Going on a Cruise...


New member
...and I was wondering, since my cruise has stops in puerto vallrta, mazatlan and somewhere else, how easy would it be for me to just buy some gear while I was there, bring it back on the boat and get it home. The boat will dock in Cali and I wil l be able to drive right home. Any opinions on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
There are too many other ways to get gear than risk getting caught that way and you will lose alot more than it's worth. My opinion, DON'T RISK IT!!!!
You have to have A+ packaging if you want your gear to make it back from mexico through the mail. Even then the risks are too high.
I've always heard that customs on cruises are very easy to pass through. They *might* check your bags, but certainly not your crotch, lol.
See Grande that is the same that I heard before. Buffdawg if you do not mind me asking, why do you feel it is such a high risk? I guess what I might do is go on the cruise and size things up for future refference. I sure as hell am not trying to get caught bringging back some goodies for myself. Oh yeah mailing it is a big no no!
bigdaddy22 said:
See Grande that is the same that I heard before. Buffdawg if you do not mind me asking, why do you feel it is such a high risk? I guess what I might do is go on the cruise and size things up for future refference. I sure as hell am not trying to get caught bringging back some goodies for myself. Oh yeah mailing it is a big no no!

Hey BigD, I'm not saying it is a high risk because I have not been on a cruise in a while so I don't know how security has been lately. What I'm saying is.....is it worth getting caught to bring back a very small amount back with you???? You surely can't bring back a hell of alot in your crouch can you??? I'm just saying there are much safer ways to go about getting the stuff. Personally I would not risk it.;)
bigdaddy22 said:
See Grande that is the same that I heard before. Buffdawg if you do not mind me asking, why do you feel it is such a high risk? I guess what I might do is go on the cruise and size things up for future refference. I sure as hell am not trying to get caught bringging back some goodies for myself. Oh yeah mailing it is a big no no!

I haven't had any problems mailing gear back from Mexico...yet. From what I have seen customs on cruise ships is a joke. My friends brought many substances besides gear back on cruises with zero trouble...that doesn't mean you won't be the first or the last to try and fail...if you fuck up in customs your world will get turned upside down. My brothers name is on the Customs and Treasury Dept list...which means everytime he gets on a flight, domestic or internatinal, he gets hauled off and "thoroughly" searched...good luck with whatever you decide
dallasskyline said:
I haven't had any problems mailing gear back from Mexico...yet. From what I have seen customs on cruise ships is a joke. My friends brought many substances besides gear back on cruises with zero trouble...that doesn't mean you won't be the first or the last to try and fail...if you fuck up in customs your world will get turned upside down. My brothers name is on the Customs and Treasury Dept list...which means everytime he gets on a flight, domestic or internatinal, he gets hauled off and "thoroughly" searched...good luck with whatever you decide

That's exactly my point.....customs on cruises may be a joke, but who's to say that they will not decide to check you out???? Then what???? You are in a world of shit...for what a few bottles??? There is no guarantee that you will not get caught!!!
I went on a cruise last year and I wish I had grabbed some shit after seeing how they checked things out. I went on an Eastern Carribean and didn't have time to go searching graneros but I learned a few things.

In each port they set up metal detectors and a search line with the local cops at the entrance of the boat for when you reboard. They X-ray your bags and then you have to pass through the metal detector. So you really couldn't bring a whole lot through. BUT, what I did notice was that if you wait until past the time you're supposed to board (the ship won't leave w/o you) then you can get right on with no searches at all. You see, it takes a while for them to take down the metal detectors and the cops to leave. After they're gone you're free to go.

The second thing was this. Cruise ships operate on a very tight schedule. When they land they dump all your luggage into one area and immediately start cleaning the ship and getting everyone off as they leave for the next cruise that same day. They didn't have any security at all when leaving. You tell the immigration people that you don't have anything to claim and you're on your way. They may take a dog to sniff around the luggage but there are way too many people to search them all when they are trying to leave.

NOTE: This was my experience, yours may be different.
I work at a travel Agency a Huge one! We deal with people getting busted every once in awhile. Ive been on numerous cruises and have yet to sneak anything on( no need to). I have however seen customs very lax and customs very hard on people. Its not always easy just as its not always hard. When I was in Playa Car this, just flying down to vacation I didnt get stopped by customs once. They make you push the button and play the red light green light game. I GOT GREEN ! so I was free to go !
I am wondering if you could replace the metal tops with rubber stoppers to get thru the metal detectors. although it may cause the gear to be unsterile...anyone ever tried it?
Well fellas thank you for your opinions on the matter. I am probably gonna go on the cruise and bring nothing back, but I will definately check out how things work for future refferance. I understand what all of you guys are saying about it not being worth getting caught, and trust me I agree with you 100%. I will check it out and report back to everybody. Thanks
When I went on a cruise they were pretty lax at customs coming back in they usually just check for fruit and shit so you don't bring back any bugs or disesesI don;t think I went through any metal detectors either.
Alright now, fellas quit tellin me that they do not check, because now you guys have me having second thoughts. I am just gonna peep things out this time around, but I am glad I made this thread though.
heres the trick dude ...did it last summer....going back on the ship but the gear in your pants and wear a belt with a metal hook when they use the wand on your waste band simply pull up your shorts to show the metal belt ...also i think the caps are actually aluminum???wont go off in metal detector...once u get that far put the shit in your luggage they only xray it goin on for bombs and guns....as far as customs goes i believe you fill out a form well ahead of getting off declaring anything ...try not to buy any other bullshit..should be set i did it from cozumel to miami with a friend ...no problems...good luck...
Why risk your vacation due to steroids bro! You will save some money but is that money worth it..!!!