Hdrol cut ?


New member
I am thinking of running a hdrol clone at 25 or 50 a day while cutting some weight and trying to maintain some strength..has anyone ever done anything similar.? Or have suggestions on dosage. Im currently on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at 150mg a week and also arimidex at 1mg a week. Shot and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosed 75mg test-c, .5 arimidex x2 a week...im 32, 6'3" and have stayed around 275lbs for a while and am down to arround 255lbs now. So far my strength hasnt been too bad. For example i was benching around 405 and am currently in the last part of ed coan and did 370 2x3 fairly easy yesterday...no as or ph history
Whats your test level with pinning 150mg/week?

I wouldn't do anything less than 50mg/day of hdrol even 75 is a moderate dose...If you're looking for strength Epi is generally a better choice which I also think would be cheaper running Epi @30mg/day
Havent had levels tested at this dose. My last bloods showed 402 on day b4 injection when i was pinning 100mg a week.. What can i expect from epi on a cal deficit
Epi I guess is similar to hdrol but it kicks in quicker and is more strength orientated whereas hdrol is more size orientated. Since you are cutting cals you're not going to be adding muscle so if it was me I would opt for the Epi +strength gains. Also Epi is a fairly dry compound and decreases estrogen which is a plus while cutting
epi is more androgenic than helladrol. Helladrol is a very very solid product though. And either work well for a cut.
50mg of h drol or 30mg of epi will keep strength while your on no cals really. both are good. hella will take a bit longer to work tho...(like 5-6days longer)
running hella under 75mg is a waste of time and money... 75 mg is a sweet spot on it but 100 will produce you awesome gains and trust me, you can gain size and still shred on it if your diet and training are spot on...