HDL/tryclyceride levels & prohormones


New member
Just got a blood test back today. It showed my trycliceride levels being 478, my cholesterol levels being 250+/-, and HDL being 33. Cholesterol is a little high, HDL is a little low and tri's are through the roof.

Is it ok to do a short cycle of halodrol or do I need to get these numbers straighten out first???

Going to go see a doc next week. I have feeling he might want to put me on meds to bring down the tri levels. I read somewhere that prohormones can lower HDL levels more than typical and I am already low. Also read that nolva can increase trycliceride levels. The more I sit here and type the more skeptical I become.
I am going to be starting a diet on Monday. Hopefully the doctor tells me my problem can be solved with a good diet. I will try to post some pictures of myself if I can figure out how to do so. In the meantime I was hoping to get some tips on eating habits. My primary goal is to get cholesterol and tryclicerides in balance but would also like to loose some of my fat gut.

I am almost 28 years old, 5'11, 230lbs. and approximately 25% body fat. I plan on hitting the gym for approximately 5 days a week. One hour of weights followed by 30 minutes of cardio. Also plan on adding in a 6th day for cardio only (probably about 1 hour).

Does anyone have a good idea of what my calorie intake should be? I can always adjust if it doesnt work but my main goal is to get heart healthy numbers which I believe are elevated in the first place due to my previous poor eating habits.
On a side note the reason I posted it in this forum is because I want to run H-drol during the diet cylce. Is this a bad idea or does it really matter?
I would recommend cleaning up the diet and throwing in cardio then after that IF you decide on Halodrol/Helladrol i would HIGHLY recommend you take N2-Guard while on cycle to support healthy cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular health. It sounds like i'm generically recommending my companies product but this stuff is the real deal. I do not eat clean by any means either and i just am finishing an Epi cycle. Stuff should be a staple for all PH cycles.

But like i said start with the diet getting straightened out/add in some cardio and then consider Helladrol/Halodrol i swear to god you will not be disappointed and you will get better results!
On a side note the reason I posted it in this forum is because I want to run H-drol during the diet cylce. Is this a bad idea or does it really matter?

Usually Halodrol/Epi cycles you can get away with lower calories but it is recommended you actually eat MORE while on cycle to maximize your gains, you'll lose fat without a doubt. It will also help improve your strength and mood. If anything i'd recommend eating maintenance calories you'll drop fat faster and you will gain more lean mass.
Just got a blood test back today. It showed my trycliceride levels being 478, my cholesterol levels being 250+/-, and HDL being 33. Cholesterol is a little high, HDL is a little low and tri's are through the roof.

Is it ok to do a short cycle of halodrol or do I need to get these numbers straighten out first???

Going to go see a doc next week. I have feeling he might want to put me on meds to bring down the tri levels. I read somewhere that prohormones can lower HDL levels more than typical and I am already low. Also read that nolva can increase trycliceride levels. The more I sit here and type the more skeptical I become.

Get those numbers into the healthy range before playing anymore games with your health man! The high trigs conern me more so than being 7 shy of a healthy HDL and a bit high on the LDL.

Fish oil will lower the trigs! start taking 8 grams of fish oil per day and watch those numbers drop!
I was reading up on Super Cissus Rx and it's suppose to help heal bones and ligaments and undry the joints.Looking more into Cissus is Cissus Quadrangularis .....It helps lower the Cholesterol as to help lower body fat.Even had studies with a control group and the ones taking Cissus Quadrangularis lost weigh around the waist and had alot lower cholesterol.

I don't think its ok to do anything but bring down your fat and cholesterol...don't take a prescription to lower your cholesterol and do a short cycle of halo.Thats just plain dumb.

Do cardio on separate days.So you don't overtrain.Just add another 5 more reps with lighter weights for 3 months until everything checks out normal (13-18 reps)

Clean up diet...No fast foods,beer,wine,smoking,pizza and if you feel light headed as you need a sugar bar.You can tell when you feel you need something when you're hungry and protein snakes don't cut it.I'd grab a candy bar with peanuts in it.
Went to the doctor today and he prescribed me crestor. Said my cholesterol wasnt really that bad (nothing that minor diet would'nt fix) and that my tryclicerides are most likely hereditary. On a low dose of crestor (10mg a day) for two months and then going back for another blood test.

I have put myself on a 2,000-2,500cal. a day diet. Going to consume approximately 200g protein/200g carbs/80g fats per day. This is going to be a huge change in my eating habits but I am on day two and its going well so far.

I know it may sound stupid but I think I am going to start the H-stane cycle. After talking with the doctor and he did not sound overly concerned I think it will be ok. Your thoughts????
you should really hold off from running anything until you get those numbers back under control, you can't mess with your cardiac health. Get on one of 3j's programs and get your diet cleaned up, take care of yourself so that you can enjoy the results of your cycles...
I appreciate what you guys are saying and I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my questions. Here is a question though. He has prescribed me a drug which lowers cholesterol and trycl. so why can't I take the H-stane???

Again thanks for all the help.
Most body aliment sometimes have to do with bad bacteria in the digestive tract.Super Cissus Rx in their studies also show that it lowers the bacteria and helps the body to heal aliments,fat loss so I was thinking to throw in some live,active cultures from Yogurt.

Any type of yogurt..not the fat free or fruits on the bottom..just plain yogurt and have the label read "live and active cultures".

Therefore...All the good bacteria will overpower the bad bacteria (medicine,weigh loss,better absorption of foods) since you're going back to the doctor again for blood tests..why not throw in some daily yogurt and see if there's an improvement.
I appreciate what you guys are saying and I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my questions. Here is a question though. He has prescribed me a drug which lowers cholesterol and trycl. so why can't I take the H-stane???

Again thanks for all the help.

What did he give you, Niaspan? To answer your question honestly... you could take whatever you want, but you should get yourself in better shape before you run ANYTHING. I know it hurts to hear sometimes, I know from personal experience. Your long term health is much more important than looking good for the summer. Plus you won't get to really see the results like you will be able to when you are leaner...
Fish oil will lower the trigs! start taking 8 grams of fish oil per day and watch those numbers drop!

^^^This, fish oil will drop trigs fast as long as other aspects are within reason (diet)

Niacin and Toco-8 for the HDL, and I suggest cardio and a change in diet for the total.

You may need a statin, although I would pursue all other possible means first.
Thanks for the input guys. My doctor prescribed me crestor and I am now on a low fat diet. Consuming between 2,000-2,500 calories. 200-250g of protein and a similar amount of carbs. Keeping fat intake low. Crestor should bring triglycerides down and cholesterol down.

I know it's I'll advised to start the cycle but my doctor said my numbers were not that big of a deal.
Thanks for the advice guys. As for niacin...I don't think you are supposed to take it and crestor together. Never heard to toco-8.

Does anyone see a problem with my diet as far as protein, carbs and fats go???
Good news. My first cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) went well. Just had a blood test today and my levels are back to normal. I started the cycle with elevated cholesterol and tryglicerides. I took crestor (which is a statin) for two months and now everything is in the normal range.

Bottom line... If you are worried about prohormones messing up your cholesterol levels then you might want to think about taking a statin with them.

Getting ready to start my second cycle. I will let you know how it goes.
Well I just picked up my blood test results today. They are not as good as the nurse made it sound on the phone but still a big improvement in most areas.

Trigs-178 (big improvement from 478)
HDL-28 (previous was 33. This is not an improvement and is below average)
LDL-88 (normal range is 0-100)
Chol- 150 (back in normal range)
ALT-67 (slightly elevated)

I was on h-stane for one month and followed it with clomid for pct. I also took a statin called crestor.
I forgot to mention my results. I started at 230lbs and got down to 218lbs before I started the cycle. bulked up to 234 in the fourth week of cycle. Had to take two weeks off from lifting upper body due to slight injuries but kept the legs going and started the clomid for pct.

Went back to the bench press today and my strength is still there but my weight has droped to 225lbs. I feel good, strong as ever and am ready for another cycle.:beertoast