good pre workout/training mix.??

OC Cartel

New member
i'm looking for a pre workout drink for when i lift weights, do mma training, and empty stomach morning cardio for energy ect.

i was thinking of just buying certain components separately and putting them together. i saw the "buzz saw" mix from TP. but it seems expensive and i'm not sure if everything in it is necassary or enough.

i'm thinking caffeine, cee, taurine, i dunno what else.

easto? suarzeey?
Empty stomach cardio I would use some type of BCAA mix. The Buzz Saw is getting awesome reviews over at intensemuscle, but buy what you can afford. If the plain BCAA mix is a better option for you, then go with that. We all have budgets man.

Pre workout I have been using NO Reload which I really like. The mixture has given me some crazy pumps as well as a big increase in stamina.

What about 1 hr prior have a high complex carb meal, then pre-workout take some Waxy Maise Starch (WMS). If you get a break part way through your MMA training, you can have another small WMS drink to help with the energy.

Its a tough question for me to answer because I don't know what you like and don't like. Me personally, I don't like stimulants. I try and avoid supps with caffeine because it makes me feel like shit. most other people like it though.

I try an avoid stims, so I eat a lot more complex cards pre workout to give me enough energy to get through a workout.

I would suggest:
No Reload

In that order. That's my 2 cents.
i love stimulants. caffeine doesnt cause any noticeable effects in me, just gives me a better workout.

im tired of mixing powders myself, so next time I stock up on pre/post supps, i will probably be going with buzz saw for pre workout and adding l-tyrosine to it. Thats what i recommend doing.

a more economical option would be CEE+Ltyrosine+caffeine. You can also use green tea powder.

Im also a fan of ALCAR powder preworkout.
Suareezay said:
i love stimulants. caffeine doesnt cause any noticeable effects in me, just gives me a better workout.

im tired of mixing powders myself, so next time I stock up on pre/post supps, i will probably be going with buzz saw for pre workout and adding l-tyrosine to it. Thats what i recommend doing.

a more economical option would be CEE+Ltyrosine+caffeine. You can also use green tea powder.

Im also a fan of ALCAR powder preworkout.

what about taurine?

and at what doses?

I love the CEE + Taurine mix. I'll take 5g pre workout, 5g in my workout drink, and 5g post workout - Teaurine.
ok, so i just downed a shake with protein, cee, taurine, caffeine, and green tea.
tastes like someone just SHIT in my mouth. is this the cee?
CEE and Green Tea powders taste bad.

Cap the green tea (if it is powder you are using).

- Fill your mouth with water
- Dump in your CEE
- Swallow contents

I guess you can do this with the Green tea powder as well

You will hardly taste anything. Then you can enjoy your protein shake without the CEE and green tea killing the flavour.
Buzz saw is amazing! I use it between sessions at my mma gym. Before using it, I was spent and really useless during the last hour of training. Now that I put it in before the last hour, I perk up and feel great...ready to go balls out for the rest of the training.
Now, where's those damn thai pads? lol