Going for 250lbs 10%BF

34 brother on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and loving it.

the accident was on super bowl sunday I watched the saints kick ass on a hospitalt 14 inch t.v. lol. It was during a nasty snow storm in the NE here in the states, my bmw got loose cause someone hit their brakes in front of me then I went into a latteral skid for about 200 yards. If it wasn't for driving/racing school and BMW I would be dead because after I hit the guard rail a triple A tow truck took out my back end at 40mph, car is crushed and I got gel in one of my disks in the vertebra going the wrong way, my chic took the grunt of it though but she's back at it doing Yoga and mild circuit training. I would say we were lucky but BMW has saved my life on the road and track mulitiple times. Very safe vehicles, like Benz.

glad to hear all is good man.

good luck on your quest!
Pretty long week. Had a business/pleasure trip into the city to sign new account's and here Paul Van Dyke spin on the deck's for the first time in Bmore.

I was only able to get 2 session's in but yesterday's upper body felt great. Chest is feeling tighter already thank's to a little muscle memory.

Legs on tues at a gym in the city,

Squat's in the rack real deep but light. several warm-up's then 3 at 5 rep's.
Rope Pull-threw's
leg extension


Flat Bench- kept weight low and tried new grips and bar positiona and think i found my groove better then ever. I practiced with light weight 185 and with hoodie on and really nestled my neck/head into the pad as well. For a while I kept gettiing a pinch pain in the neck and I wasn't benching completed planted. This should start paying off. I really got the bar lower which was nice cause my ribs/chest and not just pec muscle feel's great. 7 sets 1 heavy followed with 135x25 better form, I'm feelin that burn-out set today, lol

DM SHoulder press 3 sets 10- weaker then last weak on these.

2 sets 20 rep Pec dec super setted with side trap ext

rope pull down super set db curl

"I saw my buddy I was suppose to start the routine with yesterday again since I was away all week and I got the gist of his routine I like. It is much different then what I'm accustomed to but might give it a whirl. The routine is built to build expolosiveness in the lower body but emphasis in making the shoulder's stronger..

Day one on his training log is kinda like this,

Front Squat-3 set's Heavy day 6 rep's slowly increase weight
Power Snatches 3 set's 2-3 reps
Box jump' 3 set's
leg extension sets
Flat Bench/Incline DB-3 set's 6 reps light day
One hand db press alternate
push claps
lat pulldown's
bent row's

That day is repeated on Wed but light squat heavy bench and there's other olympic movement's and plyometrics shit I forgot to include/replace but that's a sample of first day less a few exercises. The other day of the routine I am still lost on half the exercises, lol

So it's actually a 4 day spilt but he mentioned can be tailored to 3 day since my recovery skills are no where near this guy's. The purpose behind the program is to build and focus mainly on explosiveness movement's and help build core/leg strength along with speed and strength in the shoulder's. It's kind of like a 5x5 just less set's more plyometric and olympic lift's with stretching. I'll have to post the whole split. I'm used to hitting one body part once a week heavy but this is interesting it's more like one light one heavy on major part's but less set's more compound movemont's so it's almost completely different then what I'm accustomed to.
May 24th


Squats-4 sets 135x8, 185x5, 225x5, 225x5
romanian Dl's-3 set's went light real strict, 135x10, 225x5, 245x5
Box jumps 2 sets almost to failure, these I'm not used to it whiped me
Leg Press-3 plate side, 2 set 15+ reps
Pullthrews-1 sets 15 reps
two handle pulldowns-2 set'sx10
curls 2sets
ab crunches

I decided to crank up the volume a tiny bit today but still only going 75%ME on major lifts that's probably why. I'm gonna start trying a lot of exercises ive never done and see how I respond to them so lower body should start getting interesting.

I'm going in Wed morning for the BF% and i'll post it up.
May 24th


Squats-4 sets 135x8, 185x5, 225x5, 225x5
romanian Dl's-3 set's went light real strict, 135x10, 225x5, 245x5
Box jumps 2 sets almost to failure, these I'm not used to it whiped me
Leg Press-3 plate side, 2 set 15+ reps
Pullthrews-1 sets 15 reps
two handle pulldowns-2 set'sx10
curls 2sets
ab crunches

I decided to crank up the volume a tiny bit today but still only going 75%ME on major lifts that's probably why. I'm gonna start trying a lot of exercises ive never done and see how I respond to them so lower body should start getting interesting.

I'm going in Wed morning for the BF% and i'll post it up.

Nice, switching routines can spark new growth/strength.

Get it man!!!
Finished up the week pretty well. Diet was a bit off this week and didn't get enough protein in but I really whiped my ass. I walked 18 holes on three different golf courses this week and I really feel a lot better from doing so.

Yeaterday I hit upper body,

Incline BB Bench-4 warm-up sets and 2 sets with 205x5 real strict
HS Flat Press-3 sets of 10
One hand DB shoulder press-drop set from 30-20-15 at 20 rep's fried my shoulders
Super-set, pec-deck then reverse pec deck for traps, 2 set's 20 reps
JM Press-1 set 15 reps
Hammer Curls-1 set 20 reps
Hyper Extension
Physio ball crunches

I didn't get my BF% checked the gym wanted 15 bucks and they use some K-mart electronic scale you stand on that really doesn't look to accurate so I spent the 15 bucks on a nice ny strip and shrimp after my work out. Definitely already noticing more vascularity in my arms but thats probably mostly from all the golf. My strength is decent for just getting back into the swing of things but I am noticing already that walking the course is a hell of a workout when you have a 40pound bag on your back treckin up and over hills and I think if I keep that up it will hinder my strength, but if it helps me loose a lot of BF then I really don't care.

Next week I'm gonna work on some exercises to better my flexibility and also try an clean the diet up even more.
hell yea dlove glad to see your back at it! ive fell of the wagon logging here, just too much shit going on right now, but im for sure gonna be checking in on you and your log making sure you stick with it.

you have a PM by the way