Have you shot the new Taurus "slim" 9mm?

If I am at the range I have an agenda so I dont get to shoot many other guns.
I like what I got.

Put up a pic and some specs on the Taurus
a 9 is a BB gun set to stun, if you wanna stop a perp get a .45 ;-)

here are a couple of my toys, the revolver is a .44 and Taurus..one of the most reliale guns i have ever owned and accurate as hell, i keep it by the bed for home defense...I carry the black 1911 and i gave the chrome 1911 to my little brother for his birthday..the black Colt 1911 is a .45 and the most reliable and accurate gun i have ever owned/shot

i have not heard of the gun your talking about yet but taurus makes some great products.
a 9 is a BB gun set to stun, if you wanna stop a perp get a .45 ;-)

here are a couple of my toys, the revolver is a .44 and Taurus..one of the most reliale guns i have ever owned and accurate as hell, i keep it by the bed for home defense...I carry the black 1911 and i gave the chrome 1911 to my little brother for his birthday..the black Colt 1911 is a .45 and the most reliable and accurate gun i have ever owned/shot

i have not heard of the gun your talking about yet but taurus makes some great products.

Ok Dirty-Hairy,.... those are way to big to carry. Might as well carry a 12gaude/wich I have/w slugs for home protection. Two hollow-points, will do the trick. What is the "sig" model in the pic.. There is also a .40 in the slim... we'll see. Was just gonna go with the .380
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Ok Dirty-Hairy,.... those are way to big to carry. Might as well carry a 12gaude/wich I have/w slugs for home protection. Two hollow-points, will do the trick. What is the "sig" model in the pic.. There is also a .40 in the slim... we'll see. Was just gonna go with the .380

the sig is a P-250 i returned it the day after i bought it, the long trigger pull made it inaccurate and the carbine body just made me feel like i was packing a fake pistol, it was a 9mm

the only one too big to carry is the revolver, mostly because of the barrel (8 inches)

I havea remington 870 for home defense as well holds a 3 inch shell

have you thought about the Taurus judge for carry? It can shoot a .45 long or a 410 shot gun shell....
a 9 is a BB gun set to stun, if you wanna stop a perp get a .45 ;-)

here are a couple of my toys, the revolver is a .44 and Taurus..one of the most reliale guns i have ever owned and accurate as hell, i keep it by the bed for home defense...I carry the black 1911 and i gave the chrome 1911 to my little brother for his birthday..the black Colt 1911 is a .45 and the most reliable and accurate gun i have ever owned/shot

i have not heard of the gun your talking about yet but taurus makes some great products.

the sig is a P-250 i returned it the day after i bought it, the long trigger pull made it inaccurate and the carbine body just made me feel like i was packing a fake pistol, it was a 9mm

the only one too big to carry is the revolver, mostly because of the barrel (8 inches)

I havea remington 870 for home defense as well holds a 3 inch shell

have you thought about the Taurus judge for carry? It can shoot a .45 long or a 410 shot gun shell....

Sorry bro, the judge is ghey....... a coupl of my buddies have 'em. Cool for collectors i guess... If you guys saw/held a slim in person, u would get what im going after/compact. Just a bigger version of a Diamond-Back .380.Next on my list is a SKS/AR