER PEPTIDES, which are absorbed much SLOWER than small tri and di peptides. Supplement companies try to use the word "oligopeptides" to fool the customer

Not sure whats going on with this one, but if you have any further data to show man, Id be glad to read it......
hey guys thanks for great feeback and civility =)

Yellow that last thing about peptides was just a reference to how many companies try to say that their brand of protien also contains "glutamine peptides " as well its kinda of a half truth is all I am was just some extra info.

any way thanks bro's

OMEGA said:
hey guys thanks for great feeback and civility =)

Yellow that last thing about peptides was just a reference to how many companies try to say that their brand of protien also contains "glutamine peptides " as well its kinda of a half truth is all I am was just some extra info.

any way thanks bro's


Thank you man, who knows, may give it a try this summer when cutting time comes......