Greatest preworkout ever or asking for problems?


MIA - PM only
My buddy has been using an ECA/dmaa stack and claiming its improved all his lifts.
So I decided to give it a try today and HOLY SHIT!! The pump, the strength, the endurance - pretty much hit everything I wanted it to hit.

The stack was Ephedrine (30mg), Aspirin (75mg), Caffeine (200mg) & dmaa (30mg).
Do you guys think this is stimulant overkill? I'm used to taking eca stacks but would the added dmaa cause problems - stim dick, etc.

I haven't found much research on dmaa/ephedrine mixes so would appreciate what you guys think.
I'm having a hard time finding ephedrine at 25mgs. I use to use stack like that in the mid 90s and loved it. I'm trying to do it again right now.
I myself drink alot of coffee, so most of those pre workouts are just loaded up with caffeine and sugar
Make yourself a pot of coffee, drink that and save yourself some coin
Its like people that have to drink tons of those energy drinks to get by a 8 hour work shift
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The gym is like a playground to me, gets me outta the house and to fire iron around there is nothing better,
If you are in longer than an hour youre not training hard enough.

Amen!! Some of m best workout last less than an hour Becasue I push myself so hard the first 30min by the last 30 I'm gassed. Even with carbs and a good pre workout in me. Quality over quantity for wieght training for sure.
I agree some of my best work outs on little muscles have been in an hour.
But most of my Big 3 work outs weren't rushed and took longer than an hour.

Fuck it takes 15min of warming up my shoulder to get under a bar and feel right.
If you are in longer than an hour youre not training hard enough.

Totally agree. I may run over a little more the an hour if it's crowded but if you can't hit muscle failure in an hour your workout prob isn't intense enough.