HCG for 24 Weeks - Test Cycle


New member
I run 24 weeks Test E Cycle at 2x 250mg per week.

Is there a problem of using 2x250iu HCG per week for 24 weeks ??

(I use Exemestan 12.5mg everyday)
no there isn't.. if anything it will lower the chances of a bad recovery..

though 24 weeks is a very long time to cycle.. why go that long? there is a chance you wont recover well

what are your stats?

training history

is this your first cycle?

24.5 years old
3 years solid training
5 foot 11 inches
~85kg at under 10% body fat

Or here:
View attachment 562638
24 weeks is far too long for a 24yr old to be shutting himself down.... split it into 2 cycles, and give yourself a chance of avoiding a lifetime of TRT in your twenties...
24 weeks is far too long for a 24yr old to be shutting himself down.... split it into 2 cycles, and give yourself a chance of avoiding a lifetime of TRT in your twenties...

Yea thats what most english-speaking people say, but in german forums all people say at least 20 Weeks ! less is not worth it

So this cycle for 12 weeks is much better right ? Then recovering 24 weeks and start a 2nd cycle again ?

Whats about the 10 days 1000iu HCG phase, when to start ? Directly after last Test E shot ?
If you had read the stickies - like everyone has advised you too - you'd know how to run HCG throughout cycle.

Quite simple: You run 500iu weekly from day 1 until 3 days before PCT - split the 500iu into 2 x 250iu injections every 3.5 days.

Here's some info on the blasting phase options... I would also recommend reading 3J's thread
in the sticky section about storing your hCG in syringes (freezing them) if you are only running 500iu's
of hCG a week... I run mine at 500iu's twice a week because of heaver cycles so I go through it in
half the time so I don't really have a need to freeze them for my usage.

Blast hcg during the time period you are waiting for the suppressive compounds to leave your system..

A) starting the day after your last injection,
B) up until 3-4 days before SERM treatment.

Here are four blast phase options - depending on your cycle.

1) 500iu's every day.
2) 750iu's every day.
3) 1,000iu's every other day.
4) 1,500iu's every other day.

Hcg directly stimulate's aromatization in the leydig cells (located in the testis) some people develop Gyno
when taking ***8220;high***8221; doses of hcg - so keep this in mind when running the blasting phase.

"Read the sticky's" :beertoast
Quite an old fashioned method that REPO...

I agree, it comes in handy for users that have overlooked HCG and are nearing the end of their cycle...

But for a newbie who is planning their cycle and ordering their gear before the cycle has started - I would always advise kicking off the HCG from day 1.

Why try and reverse something - that really didn't need to be reversed in the first place?
Yeah for sure bigben... I have never had a need to mess with the blasting hCG phase for myself.

My preferred recommendation is to simply start at day one - with two different variations of 250iu's twice a week
for light cycles - and 500iu's twice a week for heavy cycles.

I've always found - 5 weeks on, 1 week off - then repeat... to work great, and then simply discontinue 3-4 days
prior to SERM treatment.

I should also mention... for me blasting and cruising, I follow the 5 on 1 off and will also
take a break for a few weeks from hCG when I'm just running testosterone.
On my heavy cycles I do the same as you, in fact I do it whenever I'm on... 500iu x 2 weekly
All my cycles are heavy these days :)

Go hard - or go home ;)
Thanks for the infos !

Whats the point of stopping cycle after 12 weeks ?

Why not running longer, for example 20 weeks, at lower dose Test E @ 300mg per week ?

I mean If I split the mentioned 24 weeks into 2 cycles and the first one is already dosed at 500mg/wk, then the 2nd cycle will has to be much higher dosage to get gains ?
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I'm still new to this but in my opinion I believe you have some serious reading to do Germ. Feel free to correct me, anyone for that matter, but 20 weeks is pretty long on a body that's new to injections. Also there's a sticky up top that shows a study between 300mg vs 600mg, the 600mg had better results. Even at 20 weeks, think of when your next cycle would be. Could you really wait another 20 weeks + pct for your second cycle? Also you've stated that you wanted to run a 500mg followed by a 600mg, you can find threads where people run only "beginner" cycles and still make gains. Seems like everyone's first cycle provides the most gains. Remember that you're only 25ish, life is not a sprint.