Going on TRT as a virgin

What if its ass backwards .. and destiny actually determines the choices we make in the first place , and thus all we are doing is following destinies pre-determined plan ;)

B a c k a w a y from the testosterone buddy!!!! lol
What if its ass backwards .. and destiny actually determines the choices we make in the first place , and thus all we are doing is following destinies pre-determined plan ;)

Nice, reminds me of Lawrence of Arabia... "It is written".
morning notorious, the idea that ''i could not do it naturally, that im not genetically good enough and needed some type of enhancement'' is nothing more than a projection of your internal insecurity.

i dont mean that in a harsh way, as i too am on hrt.

HRT/TRT will provide you with the building blocks, a foundation, towards health and general well being.
If you choose to accept the fact that there is a part of you (endocrine) that is broken, and not you as a whole; you will find it much easier to progressive as a "complete" person, someone with the ability to attain personal goals and develop character, and perseverance.

HRT/TRT can provide a starting point for your overall development as a man, and drive, passion, and relationships will come with time.

Instead of dwelling on "getting laid/am i good enough scenarios" focus on becoming the healthiest, most educated, and successful person you can be and all the other areas of you life will start to fall into place

i couldent have said it better myself man...
What if its ass backwards .. and destiny actually determines the choices we make in the first place , and thus all we are doing is following destinies pre-determined plan ;)

the present state of mind and thuoght patterns predict/make destiny , but change and growth from within can change this on the flip of a dime. most dont though.
so i do believe in free will but also destiny. like in glipses of the future, yet not set in stone.. i could go further into it but thats the nutshell.
:) : )
What if its ass backwards .. and destiny actually determines the choices we make in the first place , and thus all we are doing is following destinies pre-determined plan ;)

What if this is all an ultracreative conspiracy to keep our minds occupied while our bodies are used as bioelectrical power plants for our robot overlords?

What if this is all an ultracreative conspiracy to keep our minds occupied while our bodies are used as bioelectrical power plants for our robot overlords?


and "destiny" is nothing more then a pre-programmed (computer program) playing the events of our life for us, as we lay there entertained 'watching it' -- all while being used as precious therms for energy. . hey I just had 'deja vu' , must be a glitch in the matrix!
Roush that's some deep philosophical shit right there lol.

the idea actually comes from a theological persuasion -- hyper-calvinism. a hyper form/idea in regards to predestination/providence. You have the 'free will' to act and do anything you want , but ultimately every act and decision you make still falls perfectly in line with God's pre-determined plan. therefore every person's decision, good or bad, is nothing more then a decision towards and in line with destinies plan.
The concept of fatalism has always struck me as hollow and ultimately intellectually lazy, and quantum physics should furnish ample counterarguments to the notion of material determinism.
The concept of fatalism has always struck me as hollow and ultimately intellectually lazy, and quantum physics should furnish ample counterarguments to the notion of material determinism.

it only gets interesting if its looked at within the realm of theology (outside of that it has nothing substantial to stand on). Of course within that realm it can bring about a certain degree of 'exceptionalism' - as there are 'elect' and 'non-elect' people, and everything good or bad that happens in the world, in both classes of people, only work to the benefit of the 'elect' (eg. every bad decision a 'non elect' individual makes, is ultimately pre-determined to somehow benefit the 'elect' individual, though that benefit may not be fully realized on this current physical plain of existence, but will be 'reaped' on the spiritual side of existence)
it only gets interesting if its looked at within the realm of theology (outside of that it has nothing substantial to stand on). Of course within that realm it can bring about a certain degree of 'exceptionalism' - as there are 'elect' and 'non-elect' people, and everything good or bad that happens in the world, in both classes of people, only work to the benefit of the 'elect' (eg. every bad decision a 'non elect' individual makes, is ultimately pre-determined to somehow benefit the 'elect' individual, though that benefit may not be fully realized on this current physical plain of existence, but will be 'reaped' on the spiritual side of existence)

Though I come from a culturally protestant background, I'm a lifelong atheist and can only view the Calvinist work ethic as an interesting example of self-fulfilling prophecy.
the idea actually comes from a theological persuasion -- hyper-calvinism. a hyper form/idea in regards to predestination/providence. You have the 'free will' to act and do anything you want , but ultimately every act and decision you make still falls perfectly in line with God's pre-determined plan. therefore every person's decision, good or bad, is nothing more then a decision towards and in line with destinies plan.

Interesting thanks for sharing.
With test levels like that, something quite possibly is wrong the pituitary gland thus giving you a real need for TRT.. Best of luck on that part.

The other part is just in your mind bro. if you are lacking the confidence well, you will be a walking hard on with test.. At least I was.. I was fucking just about anything that had a pair of tits and a nice smile ***128514;***128514; It will definitely help, but it doesn't sound like you need Paxil or some shit.. Leave the SSRIs alone.. Push through it, beat down a couple sloots and you'll be good to go.
Hi mate, I'm 25yo now and I was diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism at the age of 18-19.

I went through ABSOLUTE HELL with my experience mentally and physically. If you need any support or have any questions please give me a PM and I will probably be able to help you. I would not wish what I went through on anyone and I'd be more than happy to help.

I went to have sex at age 16 but couldn't get it up and this spiralled into a complete phobia of sex and I didn't even know I had low testosterone. My mum left me with my dad when I was 8 to go marry a millionaire. My father was a seedy man and I used to find all sorts of illegal porn & shit on my computer - dirty stuff like beastiality stuff - when I was younger and I always thought that my issues with sex were related to being psychologically affected by this. He used to make me go to the pub with him every night until one day when he came up to my room drunk and sat on me trying to play fight but I just wanted him gone (always did this) I threw him off me when I was 13 and said I didn't want to sit in the pub with him every night. He used to make me get in the bath after he'd been in there with two random barmaids fucking who knew me since I was little and I felt dirty all the time going to school in the morning. I started drinking every morning at age 13 and by the time it came for me to have sex - it wasn't happening and I thought it was because of all that stuff.

Anyway I used to fall asleep randomly throughout the day, had no drive or libido and I kept going to the doctors getting blood tests for years until finally I was told by a doctor who knew what they were doing that every test I had had done, even though the test levels were in the normal range, this was the range for men of ALL ages and I was at the lowest point - the levels of a 90 year old man. I then had to fight and fight to get put on TRT. It took 3 years because in the UK, TRT is not a life or death thing and it costs money. Started with Nebido every 3 months: rubbish. Then on to the gel: rubbish.

Then sustanon which is what I asked for in the first place and BOOM. I felt great..... for the first 10 days or so and then like crap again. 3 years in I begged to be put on 250mg every 2 weeks which is what I am on now. I knew this was a more sensible dose but it took so so long for me to convince them because even though the levels were lower in the 2nd and 3rd weeks they said that I was still in range. I did'n't care what the range said - I felt like turd. I ended up doing a very low calorie diet before my blood tests to bring my levels down: just to get put on that 250mg every 2 weeks. All that nonsense just for a standard dose.

Anyway, my psychological issues didn't go away. I was on and off with a girl for 5 years while all this was going on. I just always avoided sex and made an excuse. I loved her but she kept dumping me and I kept getting back with her and this made me feel worse and worse. I always thought it was because I was like a less of a man and it was due to the sex thing.

One day I finally built up the courage to tell her that I had a fear of sex. I explained all about my Dad, the first time I tried to have sex at 16 and all of it, came completely clean. She cried and said I should have just told her and gave me a big hug. All was happily ever after.

Actually it wasn't. The next day, I could'n't get hold of her on her phone and I went out to some club at uni thinking she might be there. Couldn't find her all night until I walked past a kebab shop and saw her getting with some lad with her hands all over him... Broke me that did. I then came to believe that my truth and everything i had told her was just unacceptably bad. I had stopped drinking alcoholically when I left high school but at this point, this was the point when I didn't care if I lived or died.

I started drinking every day. I had made apps for the iPhone that were generating loads of money for me and I was just buying bag after bag of coke and I was a complete mess. I took high dose DNP as well for nearly a year straight while drinking to keep the fat off from my indulgence. Smashed my car, lost my licence, went to 3 rehabs over 4 years, felt like I was going to die every night from the DNP and had to get cold showers several times. Didn't care. Taking all sorts of mad research chemicals, some to get high, some just because they sounded cool. I got cataracts from the DNP, became homeless and ended up in bournemouth which was the other side of the country for me - I slept under a bridge and made friends with other homeless people and helped them get their heroin - was never my thing heroin. Lol I also remember talking to some prostitute about the psychological effects of what she was doing for a career while supping a 2l bottle of cider.

utter madness. I am still alive though and I've been clean 2 years now. With regards to the psychological stuff, counselling didn't help me at all and Alcoholics Anonymous didn't help my addiction. What did help though was reading the following books:

Rational Recovery by Jack Trimpey for my addiction
Taming The Feast Beast by Louis Trimpey for dieting (everyone should read this, honestly it gives you total control over your diet. It's for people with eating disorders but the same principles allow you to do any diet will make you very mentally strong. I applied the ideas from this book to the sexual psychological stuff. There is a mental technique that you practice and you can use it on any issue you have: eating, drinking, feelings of being less than etc.)
The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle which helps you realise what really matters. I read this and I knew I was sorted.

For some perspective, I have my own house now, good job, no issues sexually and generally happy. Looking to move to California next year as I hate the weather in the UK. Give me a PM if you are struggling mate, I've probably been there done it and got the sleeveless T-Shirt.
Hi mate, I'm 25yo now and I was diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism at the age of 18-19.

I went through ABSOLUTE HELL with my experience mentally and physically. If you need any support or have any questions please give me a PM and I will probably be able to help you. I would not wish what I went through on anyone and I'd be more than happy to help.

I went to have sex at age 16 but couldn't get it up and this spiralled into a complete phobia of sex and I didn't even know I had low testosterone. My mum left me with my dad when I was 8 to go marry a millionaire. My father was a seedy man and I used to find all sorts of illegal porn & shit on my computer - dirty stuff like beastiality stuff - when I was younger and I always thought that my issues with sex were related to being psychologically affected by this. He used to make me go to the pub with him every night until one day when he came up to my room drunk and sat on me trying to play fight but I just wanted him gone (always did this) I threw him off me when I was 13 and said I didn't want to sit in the pub with him every night. He used to make me get in the bath after he'd been in there with two random barmaids fucking who knew me since I was little and I felt dirty all the time going to school in the morning. I started drinking every morning at age 13 and by the time it came for me to have sex - it wasn't happening and I thought it was because of all that stuff.

Anyway I used to fall asleep randomly throughout the day, had no drive or libido and I kept going to the doctors getting blood tests for years until finally I was told by a doctor who knew what they were doing that every test I had had done, even though the test levels were in the normal range, this was the range for men of ALL ages and I was at the lowest point - the levels of a 90 year old man. I then had to fight and fight to get put on TRT. It took 3 years because in the UK, TRT is not a life or death thing and it costs money. Started with Nebido every 3 months: rubbish. Then on to the gel: rubbish.

Then sustanon which is what I asked for in the first place and BOOM. I felt great..... for the first 10 days or so and then like crap again. 3 years in I begged to be put on 250mg every 2 weeks which is what I am on now. I knew this was a more sensible dose but it took so so long for me to convince them because even though the levels were lower in the 2nd and 3rd weeks they said that I was still in range. I did'n't care what the range said - I felt like turd. I ended up doing a very low calorie diet before my blood tests to bring my levels down: just to get put on that 250mg every 2 weeks. All that nonsense just for a standard dose.

Anyway, my psychological issues didn't go away. I was on and off with a girl for 5 years while all this was going on. I just always avoided sex and made an excuse. I loved her but she kept dumping me and I kept getting back with her and this made me feel worse and worse. I always thought it was because I was like a less of a man and it was due to the sex thing.

One day I finally built up the courage to tell her that I had a fear of sex. I explained all about my Dad, the first time I tried to have sex at 16 and all of it, came completely clean. She cried and said I should have just told her and gave me a big hug. All was happily ever after.

Actually it wasn't. The next day, I could'n't get hold of her on her phone and I went out to some club at uni thinking she might be there. Couldn't find her all night until I walked past a kebab shop and saw her getting with some lad with her hands all over him... Broke me that did. I then came to believe that my truth and everything i had told her was just unacceptably bad. I had stopped drinking alcoholically when I left high school but at this point, this was the point when I didn't care if I lived or died.

I started drinking every day. I had made apps for the iPhone that were generating loads of money for me and I was just buying bag after bag of coke and I was a complete mess. I took high dose DNP as well for nearly a year straight while drinking to keep the fat off from my indulgence. Smashed my car, lost my licence, went to 3 rehabs over 4 years, felt like I was going to die every night from the DNP and had to get cold showers several times. Didn't care. Taking all sorts of mad research chemicals, some to get high, some just because they sounded cool. I got cataracts from the DNP, became homeless and ended up in bournemouth which was the other side of the country for me - I slept under a bridge and made friends with other homeless people and helped them get their heroin - was never my thing heroin. Lol I also remember talking to some prostitute about the psychological effects of what she was doing for a career while supping a 2l bottle of cider.

utter madness. I am still alive though and I've been clean 2 years now. With regards to the psychological stuff, counselling didn't help me at all and Alcoholics Anonymous didn't help my addiction. What did help though was reading the following books:

Rational Recovery by Jack Trimpey for my addiction
Taming The Feast Beast by Louis Trimpey for dieting (everyone should read this, honestly it gives you total control over your diet. It's for people with eating disorders but the same principles allow you to do any diet will make you very mentally strong. I applied the ideas from this book to the sexual psychological stuff. There is a mental technique that you practice and you can use it on any issue you have: eating, drinking, feelings of being less than etc.)
The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle which helps you realise what really matters. I read this and I knew I was sorted.

For some perspective, I have my own house now, good job, no issues sexually and generally happy. Looking to move to California next year as I hate the weather in the UK. Give me a PM if you are struggling mate, I've probably been there done it and got the sleeveless T-Shirt.

WOW...sorry to hear that

To op:

Girls want to have sex just like guys do. As a sales guy I can tell you that the law of large numbers applies across the board to every aspect of getting what you want. The more prospects you contact the more sales you'll make. Make it a goal to talk to 20 women every week and I guarantee at least 1 or 2 will say yes. Who gives a shit about the other 18, fuck em. As for feeling inferior about having low test get that shit out of your head bro. Totally nonsensical way of looking at a reasonably common medical problem.
Guys i am on TRT now and i am very horny all the time, but still can't get laid. I just dont know how to do it. I am very anxious about girls and about my past. I am very horny so now i am frustrated even more. I think that all the girls see me as a dirty bastard who just wants sex. And girls dont like that.

I don't even dare to approach girls cause i think that they think that i just want to fuck them. And of course they would say it doesn't go that easy.
I am very anxious person and girls see that and they dont like that.

I am 23 but people say that i look like 17, even though i have a good physique i am 5'9'' and 170 with 14%bf. I have no beard and they also dont like that.
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Guys i am on TRT now and i am very horny all the time, but still can't get laid. I just dont know how to do it. I am very anxious about girls and about my past. I am very horny so now i am frustrated even more. I think that all the girls see me as a dirty bastard who just wants sex. And girls dont like that.

I don't even dare to approach girls cause i think that they think that i just want to fuck them. And of course they would say it doesn't go that easy.
I am very anxious person and girls see that and they dont like that.

I am 23 but people say that i look like 17, even though i have a good physique i am 5'9'' and 170 with 14%bf. I have no beard and they also dont like that.

Take my advice above...Law of large numbers is proven and never fails. girls and people in general are going to reject you for the rest of your life, get used to it. You have to push past the fear and MAKE yourself do it.
I think that all the girls see me as a dirty bastard who just wants sex. And girls dont like that.


Wrong, wrong, wrong, just ask Rick James. Ive known and know girls who are a whole lot nastier/perverted than we men could ever be. and I'm serious, I got pics!!! Lol.
hmmm, So does that make me more of a pervert for actually having those pics? hmmm.....I'll get back to you on this...
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Approaching random girls on beach is like doing backflip for the first time to me :)
You know you want to do it but you just don't.
pre-destination based on state of mind that you could call destiny, sure. but you can grow, you can change awareness levels and states of mind and your "destiny" in my opinion. if you stay in the same thought pattern and state of mind then sure you are pretty likely to end up in a particular place, but its not set in stone IMO