Charles Bronson
old timey gentleman
was hoping to shut myself down grow tits - lose whatever minimal gains i might make - basically turning myself into a hermaphrodite.
of course ill ignore every bit of input from the vets on here - and then come back here asking for advice on how to fix it..
and everyone who tried to stop me from ruining myself will chime back in - and then try and help me fix the damage i have done to myself.. which is one more reason what makes this place, these guys , so fucking great..
love you guys, been too long
glad to be home again.. Bronson
of course ill ignore every bit of input from the vets on here - and then come back here asking for advice on how to fix it..
and everyone who tried to stop me from ruining myself will chime back in - and then try and help me fix the damage i have done to myself.. which is one more reason what makes this place, these guys , so fucking great..
love you guys, been too long
glad to be home again.. Bronson