glycogen depletion


New member
Hey guys,

Just wondering....cardio is the best to do in the morning on an empty stomach right? Because your glycogen levels are low and once they are depleted your body turns to fat as fuel right?

Knowing this, is it also a good idea to do cardio at night instead, and then go to sleep straight after without eating anything? Does that have the same effect?

I Cant be stuffed doing cardio in the morning thats all.

Also, how long do u guys rest between ab sets?
not eating anything after you do cardio at night means not eating anything for 7+ hrs, and on top of that your heart rate is accelerated, hence blood flow is moving faster, and more calories are being burned. having a limited amount of accessible calories stored as fat, your body would alternately turn to muscle and protien stores, a longer lasting and condensed form of energy. doesnt seem too healthy for your overall body and health. some one correct me on this. id say if youre going to do cardio at night, you need a good amount of protien (at least 25 gms) and EFA's to last most of the night. id imagine carbs wouldnt be necessary at night, but youd have to injest alot when you wake.---->may also be tough to get to sleep.

on a side note, ive also heard that the first 15 min of cardio is when your body uses most of its glycogen stores. the next 25 crucial minutes are when it dips into your fat store (limited) then after about the 40 min mark, it starts to burn muscle protein. (this based on a generic 150 lb individual, with and adequate amount of pro/carb/fat injested, ie: not in the morn)....?
hey bro,
so lets say that your typical 30minute jog burns about 300 calories. if you have a protein shake after (100calories), wont that equal only 200 calories burnt?

not trying to challenge ya bro, just confuses me thats all.
Vinni said:
Hey guys,

Just wondering....cardio is the best to do in the morning on an empty stomach right? Because your glycogen levels are low and once they are depleted your body turns to fat as fuel right?


Knowing this, is it also a good idea to do cardio at night instead, and then go to sleep straight after without eating anything? Does that have the same effect?

NO... at night, typically your stores will be filled from carbohydrates throughout the day. Never go to bed without protein before you sleep. SLow absorbing protein and EFAs are the best at bedtime. THis way the aminos (protein) travels through the blood through out the night giving your muscles the ability to growth and repair itself.
As for filling up glycogen stores post workout at night - that's debatable/ Typically, you fill up glycogen stores post workout with dextrose for recovery purpose. However, dextrose before sleep! I jsut dont know, personally I rarely ever train before bed for this reason.

I Cant be stuffed doing cardio in the morning thats all.

If you eat before bed you won't be stuffed in the morning, it will be digested by then.. if that's what you meant:)

and welcome to the boards
Vinni said:

Knowing this, is it also a good idea to do cardio at night instead, and then go to sleep straight after without eating anything? Does that have the same effect?

Vinni, I answered this in my original post, it just looks confusing...
"hey bro,
so lets say that your typical 30minute jog burns about 300 calories. if you have a protein shake after (100calories), wont that equal only 200 calories burnt?

not trying to challenge ya bro, just confuses me thats all."

that 100 calories doesnt automatically replace part of the 300 calories that you burnt while doing cardio, your body doesnt work like that. first it has to digest it (which takes calories->more so than usual due to your body being hyperactive after a cardio session) then it has to use the correct amino acids to help repair muscle tears. the protein is crucial after ANY bout of excersize to aid in repair. those extra 100 calories pretty much get used up by various internal processes in about 2 hrs or less depending on how much cardio you do. thats why you get hungry faster after doing cardio and eating as apposed to just eating.

you could wait for UP TO 30 min after (depending on amount of cardio) to aid in fat burning, but longer would be catabolic (burn muscle).
good luck.