Have you told your doctor your juicing ?

It's funny because ever since I started cycling I haven't gone to the doc once whether it be for the flu or bloodwork(use private lab for bloodwork). I've grown as well as gotten healthier ;)

its because juice is madd healthy for you and it will make you live longer. LOL.
if anything your dr patient relationship will kick in and she will monitor you and make suggestions ! good idea actually!
I'm 39. It's not like the states. AAS use is not illegal. What am I missing? You're saying if it's on record you did a cycle that they'll refuse health insurance? My work's drug plan?
Life insurance I could see. But do life insurance companies check medical records? Probably not. OF COURSE THEY WOULD ITS ALL ABOUT $$$ and your risk to them, even if they didnt check on the spot the risk is there You do have to state that you have a clean bill of health, but they can't access it themselves. if you say your a non smoker... then you get sick and they see you lied because you are a smoker, or when you try to collect they ask to look at record... your screwed...
You got me thinking, though. In the future I'll play it safe and say b12 or some herbal test boosters. Better safe than sorry.

it may not be criminal but it is "off script use/abuse of a drug" and it is illegal to have if not yours... it is NOT fully legal... criminal laws are not what we are talking about. its NOT fully legal, just like antibiotics are NOT fully legal, you need a script for them, sure there is not any HARSH laws on if you got caught with a bottle of anti-biotics.... but we are not talking police enforcement we are talking healthcare and insurance companies that are trying to keep (their) risks and loss's low.
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Never thought that deeply about it porkchop, good point!

no prob, allot don't think of it but its something to AT LEAST think about.
if going for a BIG surgery then i would still mention something like I took this pro-hormone or legal test booster so please check my blood to make sure healing and surgery would be ok..... I am NOT saying don't take care of yourself, I am saying THINK THINGS THROUGH is all. :-)
I'm not sure exactly how much of a concern this is to the more knowledgeable and experienced - what would you do if you are concerned with potential interactions with something you have been actually prescribed? Not just for the AAS but also for your PCT, etc.
I'm not sure exactly how much of a concern this is to the more knowledgeable and experienced - what would you do if you are concerned with potential interactions with something you have been actually prescribed? Not just for the AAS but also for your PCT, etc.

There are plenty websites online with drug interaction info, some of these are even what the professionals in the field use. All you have to do is input which medications you're currently on and/or plan on taking and you get a list of interactions based on grade (none, mild to severe) and with all the info you'd need to make an informed decision. Still no need to let your doctor know about ILLEGAL drug use.
I dated a nurse years ago and was invited to a huge Christmas party filled with surgeons. I've never seen so many stoners in all my life, including my frat days. :) Almost all of these docs/nurses were sneaking to the back deck to toke up. My girl warned me that this was an off the record party and to keep it on the down low. Makes you wonder if these guys and gals do this more than just once a year... They're good people and a few were/are top surgeons in town. It just surprised me to see them acting like kids. I didn't see one drunk at the party, but plenty of potheads.

The docs are highly unlikely to rat you out. I know many doctors today and they truly care about your health and well-being. The compassion is real. It takes a special type of person to be a doctor.

the worst part of it all, is that in society these people are looked up to and thought to be responsible, mature intelligent and superior individuals. Yeetttt i dont blame them for letting loose, everyones human, but 75% of people would NEVER expect it or even believe it if they heard something like that...who...Bob? noo way, he cant hes a doctor yada yada...WHAT? i just sold him and two surgens a 1/4 oz of blow each and a half jar of mollys. theyre just like everyone else.
I talk to my doc about it recently, and his reply was "Well you don't get paid for it so I wouldn't recommend it. Gain 5lbs of muscle and lose 5% bodyfat and tell me if you're still unhappy".
I dated a nurse years ago and was invited to a huge Christmas party filled with surgeons. I've never seen so many stoners in all my life, including my frat days. :) Almost all of these docs/nurses were sneaking to the back deck to toke up. My girl warned me that this was an off the record party and to keep it on the down low. Makes you wonder if these guys and gals do this more than just once a year... They're good people and a few were/are top surgeons in town. It just surprised me to see them acting like kids. I didn't see one drunk at the party, but plenty of potheads.

The docs are highly unlikely to rat you out. I know many doctors today and they truly care about your health and well-being. The compassion is real. It takes a special type of person to be a doctor.

Not surprising. I worked in all of the hospitals in my area while in college. I knew a guy who was a transport aid who was making as much money as the docs selling them cocaine. They make too much money, and they are the greediest and without a doubt the worst people I have ever worked with. They should be despised not looked up to. I will leave it at that.