HALOTESTIN and stacking masteron


i use tren throughout my cuts (right now) to not only maintain my precious muscle but also gain in a deficit with that stuff, then i drop i get to the bodyfat level i want because i just cant be on it for too long, i get too aggressive with it over 350mg. god bless the guys who can legitimately handle it.

last summer i was 7-8% bodyfat, ~180lbs 5'9/10 using 350mg test 350mg mast 3iu GH and i was EXTREMELY satisfied with my look

but of course i always want better, so i want to try to bring something better to the table.

i thought of some options that might help me attain a harder look and i would really appreciate input from you guys

--dropping the test to 175mg because i might have been holding a bit of water @ 350 despite my e2 being in perfect control
--upping the dose of masteron a bit to 4-500
--keeping the mast at 350 and throwing in tren at 350
--keeping the mast at 350 and adding halotestin or anavar
It would seem that you already found a combo that worked for you. I mean if you were truly at 7-8% body fat then you have achieved something that alot of guys here wont ever see. The only issue that I see is being 180 lbs. If you are happy at that weight then I don't see anything else to be changed unless you wanna possibly add some anavar. Anavar can help give you a harder look but then again so can winstrol. It really comes down to diet at the end of the day. There really isn't a reason to use Halo unless you are going to be powerlifting in which case, you wouldn't be cutting.
Honestly, I wouldn't change the gear. Maybe change the diet a bit but again, 7-8% bodyfat...shit what more do you want bro?
It would seem that you already found a combo that worked for you. I mean if you were truly at 7-8% body fat then you have achieved something that alot of guys here wont ever see. The only issue that I see is being 180 lbs. If you are happy at that weight then I don't see anything else to be changed unless you wanna possibly add some anavar. Anavar can help give you a harder look but then again so can winstrol. It really comes down to diet at the end of the day. There really isn't a reason to use Halo unless you are going to be powerlifting in which case, you wouldn't be cutting.
Honestly, I wouldn't change the gear. Maybe change the diet a bit but again, 7-8% bodyfat...shit what more do you want bro?
yeah ive been reading up on halo and it really does not suit my goals. plus its so harsh. i have bad shoulders so i think i'll stay away from winny.

i narrowed it down to two options, i think the first thing i will try is 350 tren 350 mast and see if i can handle the mental effects. if i cant i'll probably just up the mast to like 525 or something and drop the test to 175.. but i dont doubt that i will throw in some var somewhere along the way. those pump stories i heard sound ridiculous.

but yeah man 180 at my height, is pretty ideal i dont think i'd like to be bigger as i am not after crazy amounts of mass. maybe i'll try to bump it up to 185 this season but 180 was good to me at that bodyfat
Another vote for no on Halotestin. Did it when I was in my mid 20's...little things pissed me off on it and saw very minimal gains compared to just a test only cycle.