Has anyone ever experienced Gastritis/Acid Reflux with Ephedrine HCL


New member
Ephedrine is new to me. I experimented with it about 2-3 months ago. Recently i tried t3, but my body rejected that as well. With the ephedrine experience, i was dosing 8mg 2x's a day i believe with 300mg of caffeine. So first dosage, 8mg +150mg caffeine at 8am with 4-6 hour split. After 3 days, i experienced acid reflux replicating the severity of a heart attack. Sounds silly but the pain was no joke while laying down. So i stopped, took a break for a few weeks. I've read some reactions to the combination of caffeine with it, so i considered giving it another go with a redosage of caffeine. Second time, i dosed at 8mg 1x per day with 100mg. Figured i'd just test the waters. Only tried it for two days and immediately i had unbearable gastritis. My stool was weak, consisting of diarrhea. Stomach pains were unbearable, i felt constantly fatigued. Pretty much the symptoms of gastritis. Any ideas guys?
I'm not sure how common it is but here is a link to a case study where the conclusion was ephedrine caused gastritis (this was in a 74 year old male though). The FDA also list gastrointestinal issues as one of the side effects of ephedrine.

Ephedra-Induced Gastric Mucosal Injury

It could be your bodies reaction to this drug so I would be careful with experimenting.
Its not just the ephedrine.

Some people are sensitive to stimulants in general & gastritis is a common symptom for them - I presume the same would happen if you took yohimbe, dmaa, etc.

Just need to avoid stimulants in general I'm afraid.
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Yeah seems that I have an adverse reaction to any fat burner lol. Albuterol does wonders but it's too expensive. Yeah but I'm almost positive it was ephedrine. Yohimbe makes me feel like I'm gonna die. Clen makes me shake entirely too much nor worth the long term sides either. I love L-carintine & CLA, I'd just like to throw something in the mix. Just thought I'd throw this out there to see if anyone could relate. Thanks for the feedback guys.
Sounds life you are sensitive to stimulants... maybe some if it is in your head? I'm surprised though your can handle albuterol but not epherine. If you can handle albuterol you should find a way to work it into your budget, it's more effective than eca.......especially at the dose you were taking, isn't the standard 25mg of ephedrine with 200mg caffeine three timesdaily?
I've used ephedrine and caffeine off and on for years. I use them as a pre-workout and the only heartburn I have ever suffered was from the large amounts of water I drank due to it drying my mouth out. the ephedrine doesn't work for me without caffeine.
I would try Kaizen brand ephedrine or none at all if I was you. your symptoms don't sound good, and doesn't sound like your ephedrine is good.
I happen to be sensitive to stimulants as well. For example, Ephedrine and yohimbe cause major heart burn and my heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest (especially when excising). That said, I don't think my sensitivity is as bad as what you describe but I've had some success with starting with a extremely low dose and once my body gets used to that I increase the dose by a small amount. I do this until I start see the results I want (e.g. faster fat loss during cutting).

This might be an option but be very careful as your symptoms sound severe.