Gyno. A-dex doesnt work. Need dosage for Aromasin


New member
Hey guys im on a short 3 week cycle of
35mg Dbol/day
75mg Tren/day
I am 2 weeks in an my left nipple is very sore and very puffy.
I have been taking .5mg A-dex/eod for the first week and bumped it to .5/ed for the past week. I just jumped on 40mg Nolva/ed 2 days ago. A-dex was supposed to help prevent it, but it doesn't seem to be good for me. Should I bump it to 1mg A-dex/ed?
I also have 20mg Aromasin tabs, I was curious what would be the dosage for that? Also should I be using A-dex or Aromasin during post cycle therapy (pct) with Nolva of course?

What is causing the gyno.. the high dosage of Tren? The Dbol? or Both together?

Thanks guys and Happy New Years.
Where's the testosterone?

Nolvadex might be making your situation worse.

Get some vitamin B6 and start using 800mg/day.

And personally I recommend that you discontinue that horrible cycle and do the research that you obviously failed to do.
Chuck that cycle out the window bro. Well, not literally i guess.

Listen to mranak. Get some test in your cycles.

A-dex is an Aromatise Inhibitor, which means it prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. That being said, the Tren is most likely the cause of your gyno symptoms, as it does NOT convert to estrogen.
Mranak hit the nail on the head, prolactin, do a search and read my bud, Nolva will only aggrivate this type of gyno, B6 is enough for some but some need Dostinex, Cabaser, Cabergoline, or Bromocriptine.....Tren and Deca are the causes of this type of gyno.....more research next time....good luck
Thanks. The cycle was recommended by a good amount of people and I agree with them. I think the cycle is great. I have gotten great gains off it and will do another cycle. Tren is better than test, I don't have to have test in a cycle. For the nolva, I didn't know that it could aggrivate it more. However I was asking about aromasin. What should be the dosage for that? I should still take nolva during post cycle therapy (pct) correct?
If A-dex doesn't work most likely neither will Aromasin, they are both AIs.

Look at alex's post he gave you reccomendations on what to take to help with gyno from tren
Once again thanks for catching that. I just took 300mg B6 right now. Should I stay with 20mg nolva incase the Dbol is also adding to the problem? and going back to the question, should I up A-dex from .5/ed to 1/ed or start using the stronger Aromasin (whats the dosage for that) thanks again everyone
tank8140 said:
Chuck that cycle out the window bro. Well, not literally i guess.

Listen to mranak. Get some test in your cycles.

A-dex is an Aromatise Inhibitor, which means it prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. That being said, the Tren is most likely the cause of your gyno symptoms, as it does NOT convert to estrogen.
Correction, progesterone will convert to estrogen. So in a sense, you get fucked while taking Tren.

If you're worried about Gyno, you shouldnt have put Dbol and Tren together in the first place. That would have been the last thing I would have done. Tren alone is enough to make the nipples leak.
I see.. Well I have 6 days left on this cycle. I am currently still taking the same dosage for Dbol and Tren and plan to for these 6 days. I just started taking 800mg/ED Oral B6 and still taking .5mg A-dex/ED. Should I take 20mg Nolva/ED aswell incase dbol is adding to the gyno? Can someone HELP me please and give me a dosage for Aromasin.
pineapple said:
Correction, progesterone will convert to estrogen. So in a sense, you get fucked while taking Tren.

If you're worried about Gyno, you shouldnt have put Dbol and Tren together in the first place. That would have been the last thing I would have done. Tren alone is enough to make the nipples leak.

Progesterone converts to estrogen? I did not know that. Thanks for catching that. Could you explain how it converts exactly?

A common dose of Aromasin is 25mg EOD. Some get by with less.
IRonBuilT said:
What is causing the gyno
are you asking us????????
you are is the one who supposed to know what cause you gyno...
this is your first time of taking dbol\tern?
if not so you supposed to know What is causing the gyno.
35mg of dbol dosent a high dosage.
whay you started without test???
Yes I was asking before, which now I know. And Yes this is my first cycle ever using tren. And I am using tren/dbol because it is a popular cycle for 4 weeks or less and recommended by many people. I could do prop/tren, but I was told that dbol/tren makes for a great short cycle, which I agree in. If it was a 10 week cycle, then yes I would agree with you all that Test is necessary for a good cycle; however for short cycles it is Not necessary to have any test.
Go ahead and drop the nolvadex, although unfortunately Nolvadex has a half-life that is several days long which means it is going to be in your system for a while.

One of your problems is that you now have estrogen in your system but no testosterone to balance it out. Even maintaining stable levels of estrogen but reducing serum testosterone and dihydrotestosterone can cause gyno.

I agree that tren is more powerful than test in regards to the effects that you are looking for. However, that isn't all that we care about, and your issue here is a great example of this. Adding testosterone to the cycle might literally have prevented the problems that you are having.

Testosterone is your body's natural hormone and right now you've suppressed it to near zero. It provides benefits beyond muscle gain (although it is pretty damn good at that as well).

The cycle you are on may be very effective, but the consensus of countless vets is that testosterone should be the basis of any cycle. So, if nothing else, maybe that is something to consider.

Regarding a 4 week cycle ... is there a reason the cycle needs to be so short?
Thank you again mranak. Well I wanted to give a short cycle a try for 2 reasons. First off short cycles are safer (less sides than longer cycles) even though the gains are not as great, so I just wanted to give it a shot. Second reason is I will be traveling a lot and I do not want to take any gear with me on a plane, so I can only take short cycles from here on out.

I will not be able to get any test for atleast a couple months, however I plan on doing another 3-4 week of tren/winny cycle in a month.. do you have any advice as to what I should take as a preventative measure so the sore nips won't show up again? For ex. 25mg Aromasin/EOD, 400mg B6/ED from the start of the cycle?

I'm guessing that I will have sore nips through the rest of my cycle (6 more days) and into my post cycle therapy (pct) (2 weeks). During the post cycle therapy (pct) I plan on taking Nolva, will this aggrivate the sore nips?
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Correct me if i'm wrong here, but didn't you say you were on Adex right now? Why are you so concerned with switching over to Aromasin? IMO if the Adex did not help, why would the Aromasin?
I dont think the nolva will aggrivate your gyno during pct, since the Tren will be on its way out of your system.

Are you planning on taking clomid as well for pct?
arimidex is a poor Aromatase inhibitor (AI). at that dosage you are seeing very little aromatase inhibition, though significant sulfatase inhibition.

however that being said, with trenbolone in the mix and puffyness, CABASER (cabergoline) is what you need. Though you also need a better AI.

running high dose b6 is NOT advisable. This downregulates the AR, even more than the ER and there is no evidence it has any impact on progestin induced prolactin raises.

as far as Aromatase inhibitor (AI), reccomend aromasin or AIFM, if you need high level suppression letrozole.

DO NOT use nolva, this can exacerbate the issue.
pineapple said:
Correction, progesterone will convert to estrogen. So in a sense, you get fucked while taking Tren.

this is not correct.

trenbolone is also not progesterone, its is a 19-nor steroid with PgR binding.