Gyno. A-dex doesnt work. Need dosage for Aromasin

as a note- 1mg of arimidex ED does not suppress aromatase to the extent needed for those with aromatase issues (those who generally present with gynecomastia). It does however even at .5mg eod nearly completely suppress sulfatase. So basically so have completely suppressed with weak estrone while the potent estradiol runs free. That being said methandrostenolone is only subject to aromatization and not sulfation or further hydroxylation, so sulfatase inhibition is pretty worthless with it. and its got a pretty low affinity for both albumin and SHBG so its converted metabolites are highly active (not bound).

btw- 3 weeks cycles are not really a good idea, its enough time with trenbolone to actually significantly suppress you and be quite disruptive to the endocrine system without providing the gains of a longer cycle.
btw the dosage for aromasin is 20-25mg per day taken with a HIGH FAT meal (increases plasma levels by up to 40%)
Thank you VERY much Macro. I will drop the A-dex, and start the Aro (20mg/ED) w/ High fat meals. I will also lower the B6 dosage from 800mg to 400mg/ED. Does this sound better? Hopefully this will help make my sore/puffy nips dissappear.

Going back to what tank said about PCT, hopefully nolva will not cause any problems during post cycle therapy (pct). The only 2 things I have for post cycle therapy (pct) is either Nolva or Cyclofenil 200mg (a mix of clomid,nolva, hcg?) anyways I was planning on just using Nolva should this be fine or is Cyclofenil a better substitute? Thanks again guys

One more thing Macro... in the near future I plan on doing a winny/tren cycle, What should I take for preventative measures (gyno) same thing as im doing now.. 400mg/ED B6 and 20mg/ED Aromasin?

I will also see where I can get this CABASER (cabergoline) so if I ever do get gyno again I will be better prepared
IMO i would think the same would apply for winny/tren. 20mg/ed aromasin and the B6. But wait for macro's response to be sure. I'm not familar with these non-test cycles, as no one really does them. Ironbuilt can i ask you as to why you are so against test? Have you ever even used it?

Not to hijack this thread or anything but, Macro what are your thoughts on Aromasin's effects on lipids? I have heard mixed opinions.
im not agaisnt test. This is my 5th cycle. My previous 4 cycles have been test/dbol, test/winny, sust, or just test alone and all the previous cycles have been no less than 10 weeks. This time I wanted to try something new and see the gains on a short no test cycle, and so far I am loving it (other than the gyno, which btw is almost disappearing, thanks to the B6, Aromasin and some secret sauce...PGCL)
IRonBuilT said:
Hey guys im on a short 3 week cycle of
35mg Dbol/day
75mg Tren/day
I am 2 weeks in an my left nipple is very sore and very puffy.
I have been taking .5mg A-dex/eod for the first week and bumped it to .5/ed for the past week. I just jumped on 40mg Nolva/ed 2 days ago. A-dex was supposed to help prevent it, but it doesn't seem to be good for me. Should I bump it to 1mg A-dex/ed?
I also have 20mg Aromasin tabs, I was curious what would be the dosage for that? Also should I be using A-dex or Aromasin during post cycle therapy (pct) with Nolva of course?

What is causing the gyno.. the high dosage of Tren? The Dbol? or Both together?

Thanks guys and Happy New Years.
If you're that sensitive, I'd say both Tren and Dbol could be causing your irritation.
IRonBuilT said:
im not agaisnt test. This is my 5th cycle. My previous 4 cycles have been test/dbol, test/winny, sust, or just test alone and all the previous cycles have been no less than 10 weeks. This time I wanted to try something new and see the gains on a short no test cycle, and so far I am loving it (other than the gyno, which btw is almost disappearing, thanks to the B6, Aromasin and some secret sauce...PGCL)

ahhhh good old pgcl, great for building on your relationship with your toilet :toilet:

How do you like it? I have a small amount of gyno i would LOVE to get rid of....
haha yea the toilet and I now have some special bonding lol.. It's honestly too early to tell if its working.. I only injected two 1/4cc via sub-q on my left nip. One injection alone will give you extra sore nips for 24 hours.. afterwards the pain goes away. I don't know if its the aro, b6 and pcgl thats all helping.. or if the catalyst is pgcl.. time will only tell. Im going to try IM tonight and see if that helps better.. sub-q for some odd reason doesn't make me go to the toilet as much as when I did an IM to my shoulder. So I don't know if sub-q is effective at all. I also don't know if pgcl is effective on old gyno.. or just puffy nips that can become gyno. Maybe someone else can help answer that for us.
aromasin has little or no negative impact on lipids in clinical trials. People with adverse lipid results while using aromasin, are almost certainly due to other compounds used. Orals in particular.

HIGHLY reccomend cabaser, not later... NOW.
get TABLETS from aurapharm (its the cheapest).
DO NOT USE LIQUID, its unstable to the point of near worthless.

do not expect much from B-6, its generally only effective when ESTROGEN is the cause of prolactin surge, even then its questionable. Basically do not reccomend it. Also its down regulation of the androgen receptor is counter productive.

hard to believe that clomid is not available.

really reccomend against nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) when progestins have been used (dont particularly reccomend it, except as a priming agent for HCG)
PGCL is just pgf2a, and its probably not a good idea to be injecting that into gyno tissue. even using it in fatty tissue is questionable (most people would say not worth the agony and explosive bowels, for the moderate fat loss)
macro said:
aromasin has little or no negative impact on lipids in clinical trials. People with adverse lipid results while using aromasin, are almost certainly due to other compounds used. Orals in particular.

HIGHLY reccomend cabaser, not later... NOW.
get TABLETS from aurapharm (its the cheapest).
DO NOT USE LIQUID, its unstable to the point of near worthless.

do not expect much from B-6, its generally only effective when ESTROGEN is the cause of prolactin surge, even then its questionable. Basically do not reccomend it. Also its down regulation of the androgen receptor is counter productive.

hard to believe that clomid is not available.

really reccomend against nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) when progestins have been used (dont particularly reccomend it, except as a priming agent for HCG)
Care to post a study or two? Cause I've seen just the opposite.
Marco; how long would a guy have to take to cabaser to see results and or to determand if that is what the problem is? {prolactin}
macro said:
really reccomend against nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) when progestins have been used (dont particularly reccomend it, except as a priming agent for HCG)

Hmm why not nolva?
Its works very well and with much smaller dose's than clomid to restore my natural production,,, however is dose seem to increas boob size, is this why you don't recomend Nolva?
Thank you Macro.. What is the recommended dosage for cabaser.. Also I will be on my post cycle therapy (pct) in 2 days.. should I take Cabaser during post cycle therapy (pct) and for how long?
IRonBuilT said:
While I was on that site to purchase Cabaser, I came across Dosinex.. Whats your thoughts on that?

they are the same thing, but cabaser is TREMENDOUSLY CHEAPER.
ok sounds good.. I will be on post cycle therapy (pct) as of tonight.. What should the dosage be and the period of length on Cabaser?
Hey Macro.. I really need your help.. So I ordered the Cabaser.. but that stuff takes a while to come in.. In the meantime since I am on post cycle therapy (pct) I have been taking Cyclofenil (600mg) along with 300mg of B6. For some reason my nips are extremely sore (more sore than before) and I have some solid lumps around my nip, but nothing leaking out of the nip. Is the cyclofenil aggrivating it? Cabaser wont be coming for another 10 days. What can I do right now to help this out? Also when I get the Cabaser how long should I be taking it for? Do you think it is possible to reverse the forming gyno? Thanks Macro...