Happy as Hell!

pplazas said:
is it that uncommon to see it in a 400mg/ml solution?

Yeah bro, that's high. The Eq will take a little of the bite out, but it's going to hurt. I bet you can handle it though. Good luck!
i know who you got it from bro. do youself a favor and drop the prop for now . pick yourself up the enanthate 500 and run it with the eq 500 split the doses up evenly monday and thursday 1/2 cc of each on monday and the same on thursday.

run for 10 weeks

make sure you have nolva on hand and clomid for post cycle

good luck
Yeah - what House1 said. Not to bring too much attention to it, but I know who you got it from too. All the doubters, it's real, it's painless, and it's potent.
I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying so, but I think prop is a really bad choice for a 1st cycle.

Sorry to join the chorus but, "You should have got Enth or Cyp"...

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this too, but if you use the prop anyways, I'm guessing it would be nice to kick-start the cycle for the first 4 weeks the same way other people use d-bol (since it's so fast acting).
GreasyGreek said:
Yeah - what House1 said. Not to bring too much attention to it, but I know who you got it from too. All the doubters, it's real, it's painless, and it's potent.

I'm not doubting the source, I just want to know how one can get 400mg/ml of very insoluble prop into a stable, non-crashing solution without using very high BB/BA concentrations. Because if there's away, I want the recipe.
I've been making it at home, and limiting it to 100mg/ml because of these reasons. Maybe there's another solvent?
Now, the EQ is practically liquid at room temperature, so it's easy to run up the concentration on that stuff.
Well bros....... I did my first shot of Prop on Saturday since this discussion had me curious about the "stinging" and the "hurts like hell" and I must tell you bros that this stuff hurt like hell and here it is Monday and my right quad is still hurting like a mofo. I only did .5 of ml and I've been limping around all weekend. To be honest the actual injection site where the stuff went into hurts and is sore but when I first tried to inject I was hitting around my upper middle quad and on the first spot I must have hit a vein or a blood vessel because when I aspirated I got some blood in the seringe, I did inject on the second try a couple of inches to the right and up and that spot does not hurt as much or is a sore as the first spot where I hit blood. Hopefully it will go away soon. After the injection I could taste the prop, I had a weird taste in my mouth and it did sting. Today I did my second one but this time I mixed the EQ with the prop and I did it on my left upper quad and I had no pain or stinging, I just did it about 30 mins ago, maybe It will hurt later on in the day.

Laters, :)