Heart rate post workout question


Do any of you actually monitor your heart rate after a workout ?

If so, how long does it take to return to normal ?

Mine seens to stay some what elevated for a few hours after, just wondering if this is normal.
I don't think a few hours is normal. I have never checked but 30-45 minutes would be my guess.
I usually take my BP and heart rate as soon as i get home from the gym( usually 15 minutes later). It never seems to be elevated at all for me.
Mine stays up for a while I usually take my bp and heart rate about an hour after I get home from the gym and my heart rate is still in the high 70s. It is usually in the low to mid 60s.
I guess an example of what I'm talking about is in order.

My resting heart rate is right around 70 bpm, during my workout it stays between 115 - 135, last night an hour later, (after sitting and watching TV for an hour), it was 95 bpm, with a bp of 120/62. Another hour later (2 hrs after workout) it was still 92 bpm.
That seems like a long time for your heart rate to stay up there. Mine starts coming down in about an hour.
I'm surprised esp w/ your meds.
Usually one's state of CV fitness is higher if the elevation of heart rate resolves fairly quickly after exertion. Why it's staying up, I don't know.
Other meds? Clen or NYC? Anxiety/boldenone? Caffeine intake? Just shooting in the dark here.
Gimp said:
How did you determine that your resting heart rate is 70?

That is what it is first thing in the morning, or when I am sitting upright, not moving, in a relaxed state fot at least 15 minutes.
buffdoc said:
I'm surprised esp w/ your meds.
Usually one's state of CV fitness is higher if the elevation of heart rate resolves fairly quickly after exertion. Why it's staying up, I don't know.
Other meds? Clen or NYC? Anxiety/boldenone? Caffeine intake? Just shooting in the dark here.

Yeah it's weird, I'm not taking anything else that should affect it. No other meds, clen, ECA, NYC, caffeine, nothing.

I think what I'll try is start taking my beta-blocker sooner after my workout, see if that makes a difference.

I have an appointment to get a "holter" for monitoring, but not for a couple of weeks yet.