Greedy' Stallone

Greedy’ Stallone Slams ‘Rocky,’ ‘Rambo,’ More
By DavidOnda
Thu, 08 Jul 2010 21:10:36 GMT

Let’s face it: 64-year-old Sylvester Stallone has made some pretty terrible movies during his 40 years in show business.

“Tango & Cash.” “Over the Top.” “Rhinestone.” “The Party at Kitty and Stud’s.” They are all films Sly would probably erase from his resume if he could.

But today, the UK’s The Sun newspaper features an interview with the leathery one, in which he makes shockingly candid admissions about bad career choices and movie mistakes. It might surprise you to hear which films he’s criticizing.

Addressing the 1990 film “Rocky V,” widely regarded as the worst of the six “Rocky” films, Stallone told The Sun that the sequel was “a mistake because the audience didn’t want to see the downside of the character. They wanted him to remain on top. I should have known that.”

Why, then, did he make the film? “I’m greedy,” he says. “What can I tell you?”

Sly continues the self-loathing by calling his performances in many of the “Rocky” and “Rambo” sequels “self-parody;” a tough pill for dedicated fans of the these franchises to swallow.

However, it was obvious that those fans wanted to see the Italian Stallion parody himself. They wanted the droopy-eyed, mush-mouthed, meathead — and they wanted him in surplus. Whenever he attempted to play against type, says Stallone, fans were turned off. “When I tried to play characters that strayed from who I am, it ended in disaster,” he says. “People didn’t expect me in comedies or musicals.”

Stallone points to the 1992 film “Stop! Or My Mom Will Shot” as a prime example of this theory.

“I made some truly awful movies. ‘Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot’ was the worst,” he says. “If you ever want someone to confess murder, just make him or her sit through that film. They will confess to anything after 15 minutes.”

Granted, at the time, critics agreed whole-heartedly, but the film has gained somewhat of a cult following today, due in no small part to Stallone’s matriarchal side kick, “Golden Girl” Estelle Getty.

It’s awfully refreshing to hear anyone in Hollywood be so honest about their career and films. Now, if only more of them would do it at the same time their movie is released, rather than 20 years later. After all, in 1992, Sly called the Getty-Stallone collaboration “the best of all the comedies I’ve done thus far
I love Tango and Cash.

Stallone is awesome.

I liked Tango and Cash too!!!!!!!! lol

He des look good for approaching 70. Being a Movie Star must be great but getting old and realizing that they are closin in on 70 like many Stars must suck to think life is closing in on the end for most around 70....
