real quick stupid question about hcg. coming up on my first cycle and am pretty sure i have everything down to a t, except hcg. Was going to order 5000ius, mix 5ccs in it and do .25/cc injections twice a week for a total of 500ius per week. that would last 10 weeks if i am not mistaken. however i plan to do a 12 week test e only cycle so i would need a little more. could i order another hcg, say 2000ius for another 4 weeks, for the four extra weeks (plan to do hcg weeks 1-14 which is then when i would start pct) ahead of time or would it expire. Even if i hadn't administered the bacteriostatic water? Or would i have to wait until i needed it to order again because i find the latter way problematic because shipping can sometimes take a few weeks? Basically what does everyone else do in this situation? thanks guys
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