Goofed- ordered impulsively from online pharmacy!!! ADVICE???


New member
I posted this elsewhere so bare with me, I'm trying to get the best possible feedback...
I'm new to this.... I apologize in advance if I break any rules... Still learning!

I'm 27 192lbs about 11%-14%bf, lift 4-5 days a week, cardio light and eat well. I want to start doing gear! I've taken everything under the sun except for gear.

I've decided I won't see any further improvements unless I try this out. I ordered Anavar from a pharmacy based in Thailand (I hope this is allowed to post) and received my Anavar. They say they are uk narva 10 from ukpharmalab, but they weren't in a bottle ( really strange packaging but clever ).

I don't know if I should take it or not? Any suggestions?

Also, I found them on ero*, yeah I know- I may have goofed....I was being impulsive

if the tabs look legit should be sweet. The companys change the packaging so it"s harder for customs. I live in Oz and get vials sent through descreet packaging.
the tabs do look legit, as ive done tons of images researching them....i also read about a melting point test to see if they are legit, but even that can be inaccurate? do people just buy gear and test it on themselves until they find someone that has good stuff? im new to all this...
if your 14% you could drop bf with diet. Alot of bros on here will say for your 1st real cycle do a test only cycle. But back to the point, i believe the tabs are good to go, like i said the company would of just sent them in descreet packaging. You could shoot the company a email raising your concern
I wanted to start out with a mild steroid- so anavar was the answer.
i did email them and they replied that they were real, etc...
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yeah fully edit the source name. Seems legit. if you say they look good, prob good to go. post a picture in the steroid picture forum
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Team Amurrica and hitme,

Thanks for the help. Much appreciated. Have a suggestion as to how I should run the cycle? I'm thinking starting with 20mg a day for 1 week then bumping up to a max of 40-50mg a day, and taper off the last week at 20mg a day. I have 200. PCT will be vitamins and a natural test booster.
Thanks for the help. Much appreciated. Have a suggestion as to how I should run the cycle? I'm thinking starting with 20mg a day for 1 week then bumping up to a max of 40-50mg a day, and taper off the last week at 20mg a day. I have 200. post cycle therapy (pct) will be vitamins and a natural test booster.

Please read this:

Also, you can't call vitamins and a natural test booster post cycle therapy (pct). If you're going to do that, you may as well just say "I plan to run an oral only cycle, at an ineffective dose (anything less than 60mg Anavar (var) ED is a waste) with no post cycle therapy (pct)"...because that is exactly what you're doing. At the very least, get some clomid.

P.S. If you go through with this plan you'll probably see some very minor (if any) results the first few weeks, then your test will bottom out and you'll be worse off than when you started the cycle..
Please read this:

Also, you can't call vitamins and a natural test booster post cycle therapy (pct). If you're going to do that, you may as well just say "I plan to run an oral only cycle, at an ineffective dose (anything less than 60mg Anavar (var) ED is a waste) with no PCT"...because that is exactly what you're doing. At the very least, get some clomid.

P.S. If you go through with this plan you'll probably see some very minor (if any) results the first few weeks, then your test will bottom out and you'll be worse off than when you started the cycle..

X2, not worth fucking your natty hormones for a bit of gains you most likely won't get, IMO you should only use gear if you're very serious in your diet & training and have been for years. (& always with testosterone base)
I would like to use gear, legit stuff and do a cycle the right way. But I'm new to this and still struggling with finding a legit source, lol... The pains of beginning bodybuilders. Thanks all for the info. I will look into a real pct as well.
Your going to fuck your self up if you do an oral only cycle without any test. Test is always the base bro. Do alot of research on each steroid that your going to do before putting it in your body. Make sure you look up the side effects. very important to do research. PCT is very important. IF you have any other questions ill be here to help you out bro.
Thanks man, I really appreciate the advice and concern. I'm getting a lot of the same feedback that Anavar (var) should be run with test and post cycle therapy (pct). Why is there data out there claiming that it can be solo and doesn't aromatize? So, if this doesn't happen, why does the body need a pct?
anavar only is a waste, you're running it at too low of a dose, you have no post cycle therapy (pct), pills look legit enough but it's easy to get a pill press and make your own professional looking pills from powder, and put it in a fancy little baggy. i should know, i've seen plenty of ecstasy tabs back in the day and some looked real nice. i think anavar along with test is fine for a first cycle. 500mg test e for 12 weeks, anavar 100mg per day for last 4 weeks. wait two weeks then start a 4 week post cycle therapy (pct) of clomid 100/50/50/50.