Ephedrine is new to me. I experimented with it about 2-3 months ago. Recently i tried t3, but my body rejected that as well. With the ephedrine experience, i was dosing 8mg 2x's a day i believe with 300mg of caffeine. So first dosage, 8mg +150mg caffeine at 8am with 4-6 hour split. After 3 days, i experienced acid reflux replicating the severity of a heart attack. Sounds silly but the pain was no joke while laying down. So i stopped, took a break for a few weeks. I've read some reactions to the combination of caffeine with it, so i considered giving it another go with a redosage of caffeine. Second time, i dosed at 8mg 1x per day with 100mg. Figured i'd just test the waters. Only tried it for two days and immediately i had unbearable gastritis. My stool was weak, consisting of diarrhea. Stomach pains were unbearable, i felt constantly fatigued. Pretty much the symptoms of gastritis. Any ideas guys?