Good pro to run with test e


New member
Good evening all,

I am getting ready to run another cycle of 500/mg 10 weeks of test e and would like to run a pro hormone to get the best bang for my buck out of it. I have not run a pro hormone in about a year and even then it was hit and miss buying from shop owners... The only one I got good results from was tri methyl.

I am 30 years old, 205 lbs and want to push close to 225 as possible. I am ok with some sides... Although libido loss my wife finds unacceptable lol.

Any good suggestions, I am already very lean so don't need to cut need to bulk up.
Good evening all,

I am getting ready to run another cycle of 500/mg 10 weeks of test e and would like to run a pro hormone to get the best bang for my buck out of it. I have not run a pro hormone in about a year and even then it was hit and miss buying from shop owners... The only one I got good results from was tri methyl.

I am 30 years old, 205 lbs and want to push close to 225 as possible. I am ok with some sides... Although libido loss my wife finds unacceptable lol.

Any good suggestions, I am already very lean so don't need to cut need to bulk up.

I've only dabbled with pro hormones recently, but I've had rather good results from Body Image Nutritions' "Xtreme Definitions" and "Winnivar Xtreme". Check them out if you want.
beastdrol is a great kickstart for test e... it really depends on your goals... is it just mass or more lean muscle your after?
How does Epistane compare with tri-methyl(which I have ran) and sdrol (which I have never used)?

Doing some background on it now as well but would love to hear from people.

Lol doesn't tri-methyl have Epi and SD in it? it has 3 methylated phs--> liver transplant anyone? You really need to do more research before you start taking anabolics-> that's a good way to fuck yourself up
beastdrol. 4wks.... 20/20/30/30

heavy support supps. potent, harsh stuff but will pack on tons of weight, i think so guys have done 1lb a day once 2wks in and the compound is working.
beastdrol. 4wks.... 20/20/30/30

heavy support supps. potent, harsh stuff but will pack on tons of weight, i think so guys have done 1lb a day once 2wks in and the compound is working.

Agreed, I ran this at 30mg a day for 4wks on test and loved it. Def run cycle support, I like n2guard and forged liver support.