having a problem with my hgh

i love the shit. waiting on a new shipment and i think i'm gonna bump it up to 3.5iu for the remainder of the summer..

I'm jealous, i couldn't afford GH this cycle so ended up with some CJC, will be interesting to see how it compares :)
my knees are a mess when i train. i load up with it all and dont hold back, but my knees take a beating and make a horrible creeking sound when i go up the stairs.
gets worst when i go fishing for a week and drink dozens of red bulls. :sulk::redhot:
I'm jealous, i couldn't afford GH this cycle so ended up with some CJC, will be interesting to see how it compares :)

You will be surprised it works good. Also you won't be as sleepy as the OP. rhGH slows down the thyroid, the CJC won't.

Are you dosing twice per day on an empty stomach? Also highly recommend adding GAC because arginine is shown to amplify GH secretion when injected with the peptides.

Also you need IPAM with the CJC.
You will be surprised it works good. Also you won't be as sleepy as the OP. rhGH slows down the thyroid, the CJC won't.

Are you dosing twice per day on an empty stomach? Also highly recommend adding GAC because arginine is shown to amplify GH secretion when injected with the peptides.

Also you need IPAM with the CJC.

After having injected GH for 2-3 times per day and sometimes 5 times per day total (igf1, hcg, prop etc) I decided to buy cjc DAC.
I will dose @ 500mcg every third day, so 1000mcg total per week.
Also looked at IPAM but felt it looked a bit weak... then I looked at Hexarelin and GHRP-2 but decided to go with GHRP-6 for the hunger and also the milder/to none increase in cortisol and prolactin levels, at least at my decided dose.
I will dose GHRP6 @ 142mcg per day, every night.
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Dosing peptides every 3 days? No no no, they do not work like rhGH. They create short spikes of HGH, really high. Maybe a 2 hour window. The idea is to mimic the male natural secretion pattern, and we secret GH multiple times per day.

If your not doing the peptides 2x per day you are wasting your time and money.

Oh I see you have DAC. That is for females dude :) It mimics a GH bleed
Dosing peptides every 3 days? No no no, they do not work like rhGH. They create short spikes of HGH, really high. Maybe a 2 hour window. The idea is to mimic the male natural secretion pattern, and we secret GH multiple times per day.

If your not doing the peptides 2x per day you are wasting your time and money.

Oh I see you have DAC. That is for females dude :) It mimics a GH bleed

Your information is outdated bro. First of all dac has an half life and constant pulse of about 8 days with no real drawbacks to Modified GRF(1-29) a.k.a CJC-1295.
You are correct that cjc should be taken minimum twice per day, preferably 3 times with whatever choice of GHRP of your choice, be it IPAM, GHRP 2/6, hexa, also to be taken twice per day. That would leave me with minimum 4 shots per day, excluding HCG, testo, bvitamin. Which makes some days 6 injections... Been there, done that, no thanks.

The first study was done in women, you are correct there... But there's also been follow up clinical trials on men...



The CJC-1295 DAC study, during which women took this peptide for 90 days is called
GHRH 1-44, if you want to do some reading. But the basics are as follow. The results indicated several key benefits, including an increase in hGH and IGF-1 levels. The finding also showed a reduction in stomach fat or fat mass and an increase in athletic physical performance like running and weights lifting. It sure sounds like a good one to increase your fitness levels quickly if you***8217;ve been slacking off for a while.


Meanwhile, another CJC-1295 DAC study conducted in 2004, involved men and also produced similar results to Modified GRF 1-29. There was a 200% increase in the IGF-1 and hGH levels, So not only does it increase the hGH level, it also increases the substrate required for the anabolic reactions to occur. Which basically means that more hGH can be utilized, which means muscle hypertrophy occurs faster, all that happened while abdominal fat was reduced. The results also indicated an improvement in physical performance for those doing cardio or lifting weights.

And Another Study

Based on a 2006 CJC-1295 DAC study, the peptide showed its potential as a long-term simulator of both the IGF-1 and hGH levels. The study indicated an increase in hGH anywhere from 200% up to 1000%, and this after a single daily injection for six days. Remember CJC-1295 DAC half life is extremely long consequently the hGH level remained higher than normal for up to a month in healthy test subjects aged between 21 and 61.
Knowing that this peptide has a long half-life, which eliminates the threat of food interactions that might reduce its efficacy, making it a convenient altenative to MOD GRF 1-29. People that have used CJC-1295 DAC claimed the peptide***8217;s effectiveness in achieving their desired goals, but experts do not recommend using this peptide for more than 6 months without taking some time off to avoid damaging the pituitary gland.
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Just saying man, DAC will make you secret GH in a different manor than without it. No one said it doesn't stimulate GH, but it saturates as your literature confirms.

Males produce GH in short pulsatile manor. This is one of the reasons we have less water retention than women, and why rhGH or DAC will give you more water retention.

Also this is why rhGH or something with DAC will suppress the thyroid, and peptides without DAC will not.

No biggie man, just wanted to let you know.
Just saying man, DAC will make you secret GH in a different manor than without it. No one said it doesn't stimulate GH, but it saturates as your literature confirms.

Males produce GH in short pulsatile manor. This is one of the reasons we have less water retention than women, and why rhGH or DAC will give you more water retention.

Also this is why rhGH or something with DAC will suppress the thyroid, and peptides without DAC will not.

No biggie man, just wanted to let you know.

Just misunderstanding in translation. Yeh, cjc will mimic "true" gh secretion but bro... I just can't handle 4-6 pins per day again... The last months I HATED it beyond belief and I'll still have to do everyday shots for the GHRP-6 :P
I will also only run for 10 weeks, bit short but couldn't afford more and got a discount deal :)
IMT/IMT Staff.
Can i get your opinion on the differences/benefits and drawbacks from using IPAM, HEXRA, GHRP-2 or GHRP-6?
I suppose you prefer ipam but for what reason?
Well the IPAM CJC doesn't stimulate cortisol, so it won't make you as bloated or tired thats why I prefer that one.

The GHRP 6 and GHRP 2 are strong but they stimulate cortisol and 2 stimulates prolactin.

So those are more like deca, IPAM/CJC would give you more of a tren effect.

Injecting 2 times per day is fine, you don't have to do more than that. 3 is good, but not necessary.

Hope this helps.
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It helped :)
But i thought GHRP-6 only increase cortisol and prolactin at doses over 200mcg (or if it was 100mcg, to lazy to google it again)?
But both hexra and GHRP-2 increases both at any dosage while IPAM does not increase anything regardless of dose?

Thats why I choose GHRP-6, felt like middle ground in terms of health and gains :)

How long before the hunger kicks in? Recently stopped smoking weed and my appetite is in the negative thousands lol...
Have had one meal per day for the past days...
The hunger comes the second shot i suppose...
That shit was scary....

I forgot to take my second shot before bed yesterday...
Hadn't eaten and figured I'd give it a shot, loaded up about 200mcg and injected S.C in belly.
Took about 5-10 minutes and I started sweating, no cold sweating but warm sweating and we're not talking a little bit... I soaked the whole tshirt in about 10 minutes, it was dripping down sweat down my legs onto the floor, im using the word literally correct here, I was literally showering in my own sweat... You can't even imagine it.... I can only compare it to taking XTC with coke and being in an underground rave with hundreds of people sweating... And i'm not even sure the later beats the sweating I had today...

Then the hunger came...omg...the hunger...
I ate anything in sight... A whole watermelon, a box of strawberries, 2 minibaguettes with ham, a box of blueberries, a whole liter of milk...
Then i started cold sweating, which lasted for about 10 more minutes, then I the hunger subsided and I got super tired and coma slept until now...

I guess there's a reason why its stated to take before bed lol...
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The hunger is unreal...
Had half a rotisserie chicken with 2 sides 90 min ago...
Can't even tell I've eaten all day, its so fucking extreme i'm afraid I'll start gaining fat now...
Is 3J still around?

I don't even eat/have this hunger when I smoke weed lol... So if anyone struggles with eating on cycle? Get some GHRP-6 lol....
I've had it increasingly harder to bust a nut.
Which is weird...
Because I don't have high estrogen...but.. GHRP6 increases prolactin levels.

So could GHRP be the culprit?
Should I just let it be?
Add caber to the mix (have it from old tren run)?

Any input would be lovely.
And since the GHRP6 worked so fantastic with hunger, I decided to try out GHRP2 as well for the fat loss.
Will start soon as first vial of GHRP is gone :D
Weird, i always pinned morning / afternoon but lately switched up to just before bedtime and THAT makes me sleep real good, specially considering I have insomnia.
Still, i'd try it bro, inject 90 min before you go to sleep and see if it makes a difference. Thats when your body produces the most anyhow so your sleeping should be accustomed to it so to speak :)

Also should ask, anything different in your life? diet, habits?
Defiantly the way to go. Let us know how it goes op