Bast said:OK will tell him so.
And now I have a question. I was gonna go use the same doctor to remove hair under my arms and chest etc so Im rid of the shaving... Will the steroids "activate" more hairs even when they go over the whole skin with the laser?
Bast said:Spoke to the guy today. He has no problem keeping his hair, he has just always had a high hairline, then its ok for him to do it and the hair will not be affected?
Hehateme: what I ment was that the extra hair one can get from steroids already are there, just not active. And if they are dark (as this is a must for the laser to work) would they even be able to start growing? Cause they run the laser over the whole area that you want the hair gone from, for example the arms.
simpllyhuge said:i was reading on a hair forum that u can put body hair on your head. Some guy had leg and chest hair put on his head but it looked bad. Honeslty i would put me u pubes on my head if it looked good. I shave them any way i just wouldnt tell any one.
simpllyhuge said:the body hair looked not that great. but pubes are thick enough lol.
Bast said:Outlaw: Yup but as you said its worth it... am tired of the fucking shaving haha.
But I think I'll start with arms and armpits, its most annoying to shave them
simpllyhuge said:my back is starting to get very hairy which is anoying.