HCG i just got has an expiration date of NOV 2014, okay to use?


New member
Not sure if I can reveal the brand but I just got 2- 5,000 iu vials of hcg and saw that the expiration date was Nov 2014. Has anyone ever used hcg past the expiration date? I will be using it at 250 iu x2 per week for 12 weeks starting january so the first vial would be 2 months old. And the second vial would be used around 4 months past expiration. They will be stored in the fridge until reconstituted and then they will all be put into slin pins dosed at 250iu and stored in the freezer. Then thawed 24 hours before usage.
In terms of safety your fine. Most drugs just begin to decline in effectiveness over long periods of time after the expiration date... the expiry date is just how long they've tested it at 100% effectiveness for. It might not even begin to decline for a good while after.

That being said, hCG is generally used to help your recovery when you come off so... I wouldn't personally be taking any chances. I'd just get more :)
Id use it without a second thought. You will know almost instantly if there is any issue and you can get more if needed but I suspect no issues.
Awesome, thank you guys. I've been doing a lot of research and pharmacies/ sources all recommend different protocols for storing hcg for longer term use. I will definitely be storing both unconstituted vials in the freezer until usage. I'm noticing that the expiration date is more of a recommended use by date for its full potential. One poster on another forum stated that hcg in bac water would potentially be at risk for damage if it went through several freeze thaw cycles due to the freezing of the molecules ( and breaking of bonds). I am still on the fence about freezing pins full of 250iu despite the fact that I will not allow my frozen pins to be frozen or thawed more than once. I will certainly test the first 5,0000iu vial with a prego test but what dose should I use? The bare minimum for the tests confirmation level? I will keep it in the fridge until I get a definitive stance on freezing pre-filled pins. Any other suggestions guys?
I have been freezing my pre-filled pins and have not noticed any degredation. IOW, my boys have stayed plump.
Not really instantly, but within a week or two you will know because the boys will plump back up to normal size. If they do not, it is not working.

Ah, so assuming atrophy has already taken place... that makes sense. I was more thinking of its use as a preventative measure.