hcg injection question


New member
when injecting hcg in the fat around your mid section, ,do you inject on an angle or stiaght in? or doesn't it matter, i went straight in today and after i noticed a little trickal of blood afterward no big deal i guess:cool:
Get a pinch of fat and inject into that, don't just jab it in your guts. A 1/2" slim pin and I never have isssues. My ass I just jab in when I use that spot :)
Get a pinch of fat and inject into that, don't just jab it in your guts. A 1/2" slim pin and I never have isssues. My ass I just jab in when I use that spot :)

Mopar...... Please clarify the last sentence of your quote! Is there something you are not telling all your MAXIMUS brethren....? Other than the fact that you STILL refuse to fly our flag!....:gay2:
Hey Mopar, pinnin in the ass is one thing, but when it comes to jabbin in that spot, mine says EXIT ONLY! (lol)