Goint to the Dr.....need advice.


New member
After my 3rd cycle which ended in May and taking proper post cycle therapy (pct) I am having serious problems with my libido. I have taken ZMA, Yohimbe, Tribulus, Horny Goat Weed, Argenine, etc since May with very little effect. Cialis worked for my first 2 cycles which I quickly recovered from..now Cialis does almost nothing for me. TREN really fucked me up on my last cycle. 75mg ed 6 weeks.

I have decided to finally see my Dr. about this.

My questions is how much information should I tell my Dr?

I am 22yo don't smoke, barely drink alcohol, excersie and eat healthy. My medical stats show that I have gained 40lbs in the past 3 years. The only cause that I can use is that I have an extremely busy/stressful lifestyle with work/school/etc. I am unsure if I should tell my Dr. about all the supplements that I have been using(creatine, protein, glutamine, vitamins, etc)...My main concern is that everything will point to steroid use.

I appreciate any feedback from personal experience or what I can expect from my Dr.

in my experience, most MD's have no clue who is a steroid user and who is not. This is unless you are huge and vascular. In my opinion you can tell him what supplements you take, and he/she may tell you to discontinue them. Be ready for them to attribute most of this to stress if you say that your life is indeed stressful. I just want o know what you are going to say when they suggest cialis as a treatment?
Daddy makes a good point and i agree with him. Just tell them that the gym is your sanctuary and you take lifting seriously. They are clueless. Also agree, leave the stress part out, it is a cause of everything and they will tell you to take a vacation or do some yoga. Personaly I would tell them you are shocked at this and act as if your life is awesome aside of it.
Yeah, they really are clueless. When I was taking anadrol I went to my Doc about mid way through my cycle about problems it was giving me. I was concerned that shit was going to seriously mess me up. I straight up told him that I was taking anabolic steroids, and a very powerful one in fact. The guy seriously tripped out and told me to discontinue taking anabolics right away. Right then and there I told him..."listen, I am not coming to you to tell me what to do and what not to do and act like my parents. I am coming to you for medical advice because you are professional and its your damn job to help me be safe." He really didnt know what to say to that, but I can tell you that as far as any advice i was hoping for, he had NONE. He knew absolutly nothing about anabolics. and therefore had no advice for me. MD's who are more familiar with that type of stuff are sports medican doctors. So I wouldnt worry to much about telling him, most of them dont know their ass's from their ears when it comes to anabolics.
Post up your entire last cycle including post cycle therapy (pct) and your stats. how is your testicle size? Now you say you used Cialis and that helped before, however cialis will only help you get an erection - it will not boost your sexual drive. So what's your problem exactly, is it achieving and erection or low libido?

Did you use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout or after your cycle? You should have lots of bloodwork done to see if whats going on in your body - check your test levels, cholestorl etc etc.
Onswoll said:
Yeah, they really are clueless. When I was taking anadrol I went to my Doc about mid way through my cycle about problems it was giving me. I was concerned that shit was going to seriously mess me up. I straight up told him that I was taking anabolic steroids, and a very powerful one in fact. The guy seriously tripped out and told me to discontinue taking anabolics right away. Right then and there I told him..."listen, I am not coming to you to tell me what to do and what not to do and act like my parents. I am coming to you for medical advice because you are professional and its your damn job to help me be safe." He really didnt know what to say to that, but I can tell you that as far as any advice i was hoping for, he had NONE. He knew absolutly nothing about anabolics. and therefore had no advice for me. MD's who are more familiar with that type of stuff are sports medican doctors. So I wouldnt worry to much about telling him, most of them dont know their ass's from their ears when it comes to anabolics.
I dont agree with telling your doctor you took steroids. good luck ever getting medical insurance again. All I am saying is that they wont be able to nail you by appearence or by gaining 40 lbs in three years.
Cycle #3

Start February 1st 2006

Weeks 1-12 Test Cyp 625mg week
Weeks 13-14 Test Prop 100mg ed
Weeks 1-8 Tren 75mg ed (too much, never again)
Weeks 1-12 EQ 600mg week
Weeks 9-14 Winstrol (winny) 50mg ed

Nolva throught cycle if needed, B-6, etc.

post cycle therapy (pct):

Weeks 1-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu's every 3 days

Clomid 2 days after last prop injection

Day 1 300mg
Day 2-10 150mg
Day 11-20 100mg
Day 21-30 50mg

22yo 5' 11" 185lbs 11%bf

In the past I used Cialis briefly during post cycle therapy (pct) to help with erections. If I use Cialis now I get half ass erections. I have an ok sex drive now and am unable to get decent erections or keep them...with or without cialis. My nut size never was never much differnet on or off cycle, so I cannot tell if there is a change. I am pretty certain that the high dose of tren really fucked me up.....might not use tren again!
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Inquirer said:
I dont agree with telling your doctor you took steroids. good luck ever getting medical insurance again. All I am saying is that they wont be able to nail you by appearence or by gaining 40 lbs in three years.
Try to get some HMG and combine it with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and some nolva i was reading a study it was a guy and he had erectile dysfunction due to steroid use and his doc gave him 75ius of HMG 2xw with 2000ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and after i think it was 3weeks his values was back to normal. But HMG is a really good thing it stimulates not only the LH production but FSH also and it means that your nuts get back to normal size and your spermcount
and the reason why i would use nolva and not clomid is i posted a study here and it showed that clomid messes up LH response after just 10days so Nolva would be better and since you can get gyno from hcg/hmg its also good to use a drug like nolva.

Next time i cycle i´ll also use HMG/HCG Nolva as PCT
bmass said:
Try to get some HMG and combine it with HCG and some nolva i was reading a study it was a guy and he had erectile dysfunction due to steroid use and his doc gave him 75ius of HMG 2xw with 2000ius of HCG and after i think it was 3weeks his values was back to normal. But HMG is a really good thing it stimulates not only the LH production but FSH also and it means that your nuts get back to normal size and your spermcount
and the reason why i would use nolva and not clomid is i posted a study here and it showed that clomid messes up LH response after just 10days so Nolva would be better and since you can get gyno from hcg/hmg its also good to use a drug like nolva.

Next time i cycle i´ll also use HMG/HCG Nolva as PCT

Very interesting, please tell me more about HMG, have no clue what it is and does, exept elevate LH levels....