good diet for me??


New member
Meal 1: 1 cup oatmeal, 10 eggwhites and 2 whole eggs, grapefruit

Meal 2: pb sandwhich, banana, protein shake

Meal 3: 12oz turkey, 3oz sweetpotatoe, banana

Meal 4: 9oz turkey, 3oz sweetpotatoe

Meal 5: after i train. 3 scoops protein w/ creatine, glutamine, and dextrose sugar

Meal 6: 9oz tilapia, 3oz sweetpotatoe, 6oz carrots

Meal 7: 20 almonds, non-fat yogurt, protein shake
age: 19
weight: 190-200 (depending on how many carbs ive taken in during the day and how much cardio ive done
height: between 5' 8" and 5'9"
bf%: the last time i checked it was 10%
goals: well i want to compete one day but for now im just trying to complete my physique. diet wise my trainer was an advocate of being lean so i always aim for lean mass.
if you go back to the diet forums main page you'll see my free diet advice thread.. go to post 1 and figure out your bmr/tdee.. it's all explained in there... then take the foods your eating and put them into

come back with results...

ill critique your diet for free if you follow all the steps..

if u wanna get advanced about stuff and have me build you one pm me.. u can become a client
Double check your math bro. Your off. And it takes a sec but youllbget the hang of fitday. You have to measure your foods though
im just about finished with my fitday journal. something just dont seem at 49% protein, 24% carbs, and 26% fat. does that seem right to you?

i had 2832 calories, 84.8g fat, 171.1g carbs, and 338.8g protein.

and this is without the three protein shakes i consume daily
Meal 1: 1 cup oatmeal, 10 eggwhites and 2 whole eggs, grapefruit
8 egg whites
Meal 2: pb sandwhich, banana, protein shake
ok.. not a big fan of mixing fats and carbs like this... but ur bulking.. so it should be ok
Meal 3: 12oz turkey, 3oz sweetpotatoe, banana
double up on sweet potato
Meal 4: 9oz turkey, 3oz sweetpotatoe
double up on sweet potato
Meal 5: after i train. 3 scoops protein w/ creatine, glutamine, and dextrose sugar

Meal 6: 9oz tilapia, 3oz sweetpotatoe, 6oz carrots

Meal 7: 20 almonds, non-fat yogurt, protein shake

make that protein shake a casein shake .. u need at least another 150-200 carbs.. double up on your carbs
is it unusual for people to be sensitive to carbs? i have a big family and it seems carbs is just our downfall.
also, do you cycle carbs or keep them constant?
im also carb senstivie.. but if you eat the foods correctly at the correct times you will grow correctly.. if you think u can put on muscle without putting on a little fat your wrong
carb cycling is a great way to diet if you wanna do that.. two days low one day high.. etc.. there are a great many variations..