Guys from uk, need your help


New member
American guys on here are always on about getting there blood work done,
Is it the same over here?
Can you just go to your GP and ask for blood work, I mean what do you tell them?
My Doc reluctantly takes blood samples if I'm almost dying, so what can I do?

blood work is a must -- do you pay the doc for his services?

fuck how he feels -- your health is paramount
hi mate, things seem to be alot more relaxed over here, my doc knows i use gear and tbh shows great intrest in what im taking and offers advice and asks questions, we usually end up having a long chat when i go in.

last time i went i was starting my cutting cycle and he was asking me what i was using cos my heart rate was well up, i sed t3,he sed thyroid? and then he offered to run a blood test to make sure iw asnt using too much, so i sed can u check my liver and test levels while ure at it and he did a full screen for me,cheeky i know lol

naturally when i first went to see him he advised against steroids, but as it was with a shoulder tendon injury,he sed he'd heard nandrolone would be the best thing to use, so i reaserched it and used that with my 1st cycle.

so not all docs are devils!

If your doctor isn't a conplete stuffy old fart they should be very co-operative, and will be flattered that you have shared the information of your steroid use with them. You probably need to enter into some kind of verbal contract with them that you don't want the full details of your use recorded on your health records. It may come up if they have to write a health report for life assurance and then you may end up with no insurance or heavily loaded premiums.

Just don't expect them to know too much if anything about the drugs you are using and be prepared to take along information for them.
Most doctors don't know jack about steroid use and so you may have to educate your friendly doctor. If you can do searches on the internet you can take them stuff from which is a web portal to search medical literature- printing off the short (abstract) version of any stuff you can find regarding the drugs in your cycle may help them or give them an appetite to look themselves.
But as far as getting blood tests done- they should be very willing to help you look after your health.