Gogetter- Prop/ 1-T Tren / Winni


Hey guys so i got an opportunity to try out the new 1T Tren product from PP. im gonna a run an 8 week cycle something like this

150mg Prop- EOD 1-8
4 -5 pumps 1T Tren ED until the bottle runs out
50mg winni ED 4-8

Currently 200lbs approximately 11% body fat. looking to gain 5-8 solid pounds while decreasing body fat....

Gonna try to go with moderate carb consumption and see how my body reacts. im undoubtedly an Ectomorph, iv had trouble gaining all my life. I figure i will be able to consume pretty heavy carbs without increasing my body fat. More then likely ill adjust my diet accordingly to how feel once the 1T TREN kicks in.

Gonna take a Push/ Pull training split hitting one major muscle twice a week (my chest- Weakest muscle) and doing low intensity cardio 2-3 x a week

On a side note. i have been training MMA much more then i have been lifting so im excited to get back into a heavy lifting schedule, i just got done with school so i have as much time as needed to focus on training.
Day 1-

After Bombing my Econ final, i came home and decided to start the cycle now that im officially done with school.

200mg Prop- Left Delt
5 pumps 1T Tren- rubbed into chest and lower abdomen.

Im happy to be on juice again. im really trying to get Extremely lean, single digit body fat.

Chest and Shoulders

Flat barbell- 135-10 185x10 205x8 225x8 245x3

Incline Dumbell Press- 75x8 75x8 80x8 80x6

Incline Flys- 3 sets of 35 lbsx10

Dead lifts- 135x10 185x10 225x10 225x10

T- Bar row 3 plates 4 sets of 8

Dips - 50

Not very intense workout, Got my shoulder cranked pretty bad the other day in Jiu Jitsu so i have been taking it easy on my rotator.

Ill post some pics later to get an idea of where i stand... although im probably not near as big as half of you fuckers on here...
Day 3

150mg Prop injected into left quad
5 Pumps 1T-Tren

Went to a different gym then i usually train at, this is one of those 24 hour gyms and they dont have much free weights due to liability issues, but i still managed to get a decent work out...

Smith Press Squat

135x10 185x10 225x8 275x4

Leg Press "sled" 8 plates 8,8,10, 6

Leg Extensions - 150 10,10,10,10

There were no hamstring machines so i didnt do any hamstrings.

For calves i did standing calve raises 10 on each foot up a set of 20 or so stairs.. got one hell of a calf pump
Day 4

80mg Prop- gonna start doing 80 mg ED injections now

5 pumps- 1T-Tren

Had some very vivid dreams last night. More intense then normal, i would attribute it to the 1T- Tren.

Shoulders, Traps, and abs

Dumbell millitary press 65x8 70x8 75x5 65x8

Side lateral raises with 20lb dumbells perfect form. -3 sets of 12

Hammer Strength Shoulder Press 2 plates on each side -4 sets of 10
----Super Set With-------
Upright rows- EZ curl bar with 25's on each end 4 Sets of 10


Behind the neck shrugs done on smith machine with 185 on rack 4 sets of 12

Crunch Machine 4 sets of 15 on 50 lbs

Had one hell of a pump, a frind actually came up to me and asked me if i was back "on"

ill post before pics tomorrow
Day 5

80mg Prop
5 pumps 1T- Tren

Back and Biceps

Extra wide pull ups. 10, 8, 8, 6

T bar row 3 plates 10, 10, 8, 8

Lat pulls 150lbs 10,10,12,12

Hammer strength iso lateral row - 2 plates and 25 on each side 10,10,10,8

------superset with --------

Back extensions with 25 lb disc in hand.

incline Dumbell curls 35lbs then dropped down. 12,10,10, 8 Rest pause

Preacher curl 110 lbs 8,8,10,8 Rest pause

Got a great bicep pump from the rest pause excercises, nothing major to report accept a good pump and i seem to be sweating more then usual, throught the whole day. I feel some strength coming in too.
Day 6 & 7 No Training

5 pumps 1T Tren Both days
80 MG prop Both days

Noticing im starting to get sudden sweat spells where i sweat like a mofo for 10 mins or so. Also increased aggression. i seem to be pissed at everybody today.
Day 8.

80mg Prop
5 pumps 1T-Tren

Chest, Back, abs

Flat barbell 135x8 205x8 225x7 245x5
Incline Dumbell- 80x8 80x7 75x10 75x7
Hammer strength incline 2 plates each side 4 sets of 10
Incline dumbell fly- 35lbs 3 sets of 10 very controlled form

Pull ups. 10,8,8,7
Cable low row- 155lbs 12,10,8,8

Decline Leg Raises 3 sets of 12
Crunch machine 1 set of 40

Went out drinking last night and had some shitty sleep. work out was nothing special, except i got huge pumps in the Arms. i always seem to notice whenever im on in my arms, they puff up. Feel pretty good. Noticing alot more aggivation through the day, and i have been eating like complete shit but still retain the outline of a six pack. SO far so good.
Day 9.

80mg Prop
5 pumps 1T-Tren

Legs and Biceps

Warm up on eliptical for 3 mins
Squats 135x10 185x10 225x10 225x10
Leg Extensions 110x10 125x10 140x8 125x9
Hamstring Curls 135 4 sets of 10
Calf raises 230 5 sets of 15

Workout went well, nothing super, although i did feel like i could bang out a couple more reps. im starting to sweat like a pig no matter what i do, and im irritable as a crackhead. Weight is up 5 LBS, and i look lean and hard so i couldnt be more happier
haha yah i figured. its deff potent. not like any "Pro-hormone" iv taken. my diet has been loaded with heavy carbs, and i still bear a six pack all day. and i havent touched cardio since i started, also my pumps are becoming insane. i wake up pumped in the morning, up 5 Lbs since i started 10 days ago.... Good shit.
haha yah i figured. its deff potent. not like any "Pro-hormone" iv taken. my diet has been loaded with heavy carbs, and i still bear a six pack all day. and i havent touched cardio since i started, also my pumps are becoming insane. i wake up pumped in the morning, up 5 Lbs since i started 10 days ago.... Good shit.

Glad to hear things are going well :beertoast
Is there a reason you're shooting the Prop ED??? You could easily get away with EOD and you won't feel like a pin cushion either.
sorry for a lack of updates, i just came out of a 2 year relationship and things couldnt be worse....

as for this prop i havew dropped down to EOD injections of 150mg, The 1T- Tren is AMAZING!!!! im the leanest i have ever been in my life. NEVER TOUCHED CARDIO THIS CYCLE. ill post some pics when i get a chance....

my weight is stuck at 200lbs... i was hoping to gain a little more.. it seems like i dropped a good bit of body fat and replaced with some muscle. also im super dry and hard looking.

i would have to say the couple LBS i gained in the beginning was water which then shedded off when i started the TREN. Then my body complletely transformed.

i would recommend this to anyone looking for a summer supplement to keep gains up while looking great. Strength is also up too, i have not noticed so much low rep strength but my repetition strength has JUMPED. ALso pumps are amazing.
Sweet log man and love the avitar. Sorry to hear about the relationship but shit usually works out for the best if your doing the right thing.

If you don't mind me asking. Any sides with this 1-T Tren? How long do you take it and how is it different from real trenbolone? Sorry to ask but i might consider picking some up and it sounds like your loving it.
Thanks Bro im trying to keep my head up through this shit. The Tren makes me not sleep very well, like as soon as iwake up in the morning im up, no going back to sleep, and i noticed that if i do try to go back to sleep i have terrible sweats. also oily skin, but not bad. actually i got more acne last test / dbol cycle , then i didi with this Tren Prop cycle.

Very comparrible to tren. minus the coughing. with to me is a plus, cause with tren i would get sudden coughing spells all throught the day. .


NO Training-

HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY. R.I.P. To all our fallen soldiers. Fallen but never forgotten